Evidence over hysteria COVID-19

GET OVER WITH THE HYSTERIA AND FOLLOW THE FACTS – PROVE SOMETHING TRUE OR FALSE WITH FACTS AND NOT HYSTERIA ! – A https://www.spreadthis.info:4443/03.%20%20%20%20%20Covid-19%20Statistics/Evidence%20over%20hysteria%20%97%20COVID-19%20-%20Six%20Four%20Six%20Nine%20-%20Medium.pdf

Tucker Carlson: Two COVID vaccine questions that no one will answer

We’ve heard an awful lot about the coronavirus vaccine over the last several months. It’s a massive scientific achievement, something all Americans can be proud of. But that’s not the context in which we’ve heard about it. Source: https://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/tucker-carlson-two-covid-vaccine-questions-that-no-one-will-answer/285101 https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-covid-vaccine-johnson-and-johnson-pause

“That’s Not Orwellian, THIS Is Orwellian”: Aussies Mulling ID For Access To Facebook, Twitter, Tinder

The Australian government is mulling a proposal which would require citizens to provide at least two forms of identification if they want to use social media, under the guise of ‘battling online bullying’ and more easily report users to authorities. Source: https://davidicke.com/2021/04/13/thats-not-orwellian-this-is-orwellian-aussies-mulling-id-for-access-to-facebook-twitter-tinder/