Jewish Murder and Jewish Ritual Murder revisited.

Let us take into account how far these imposters, thieves, sexual offenders,  fences, swindlers, racketeers, cardsharps, pimps, bastards, criminals, murderers and what not could travel in carrying out their heinous beyond discernment crimes or what they usually call “The Jewish Joke”… Be  aware of the fact that what you’re about to read is not for infidels and gentle hearts… May Allah’s curse be upon them till HE Almighty judges them like he warned off ! Ameen.

To defend oneself, one must also be ready to die. There is little such readiness in a society raised in the cult of material well-being. Nothing is left, then, but concessions, attempts to gain time, and betrayal.
— Alexander Solzhenitsyn

The two sets of valuations, good/bad and good/evil, have waged a terrible battle on this earth, lasting many millennia; and just as surely as the second set has for a long time now been in the ascendant, so surely are there still places where the battle goes on and the issue remains in suspension… The watchwords of the battle, written in characters which have remained legible throughout human history, read: “Rome vs. Israel, Israel vs. Rome.” No battle has ever been more momentous than this one.
— Friedrich Nietzsche

On “20 March 1911”, the body of a boy was discovered by children
playing on a plot of undeveloped land on the edge of the city of
Kiev. It was found in the sitting position, the hands were bound
behind the back with string. The body was dressed only in a shirt,
underpants and a single sock. The body showed wounds without any
kind of blood traces being found in the hole [The body was found in a
excavated pit on grounds which had been used as a source of clay and
which therefore had many clay pits

It soon turned
out that the body was that of the student of the first class of the Kiev
church school, Andrei Yuschinski. The forensic examination
discovered the following wounds on the body of the child: 7 puncture
wounds on the upper scalp and on the back of the head; 1 on the left
temple, 13 on the right temple; on the right side of the neck, 7, on the
larynx, 2; beneath the lower jaw, 1; on the right side beneath the
armpit, 4; on the back, at the right side between ribs and pelvis, 4; on
the left side of the chest, beneath the nipple, 7; on the sternum, 1: a
total of 47 stab wounds. The loss of blood from the inflicted wounds was so great that the body was nearly empty of blood.

The attempts of the Jews to mislead and cripple the investigation began
immediately. The investigation was first in the hands of a certain
Krassowski, who a year later was supposed to be arrested and brought
before the Court on charges of offenses against his official duties. His
predecessor, Mischtschuk, Director of the Kiev Criminal Police,
likewise fell into the clutches of Jewry and later was convicted by the
Senate on charges of forgeries and abuse of office.

Menachil-Mendel Beylis was arrested only on 22 July. Precious time
had been lost during which the state organs had been systematically led
astray by the Jews. Thus, for example, the murdered boy’s own parents
were arrested on 24 March on the basis of information from the Jew
Barschewski. After 14 days, they had to be released again since their
complete innocence could be proved. Directly after this, the boy’s
uncle, Theodor Neyinski was accused by another Jew. Here, too, the
denunciation turned out to be totally without merit. During the trial
proceedings, even the defense of Beylis, which was in the hands of the
most celebrated attorneys of that time, had to frankly admit that the
relatives of the murdered boy were completely innocent of any part in
the crime.Nevertheless, the Jews did not yet admit defeat. They regarded the
accusation against Beylis, as always in such cases, as an accusation
against Jewry as a whole, and pulled out all the stops to get Beylis off.
An endless series of briberies, threats, denunciations, challenges,
propaganda and interventions was put into play by them in order to set
the investigating authorities, the jurors, the judges, the experts, but
above all public opinion in Russia and in the entire world, in favor of
Beylis and against his “anti-Semitic enemies.”

The Jews invented ever newer versions. The unfortunate youngster was
supposed to have been murdered by three characters of the Underworld
in the residence of a woman, Vera Cheberak. This, too, was later
shown to be a lie, although the Jews offered Vera Cheberak 4000
Rubels for a “voluntary confession.”

It came out, namely through unimpeachable testimony, that on 12
March 1911, toward 8:15 A.M., i.e., perhaps an hour before the
beginning of his martyrdom, the boy had been standing with some
playmates at the entrance to the Sayzev factory, and then from there
began to play with other playmates on the lot lying in front of it. The
children were startled by Beylis and two other Jews. They ran off
in different directions; the boy Yuschinski, however, was seized by
Beylis and dragged off in the direction of the factory. It seems
extremely remarkable and suspicious that the two most important
eyewitnesses for Yuschinski having been dragged away by Beylis,
Schenya and Valya, died shortly after the arrest of Beylis. Beylis was
arrested on 22 July: on 08 August Schenya died, and ten days later,
Valya —

Menachil-Mendel Beylis, 39 years old, was an employee of the brick
factory in whose oven works the crime almost certainly was
committed. The brickyard had formerly belonged to a rich Jew, Ion
Mordkovitch Sayzev, who had made his wealth, including the
brickyard, over to the Jewish surgical clinic. Until the death of Sayzev
in 1907, Beylis enjoyed his especial trust, since he, just like the old
Jew, belonged to the sect of the Hasidim. On behalf of old Sayzev,
each year Mendel Beylis baked about 3000 pounds of matzot on
Sayzev’s estate in the presence of a rabbi. Beylis belonged to the
leading Jewish clique of rabbis and schächter [= Jewish ritual-
slaughterers] in Kiev. His friend, Feifel Schneerson, who, as later
developed, had been stalking Yuschinski, also belonged to it.

