The Coincidence Zone, Part I

1 Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of BABYLON, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate…

8 Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children:

9 But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy SORCERIES, and for the great abundance of thine ENCHANTMENTS.

10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness: thou hast said, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee; and thou hast said in thine heart, I AM, and none else beside me.

11 Therefore shall EVIL come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know.

12 Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy SORCERIES, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail.

13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the ASTROLOGERS, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.

14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it.”

— Isaiah 47:1, 8-14 KJV

Hopefully dear readers I have forced you to ask some uncomfortable questions with my first two articles. Uncomfortable questions about how you spend your time, who you look to for guidance, who you allow to influence you, and the extent of the grand deceptions we have been force fed through government schooling and government media. A lifetime of Disney-fied, sanitized, and watered down history lessons have robbed us of the true history of this country. Not just our history, but our culture, even religions and The Church, have been infiltrated by these members of the Mystery religion known as Freemasonry. Their influence goes far back; their symbols dot our money, our screens, our clothes and devices. They weave their incantations daily around our civilization, all while ensnaring the unwitting and unsuspecting into their service. I do not disagree with those of you who think it is uncomfortable to probe into these areas, but without this knowledge, we will surely perish. Just look at how far we have fallen in just the last century. I shudder to think what this land will look like a century from now on its current course.

The past three years have been illuminating to many. I can vouch for this awakening myself. I was always suspicious of government power, but I’ll admit, 10 years ago it would have been hard for me to believe my future self if I had traveled back in time and professed some of my current beliefs. I say this only to emphasize that I was once what you traditionally considered a skeptic of conspiracy theories, but still a liberty minded American. I bought the narratives on our middle eastern invasions, and I naively joined up to serve my country. When I got to see how the sausage was really made, a lot of these childish notions were dispelled. Where our taxes dollars were going, and what the actual situation on the ground was in Afghanistan, were sobering cups of reality to imbibe. It all clicked in 2020 as I watched the entire “civilized” world march in lockstep with the barbaric lockdown and injection agendas. Then the depths of our predicament really started to set in for me.

It was clear very early on that this pandemic charade was not their first worldwide psy-op rodeo. It required buy in from multiple countries. It required the merger of corporate and political entities. It required total spectrum media dominance, and a ruthless suppression of dissent. The speed and efficiency with which the official narrative dissiminated was and still is stunning to me. Business’ had plastic shields for every register and face masks for all within days and weeks. Nearly 10 billion doses of the bioweapons (which the so called “vaccines” meet the legal definition of) and counting have allegedly been manufactured. The level of preparation was clearly extensive, as diligent researchers like Karen Kingston and Dr. David Martin have revealed through the public patents of these very complicit companies. But in short, it was not the kind of thing that you could pull off over night. And that made me start digging.

While followers of Christ know that magic and idolatry is a false power, our enemies believe deeply in the power of this luciferian magic. They embrace their talismans, divination, astrology and kabalistic gematria to their doom. To the occultist, the ultimate expression of the harnessing of that power is through rituals. Rituals are used for a variety of purposes: to change consciousness and to bring desired things into being: to invoke the presence of entities, spirits or energies; to release said energies; to honor and celebrate deities(ie demons); to commemorate sacred times or dates, and to manifest change in the materiel realm. Let us once again see what the prolific occultist and founder of Thelema, Aleister Crowley, has to say on the subject:

“There is a single main definition of the object of all magical Ritual. It is the uniting of the Microcosm (Humanity) with the Macrocosm (the Universe). The Supreme and Complete Ritual is therefore the Invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel; Or, in the language of Mysticism, Union with God… (we know the occultist means Lucifer, not JEHOVAH)

There are three main methods of invoking any Deity (demon).

The “First Method” consists of devotion to that Deity (demon), and, being mainly mystical in character…

The “Second method” is the straight forward ceremonial invocation. It is the method which was usually employed in the Middle Ages. Its advantage is its directness, its disadvantage its crudity. The “Goetia” gives clear instruction in this method, and so do many other rituals, white and black…

The “Third Method is the Dramatic,” perhaps the most attractive of all; certainly it is so to the artist’s temperament, for it appeals to his imagination through his aesthetic sense…

Its disadvantage lies principally in the difficulty of its performance by a single person. But it has the sanction of the highest antiquity, and is probably the most useful for the foundation of a religion.”

— Aleister Crowley, Liber 4, Ch.1: The Principles of Ritual

As we can see, the occultist places great significance and consequence in the convergence of the various esoteric and real elements. The more converging elements, such as devotionary symbols and invocations, the greater the effect. The most difficult to pull off, but most potent element, is the dramatic ritual. The more people drawn into the ritual, the greater the energy harnessed. The modern era has led to the perfection of this dark mass ritual with the advent of mass communication. TV, and now social media, provides the occultist a perfect stage to enact his dark play. This may seem quite ridiculous at first to the layperson, but the seriousness with which our leaders believe in these rituals is getting harder and harder to deny. Covid-19 itself was an event laden with occult symbology, which I cover in Warp Speed to Democide. The event we are about to analyze and discuss is just one of many such rituals deployed against us.

