Khadijah Anas

Dearest Lovie

This might be a testimony to many here but I want to testify right infront of all who may ever come across LIGHT ON LIGHT. For who you are and what you have done for me is beyond imagination, let alone explaination… May Allah bless every deserving woman with such a beautiful companion Ameen.
Words are just words…

Now this may sound a lot cheesy to many here but this is the least that I could share from my heart. I am your constant companion till the universe aligns and though we’re, mere mortals, true love is divine.
You are an amazing rare soul, and without you I don’t know where I’d be.

Having you in my life
completes and fulfills every part of me.
Without you I would have been like a cut off kite, drifting away aimlessly. Thank you for keeping me safe and showing me direction in life. You’re a fortress around my heart. And that’s athe shape of my heart for you and will always be !

You taught me how to LOVE.


~ Yours only Dija – my Love of Life.