Ancient snake drawings are among the largest known rock art worldwide

What the following article doesn’t tells us is that ancient Serpent cults have existed since the history of humanity. And are still found to this day. One such example is the Jesuit Order! -A

Rock art along the Orinoco river in South America is made up of some of the largest etchings we know of and could date back 2000 years

Animal etchings into rocks along the Orinoco River in South America
Animal etchings into rocks along the Orinoco river in South AmericaPhilip Riris et al.

Prehistoric engravings of giant snakes along South America’s Orinoco river are among the largest examples of rock art we know of anywhere in the world, with some stretching for more than 40 metres.

The Orinoco is one of the world’s largest rivers, flowing through Venezuela and along its border with Colombia. “There’s an outstanding record of rock art along the Orinoco, especially on the Venezuelan side,” says José Oliver at University College London. “Usually, they are paintings found in rock shelters.”

Engravings are common in many open-air sites along the river, he says, but not all of them have been officially recorded.

The Makapansgat pebble is seen on display as part of the exhibition

The archaeological finds that show art is far older than our species

We used to trace the origins of art to Stone Age Europe. Now we have evidence of artistic sensibility in earlier hominins, from Neanderthals to Homo erectus and beyond

Since 2015, Oliver and his colleagues have taken several trips to areas along the Colombian and Venezuelan margins of the river to build a better picture of its rock engravings.

“It wasn’t difficult to encounter new sites,” says team member Philip Riris at Bournemouth University in the UK. “Every time you go round a corner, there was always more.”


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