“10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth DIVINATION, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,

11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a WIZARD, or a necromancer.

12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy GOD doth drive them out from before thee.”

— Deuteronomy 18:10-12 KJV

A decent amount of information we are going to discuss is enclosed within S.K. Bain’s book, The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass RitualIt is one of those books that will shift your paradigm about the level of evil we are facing here, and Bain’s acerbic wit makes this dark subject easier to stomach. Further research and study has only confirmed what I had begun to suspect before 2020, initially spurred on by seeing the inner sanctum of a Masonic lodge myself (which I discuss in A Response to a Mason, Part II). I highly recommend the book for those of you whose curiosity is piqued by this subject.

Some of the revelations we are about to discuss will shock the average American.

Or, I guess you can prefer to believe that everything you’re about to see is a coincidence. Strap in, because we’re about to enter The Coincidence Zone.

— New York City, September Eleventh.

September 11, 2001, or more simply put, 9/11. I think it’s always safe to assume that the government narrative is BS, but I think the documentation I’m about to show you practically confirms that it was in fact something much more sinister. Right off the bat, the very day has been thought of and planned ahead. This day was chosen as their ritual date for a variety of reasons, and confirms to whom the ritual is dedicated straight out of the gate. September 11th, 2001 was the first day of the year on the Egyptian calendar, a key progenitor of this Mystery religion. It is the start of their New Year, the 1st of Thoth, Egyptian God of Magic and Wisdom. It was the conjunction of Pluto and Saturn in 2001, the Lords of the Underworld in their respective pantheons. September 11th, 2001 was also the apex of the star Sirius’ journey through the sky. Sirius, the Dog Star, is a symbol laden with occult significance; particularly so within Egyptian culture, as their entire calendar is based upon the star. To the Freemasons, Sirius is referred to as the Blazing Star, and is emblazoned upon the floor in the center of the inner sanctum of Masonic lodges. The light of their blazing star is creation, the energies of life, and the focal point of the lodge. In other words, Sirius is yet another allusion to Lucifer as the bringer of occult knowledge. We have the first clear invocations of Lucifer, in several forms, through Thoth, Saturn, Pluto and Sirius.

— The inner sanctum of a Freemason lodge.

Oh, we are just getting started folks. And we are barely scratching the surface of all the symbolism crammed into this day. Several numbers continually pop up in this little story of ours. Lets begin with the flight numbers for instance: 11, 77, 93, & 175. We refer again to Crowley’s own words: “11 is the number of Magick in itself, therefore suitable to all types of operation. The sacred number par excellence of the new Aeon”. So we see that 11 is a direct invocation of magic, seen in the flight number and the date itself. We also see in the book Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues, that William Westcott states: “The number nine is the number of the earth under evil influence.” Crowley agrees with Westscott in Gematria, calling 9 “the most evil number”. It is a numerical representation of evil, particularly on a worldwide scale.

The colloquial shorthand of 9/11 is itself a magic incantation!

It quite literally represents to the occultist and “enlightened” Evil Magic. This is just a taste of what Mr. Bain’s book has in store for us. 175 of course connects us back to Crowley, with his Liber 175: Astarte vel Liber Berylli – On uniting oneself to a deity. Again, it is quite clear which deity our overlords are trying to unite with. Let’s take Crowley at his own word, though he be a sorcerer and a fiend:

“I was not content to believe in a personal devil and serve him, in the ordinary sense of the word. I wanted to get hold of him personally and become his chief of staff.”

Flight 175 flew into the South Tower, crashing through floors 77 and 85.

Let’s look at 77 next then. Once again we refer to “the Wickedest Man in the World” Crowley, from The Book of Lies:

“7, the septenary; 11, the magical number; 77, the manifestation, therefore, of the septenary. Through matter, because 77 is written in Hebrew Ayin Zayin (OZ), and He-Goat, the symbol of matter, Capricornus, the Devil of the Tarot; which is the picture of the Goat of the Sabbath upon an altar.”

— The Devil, the 15th Major Arcana.

Once again we see a clear allusion to Lucifer through the number 77. Flight 77’s pilot Hani Hanjour, a man whose flight instructor testified that he felt Hanjour was unqualified to fly a plane alone, performs feats of staggering aerial skill that fateful morning. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, as

“Flight 77 was 5 miles west-southwest of the Pentagon, … it made a 330-degree spiral turn clockwise.”

(They sure do love that 33 number.) At the end of this maneuver, Hanjour allegedly plunged down 2,200 ft before halting dozens of feet above the ground and then slamming into The Pentagon at near ground level. We will see a frankly staggering number of instances of the number 77 or 7 appearing within the construction of The Pentagon. The building itself is a giant pentagram dedicated in a masonic ceremony on, you guessed it, September 11th 1941, 60 years before that ill-fated day. The Pentagon is 77 ft tall, with 7 levels, and it lies on the 77th Meridian West. Flying over The Pentagon that day, as FOIA’ed documents would later reveal, was a E-4B, referred to as the Doomsday Plane. The E-4B is an advanced Command & Control platform designed for the continuance of government in the event of a nuclear war (another PsyOp), hence the nickname. Its callsign was VENUS77, with yet another allusion to Lucifer through the planet. The Romans referred to Venus as the “morning star”, a biblical title for Lucifer.