[The Schneerson dynasty of Hasidic rabbis produced no less than

three individuals who came under strong suspicion and/or charges of ritual-
murder over the course of two centuries. The late Rabbi Menachem
Schneerson, revered as a messianic figure by the world-wide enclaves
of his followers, died only recently — around the turn of the 21st
century — and was a serious power broker to whom heads of state
deferred and gave a constant stream of brotherhood and humanitarian
awards, concessions, etc., etc., despite the rabbi’s unequivocal position
in support of Jewish supremacy.] After the murder, Schneerson
disappeared without trace. Incidentally, he was a descendant of the
famous Rabbi Salomon Schneerson, one of the founders of the Hasidic
sect. His father was a schächter and a relative of rabbis.

Forensic report:
The forensic experts, the most outstanding experts in this field in pre-
war Russia, made the following report concerning the murder:
The boy is pushed into the pit in which clay is found. He receives some
punctures through his cap; however, as yet he does not lose
consciousness. He is seized and his hands held firmly. One of the
murderers holds his head and plugs his nose and mouth, while the other
murderer inflicts wounds in such places as are rich in blood supply. In
particular, he receives a puncture in the left temple which strikes the
artery and produces a fountain of blood. Directly after this his coat is
pulled off and his shirt collar removed and he receives 7 puncture
wounds in the neck, which strike veins as well as arteries. This again
results in a forceful outward gush of blood. The body of the victim is at
this point somewhat inclined to the left. There is now a pause of 5 to 8
minutes during which the boy is bleeding [173] to death. He loses 5½
glasses of blood, i.e., about 1½ kg. The victim then receives some
further lethal punctures into the liver and kidneys and finally a stab into
the heart.

Only the Petersburg surgeon Pavlov, who had obviously been bribed
by the Jewish defense, gave a dissenting report. It suffices to indicate
that Pavlov used the following expression in his expert opinion: “Herr
Yuschinski, this young man — had a somewhat comical wound
inflicted in the region of his waist. . .” Of the theological experts, only
the Catholic Prelate Pranaitis dared to speak of the fact that in the
Jewish books on law ritual-murder is dealt with.

At the 34th session, on 28 October 1913, two questions were put to the
jurors. The first question asked whether it was proven that on 12 March
1911 in Kiev, in a room of the brick factory which belonged to the
Jewish surgical clinic and which was under the management of the merchant

Markus Sayzev, the thirteen-year-old boy Andrei Yuschinski
first received a series of wounds, by which he lost five glasses of
blood, and later new wounds, for a total of 47, which produced a nearly
complete exsanguination and finally caused his death. The second
question asked, if the above was proven, whether then the accused
Menachil-Mendel Baylis, from motives of religious fanaticism, with
forethought and deliberation, and with the participation of other
persons who could not be discovered, had committed this crime.
The jurors said yes to the first question and no to the second. Thus
ended the trial with the finding of the crime, but without determining
the criminal.

The question concerning the perpetrator has remained unanswered to
the present day. As with all ritual-murder trials of more recent times,
the Jews have been not been able in this case, either, to produce proof
of their innocence. That, in actuality, is a proof of their guilt, since at
least in the case of Beylis they had unlimited means at their disposal,
and beyond that the sympathy of the entire misled public and also the
full support of the police and the judicial investigative authorities, who
regrettably were only too little “anti-Semitic” in attitude.

Some years later, Jewry nevertheless subsequently furnished proof of
its guilt and its evil conscience. All persons who had participated in the
trial as judges, as officials of the state attorney’s office, as members of
the administration of justice or who otherwise acted in the trial against
Beylis, were shot immediately after the seizure of power by the
Bolshevists without any judicial procedure. While Menachil Beylis
enjoyed his pension as “martyr of Jewry” in peace and quiet  in
Palestine, the prosecuting attorneys Wipper and Schalpliski, the Kiev
President of the Court, Boldyrev, the judges Yevashoff and Vigura and
the Justice Minister Zheglovitov, fell to the bullets of the Jewish
Cheka. The defense counsel of Beylis, the Jews Grusenberg and
Sarudny, on the other hand, were appointed to the Senate by the
government of the half-Jew Kerensky. Andrei Yuschinski, the martyr
of the Russian people in its struggle against Jewry, had been long

And who today thinks of this thirteen-year-old Russian
youngster who bled out his life under unspeakable torture at the hands
of the Jewish ritual-slaughterers?!

And for those who doubt if there was this boy who existed ! Yes he was…


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