Cease Fire for Shotsđź’‰

Israel has agreed to a series of pauses in fighting in Gaza in September to allow young children in the enclave to be vaccinated for polio, according to United Nations and Israeli officials.

Since when do wars take a break for vaccinations? Have you ever heard of something so absurd. Even more absurd, the reason is ONE 11-month old Gazan boy got “Polio”. ONE little cute kid stopped the entire war!!!

He’s not in the photo, you’ll have to watch the video to see him.

This family looks even more put together than I do. No running water, but nice make up, daughter is chuckling on the right (unfortunately hidden by the annoying Kamala banner). Does she know something we don’t?

How can you “catch” polio since there was no polio virus and it was due to DDT and other insecticides? And didn’t our little buddy just get his kiddy vaxes? Ah, the family was contracted for the polio show with the 11-month-old in the lead role. Didn’t our little buddy just get his kiddy vaxes?

unicef to the rescue! What could go wrong?

“URGENT” in the unicef glossary, “express to death”.

The WHO can get them high-tech shots, but good hygiene? Nope. Somethings up…

Ah, the Israelis want to vax their own troops, that’s it right? Seems to be getting held up.

Damn that annoying Kamala banner….ruins my day.

Vaccination application center mobbed by men paralyzed in fear from the “Polio threat”

They finally admit it, “humanitarian”= half-time for shots!

👉So WHO is the winner of the war?

Exactly, WHO’s on first.

Another Israel photo just for the road. This one calling for hostages return. Crisis smiling is contagious it seems.

The same tricks seem to play around no matter where you are or what side you’re on.

Yours Truly Proton magic & Co.

Attributions: https://substack.com/@protonmagic/p-148306131

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