Truth isn’t scared of borders, the illusion of secular humanism and gay war on men.

The woman being interviewed is rock solid and stands her grounds, she knows well what’s she saying on men turning into women across EU. One of the goals of this agenda was to bring down western society, ethics, moral values and civilzation altogether, you can listen to her clearly what she’s warning of, speaking from… Continue reading Truth isn’t scared of borders, the illusion of secular humanism and gay war on men.

20,000-seater gladiator arena from Roman era unearthed in Turkey

Archaeologists in Turkey have discovered the remains of a “magnificent” Roman-era arena, where up to 20,000 spectators likely cheered and jeered as they watched gladiator matches and wild animal fights, the excavators said.  

Biden sleeps, perchance to dream – Jon Rappoport

In his bed in the White House residence, President Joe Biden sleeps. He begins dreaming. A familiar figure appears. A man in a dark suit. Biden has seen him many times in his dreams over the years. The man is not God or the Devil or an angel. He is a messenger. From where? Unknown.… Continue reading Biden sleeps, perchance to dream – Jon Rappoport


For those who want to understand the whole hoax in concise, I suggest they should learn from the following 5 part series. The website also features greatest discovery and ground breaking work of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer a German doctor who died back in 2017 before Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Thomas Cowan he was… Continue reading FIVE PARTS SERIES ON COVAIDs – 19 BY GERMAN NEW MEDICINE