MHS 19: PATENTED MORGELLONS: INSECT HORMONE ECDYSONE SWITCHES DISEASE ON/OFF See Morgellons at Citizens Against Harmful Technology NARRATED version:… Supporting research at… The only way genetic transformations in Morgellons can occur is with the strict tight control by inducible expression systems such as ecdysone. Here is a model of the ecdysone receptor molecule. This is what the new DNA inserts, a… Continue reading MHS 19: PATENTED MORGELLONS: INSECT HORMONE ECDYSONE SWITCHES DISEASE ON/OFF

4% of human flesh in all meat sold in the US – Stop craving for McDonald’s you slave !

Like always your “Ulemas, Muftis” are unaware of this… Due to which this Satun aka Serpent Cult is progressing and getting away with all of this… -A The FDA allows 4% of human flesh in all meat sold in the US | 300,000 children from the US, every year, and that they drain their blood,… Continue reading 4% of human flesh in all meat sold in the US – Stop craving for McDonald’s you slave !