Electromagnetic Fields (EMF):
I have several friends who are sick from mold, lyme, electromagnetic radiation and more who have hearing challenges and/or seizure disorders and therefore cannot listen to or benefit from the video.
For all of you, I made a transcription of this video
[Dr. Klinghardt is speaking]:
“Now I’m going to make this link and then we get into the solutions. Now I am going to make the link to the elecromagnetic fields.
An acquainted physician in Switzerland who is a main mold researcher in Europe made a beautiful experiment. He grew mold cultures under a farraday cage. Simply a silver cloth… it looks like a mosquito net made out of silver coated cloth draped over the mold culture.
Then he measured how much mycotoxins how much toxins are these molds producing on a daily basis, very easy to do.
Then he lifted the mosquito net and exposed the mold culture to the ambient electromagnetic radiation in his laboratory that was caused by the lights that were on, the computer in the corner and especially he found out later the ambient cell phone radiation. You know, from the nearby cellphone tower that was broadcasting cell phone radiation.
He found out that the production of biotoxins in this culture went up more than 600 times. Not only that the mold suddenly put out significantly more mycotoxins to protect themselves but also much more virulent, much more viscous, more poisonous mycotoxins
And I took that experiment as it was for me a big light bulb went on. And that is, when you have a mom, I bring it back to the mom… who has maybe low-grade Lyme Disease you know clinically, not relevant Lyme disease… she has an infection, there is a few microbes in there that shouldn’t be there… but mom is doing well.
Now, you expose this mom to significant amounts of elecromagnetic fields of the same nature as in this laboratory in Switzerland.
The molds inside us and the Lyme spirochetes inside this mom suddenly believe they’re being attacked or they feel they are being attacked and they respond to that attack with the only mechanism they have and that is to produce more potent biotoxins.
More biotoxins and more potent biotoxins and with that suddenly mom’s system is overwhelmed with the biotoxins. And also the molds, the spirochetes and the mycoplasmas start to multiply. They are thinking they are being attacked. They are threatened to be extinguished so their response is to make more babies so there is more of them so chances of their genes to survive is higher.
The simple, pure, biological response can be seen anywhere in nature.
And so, what we have now. And to give you some numbers… Joe, I know you are familiar with this. We know that in the last 20 years if you measured the density of electromagnetic fields that we are exposed to. If you measure the amount of cell phone radiation in a cubic inch of air, it is now several million times higher than it was just 10 years ago.
Millions of times higher than it was 10 years ago. These are unbelievable exposures. As you are familiar with, the research, the true research done on cell phone radiation shows it is not safe. There is significant biological effects inside the cell.
Cell phone radiation disrupts the communication inside the cell membrane. The mechanisms that we have to transport signals from the cell wall to the DNA and backwards. It has been shown that cell phone radiation exposure to a fetus tweaks a number of genes. Exactly what we find in autistic kids and so forth.
So, I am postulating and I can back it up with my clinical results that the combination of mom having low grade infections, it may just be viral or mold, yeast or it may be Lyme Disease.
This mom that is pregnant today, is exposed to millions of times more electromagnetic radiation then she was just 10 years ago. And the increase in electromagnetic field exposure in combination with the growth driving effect it has on the microbiome in us explains the incredible avalanche of children with neurodevelopmental disorders, not just autism, that we are seeing right now.
And so, this puts the point of intervention much earlier. Before mom gets pregnant, I want to establish, does she has Lyme Disease? Does she not have Lyme Disease? If the answer is yes, she needs to be treated during the entire pregnancy.
Then, secondly, during the pregnancy, I can do wonderful things by decreasing the electromagnetic field exposure…”