Boy, these coincidences sure are piling up.

— Aerial view of The Pentagram.
— The seal of Baphomet.

How about 93? That number’s okay, right? No unfortunately not. In fact 93 is the easiest number to tie to Crowley, as 93 is the greeting sign between members of his hermetic cult, Thelema. It carries dual meanings: shorthand for the Law of Thelema, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”, and is Thelema converted through Greek gematria. The saying is luciferian “liberty” encapsulated, and Crowley signed many of his personal letters with this shorthand. Flight 11 would crash into the 93rd floor of the North Tower. Whether Flight 93 crashed, was shot down, or was fabricated entirely I’m personally agnostic on; the methods are less important than the repeated invocations to their dark teacher that are replete throughout this ritual.

Even the construction of the buildings themselves points towards the level of planning that went into this event. Let us first refer to the Pillars of Boaz and Jachin, a key concept within Masonic teaching. These pillars resided outside of Solomon’s Temple in antiquity. The pillars symbolize the microcosm and the macrocosm, male and female, duality in all its forms. The twin pillars are ancient symbols of gateways to the unknown and otherworldly, like the twin obelisks that lay outside of Egyptian temples. They are also references to Hiram Abif, the mythical founder of Freemasonry. They serve in Freemason imagery as the entrance way to the mysteries.

— The inner sanctum of a Freemason Lodge.
— The Lovers, the 6th Major Arcana.

We can clearly see now, with the tidal wave of luciferian imagery already uncovered, how the Twin Towers invoke the imagery of the Gemini twins, or The Lovers, and most clearly to the twin pillars of Boaz and Jachin. It becomes even more obvious when we factor in WTC 7, or Building 7.

— Map of the World Trade Center plaza.

According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) — the U.S. government agency tasked with investigating the World Trade Center’s destruction — the Twin Towers came down “essentially in free fall.” Including the Twin Towers, WTC 7 is the only other building in world history to collapse at near free fall speed due to a building fire. This building was known as the Solomon/Salomon Brother’s building. From the aerial view we can clearly see its trapezoidal shape, invoking the unfinished pyramid and representing the Great Work of Freemasonry & Alchemy. The building was 47 stories tall, a direct allusion to the 47th Problem of Euclid, i.e. the Pythagorean Theorem. It is said by Masons to represent a perfect symbol of Freemasonry. In it, we get the symbolic Solomon’s Temple to our metaphorical Pillars.

We see yet more hidden in plain sight symbolism with the exteriors of the buildings. The support beams on the outside of the World Trade Centers, were clearly metal tridents.

— The edifice of the Twin Towers.

In the Christian tradition, the signature weapon of the Devil is a trident with its three prongs, not a pitchfork. And I’m not the only one making this claim that they are symbolic tridents. At the September Eleventh museum in New York City, they get even more heavy handed with the trident analogy; now referring to these salvaged supports from the buildings as “The Tridents of the Twin Towers”. You can see them below in their current gritty and imposing state.

— The Tridents of the Twin Towers.

The falling Towers would serve as a fiery gateway into the underworld, giant pyres filled with unwilling sacrifices in this satanic, fire-based ritual sacrifice. Fire, blood, smoke, screams, those were the scenes replayed on our screens over and over again. Abject terror flooded the airwaves, and the dark masters of this world gorged themselves on this malefic spiritual energy. The people watched in horror as each replay confirmed every American’s worst fears.

Humanity, the microcosm, had been alchemically and magically fused with the unseen energies of the universe, the macrocosm. Harnessing the dark energies of that day, fueling their ritual with the living sacrifices inside their occultly dedicated buildings, the luciferians birthed their novus ordo seclorum live on TV. All of its unsuspecting participants got a front row seat to the ritual, beamed directly into their living room, and seared into their minds. It is hard to look back at this event twenty years onward and not see it as the paradigm shift in freedom on this continent. For the first time in our history as a people, Americans en masse gave up their freedoms in order for temporary security. In short order, the PATRIOT Act would be passed, America’s boys and girls would be off to war, and the cover up had already begun.

This is just a taste of the symbolism harnessed by these modern sorcerers and incantors. It truly speaks to the malevolent, otherworldly intelligence required to orchestrate a crime of this magnitude. The level of detail and repetition is hard for me to even comprehend, even to this day. It is clearly not a human intelligence orchestrating this demonic opera.

Call all these numerous allusions to Lucifer coincidences if you want.

Perhaps you remain unconvinced.

Trust me, we have only begun to peel back this rotten onion.

We will continue our journey into the dark symbolism of that day with Part II…

— The Tower, the 16th Major Arcana.

“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the TRUTH.”

— Sherlock Homes

Part 2


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