Written by journal-neo.org The forever-head of the US NIAID, Tony Fauci, has repeatedly demanded that the public “trust the science” as he shifts his own science opinion from one positon to another. What is never mentioned in mainstream media in the West or almost anywhere in the world is the scientific record of… Continue reading Why Should We Trust The ‘Science’ of the Pharma Industry?
Category: EMF
COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud
COVID 19, and the subsequent governmental responses, appear to be part of an international conspiracy to commit fraud. It seems there is no evidence that a virus called SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called COVID 19. Sometimes you have to go with your gut. I am not an expert in genetics and, as ever, stand to… Continue reading COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud
SPACEX TO BEGIN WORLDWIDE SERVICE IN AUGUST by Arthur Firstenberg, Author: The Invisible Rainbow.
Those of you experiencing weird symptoms like blisters on the feet especially in and around toes, or extreme lethargy, apathy etc should better read this and act accordingly and wake the Fuck up ! IT’S NEVER TOO LATE – A On June 29, 2021, Elon Musk spoke at the Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona,… Continue reading SPACEX TO BEGIN WORLDWIDE SERVICE IN AUGUST by Arthur Firstenberg, Author: The Invisible Rainbow.
Developing, Mastering and Weaponizing new technology to control you By Preston James, Ph.D – August 6, 2018
Not only has the Ruling Cabal deployed its newly developed high technology to spy on us all, but has weaponized it to entrain the minds of the masses to conform to their Globalist NWO Agenda and policies. . The actual total is considered classified but you can bet it is now very near to… Continue reading Developing, Mastering and Weaponizing new technology to control you By Preston James, Ph.D – August 6, 2018
The Human Microchipping Agenda
This is an old article from 2013 by Humans Are Free but still discusses and takes into account all the sinister agendas that were kept in mind while designing these chips – A Would You Like A CHIP To Go With That Hot Dog? When I was recently at the local SPCA office to adopt… Continue reading The Human Microchipping Agenda
These are a few patents you can look up to debunk those who say Govts are their saviours and won’t do any harm to them thus telling you that such technologies do not exist, show them these patents. http://vault.campfire-soft.com/index.php/s/H4pZSYF2oBn4dN2 Note: Please. Do not tamper with the above link.
Scientific Literature backing evidence that EMF/5G are cancer promoters
http://vault.campfire-soft.com/index.php/s/rKW4nRCajLgFp43 Note: Please. Do not tamper with the above link.
5G Hidden Dangers How telecom, Govts and Electric Power Supplies suppress the truth.
http://vault.campfire-soft.com/index.php/s/osHLncF656sBwiW Note: Please. Do not tamper with the above link.
Martin Pall 5G Risk Scientific Perspective
http://vault.campfire-soft.com/index.php/s/osHLncF656sBwiW Note: Please Do not tamper with the above link
GeoEngineering / Climate Control / Weather Modification See for yourself and Wake Up.
This is a very profound in nature documentary on the subject of weather modification aka geo engineering aka Chemtrails. Please do watch, download and spread the word. http://vault.campfire-soft.com/index.php/s/oBxMtjrPXLwxdPF Note: Please do not tamper with the above links. They are being monitored 24/7.