Mandate or Freedom: An open letter to corporate CEOs by Jon Rappoport

Let’s be frank. Who in his right mind would appeal to corporate CEOs on fundamental issues of ethics and freedom? But this is 1776. We’re at the crossroads. Are you going to order your employees to take the COVID vaccine? Are you going to fire those who won’t? Are you going to take away their freedom, for a… Continue reading Mandate or Freedom: An open letter to corporate CEOs by Jon Rappoport

If the virus actually existed by Jon Rappoport

…and it doesn’t… There would be no way to stop it. It would have spread so far and so deep… The only answer would be: LIVE THROUGH IT. Period. Have a look at the open borders of the US. Have a look at the packed football stands every weekend across the US. Have a look at Israel,… Continue reading If the virus actually existed by Jon Rappoport

Natural immunity vs. Vaccine-induced immunity: the issue that terrifies the pro-vaxx mafia by Jon Rappoport

As my readers know, I’ve been proving, for the past year, that the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist. Therefore, the whole issue of immunity is a non-starter. Immune to what? To a phantom. A myth. A superstition. A fairy tale. A collective hallucination. NEVERTHELESS, I make frequent forays into the fantasy bubble-world, where millions and millions of people believe the virus is real,… Continue reading Natural immunity vs. Vaccine-induced immunity: the issue that terrifies the pro-vaxx mafia by Jon Rappoport

Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead


Medical weapons and fake data sets; how destruction multiplies by Jon Rappoport

The mainstream reports I’m including in this article—I’ve written about them before. They form a grotesque track record of medical-cartel harm inflicted on the population. I give you these reports again to point out how fake data sets multiply and spread, causing even more destruction. For example—let’s consider a drug called X. In fact, it is killing… Continue reading Medical weapons and fake data sets; how destruction multiplies by Jon Rappoport

More on the missing Biden EO and the missing vaccine mandate by Jon Rappoport

Yesterday, I wrote that there is no Biden Executive Order mandating the vaccine for all companies with more than 100 employees. Several readers have mistakenly pointed to the EO that mandates the COVID vaccine for federal employees, federal contractors, and (now) sub-contractors. That’s NOT the EO I’m talking about. Now I’ve learned that, apparently, Biden (his… Continue reading More on the missing Biden EO and the missing vaccine mandate by Jon Rappoport

Dangerous speech versus free speech; mobs of ignoramuses by Jon Rappoport

Many, many people believe that spreading COVID falsehoods can be so dangerous that censorship is absolutely necessary. This view happens to be the central refuge of liars. It turns out that big-time liars always want to censor their opponents. It’s the only leg they have to stand on. In an atmosphere of free discourse, they would fall.… Continue reading Dangerous speech versus free speech; mobs of ignoramuses by Jon Rappoport

Where is the Biden Executive Order mandating the vaccine? Does it exist? by Jon Rappoport

I’m talking about the Executive Order (EO) commanding all US companies with more than 100 employees to mandate the COVID vaccine for those employees. I can’t find the EO. I don’t see it in the Federal Register, where it’s supposed to be published. If it hasn’t been published, then there is no mandate. If there is… Continue reading Where is the Biden Executive Order mandating the vaccine? Does it exist? by Jon Rappoport

The fixation on the One, and the obsession with a Virus; the Individual vs. the Collective Trance by Jon Rappoport

More than anything, this piece reflects my approach to my work. My work as a reporter, as a poet, as an individual. When I wrote my first book in 1988, AIDS INC., I showed that HIV was not the cause of AIDS. In fact, there was no AIDS. That was a label slapped on a variety of health… Continue reading The fixation on the One, and the obsession with a Virus; the Individual vs. the Collective Trance by Jon Rappoport

California, you had your chance to recall Newsom; now he’s putting the poisoned needle into all your children by Jon Rappoport

Gavin Newsom is your vampire, California. His new mandate for injecting devastating COVID vaccines into all schoolchildren in 7th grade and above—which will eventually be expanded to ALL schoolchildren—is a gold rush quite different from the 19th century voyage. This one is pharmaceutical-profit gold. Maybe the following self-congratulatory and forward-looking business statement from the state… Continue reading California, you had your chance to recall Newsom; now he’s putting the poisoned needle into all your children by Jon Rappoport


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