The Great Deception: Functional Medicine’s Allopathic Facade Exposed

Tony Fauci and Lee Merritt’s protocols are packaged differently but give you the same result. Medicine Girl

Still think you’re on the good side of medicine? That somehow Rockefeller didn’t tamper with the “natural” side, and that their textbooks and colleges were safe? Dr. Mike Yeadon is now finally listening to me, and to the tireless efforts and articles from Agent 131711, Tim Truth, dpl and others who have been screaming from the rooftops to warn the “freedom/truth/alternative” communities.

It seems so obvious to me, but how did Lee Merritt MD and others fall for such an obvious con job? I don’t think they fell for it; they know and are pharmaceutical representatives just like Tony Fauci, only masquerading as the “good guys.” Similar to discovering that viruses don’t exist and vaccines are just a method for the ruling class to inject you with poison, when you did the research, it was glaringly obvious.

This is the exact same revelation about the vitamin and supplement industry. Pharmaceutical giants, with their “good doctor” reps, invented vitamins, supplied toxic chemical recipes, and found a way to market them as health elixirs. Think of DMSO: a blood brain crossing, extremely toxic byproduct of the paper mill industry that they now sell as a health tonic at a handsome profit. Amandha Dawn Vollmer even wrote a book singing its praises. So either she is developmentally disabled or she knows exactly what she is doing to rake in profits.

I hope you’re beginning to see the pattern. They use the same playbook for everything. It’s not very original but easily spotted, so from now on, you’ll be immune to their tricks. Read on to uncover the industry’s best-kept secret, and you might just slap your forehead when you realize the truth.

If you want to continue with your arsenal of vitamins and supplements, be my guest. Just don’t blame us when you finally hear the truth from your online “heroes” who know the truth but turn a blind eye to profit from their private label supplements. Yes, they are just like Fauci.

Rockefeller and the Pharmaceutical Industry’s Lethal Deception
The government plays both sides, the ruling class plays both sides and of course the pharmaceutical industry plays both sides. Do you think Rockefeller wasn’t powerful enough to take over the natural health side as well. Of course he did, and is its playing out right in front of your face. If you don’t want to drink the red Kool-Aid (injectable poison, pharmaceutical drugs, surgeries) they have a nice refreshing glass of blue Kool-Aid (ivermectin, HCQ, vitamins, supplements, methylene blue, ozone, DMSO, Chlorine Dioxide) waiting for you. They don’t care which Kool-Aid you drink, just as long as you are drinking it. Meaning, they want to you to be healthy enough to work 50 hours a week, but weak and sick enough to be ruled without complaints. Remember, the pharmaceutical industries made 100x more after the vaccine rollout due to downstream disease effects. That is simply their business model: never put anything in a pill, inhaler, or injection that doesn’t create more downstream revenue. And every section of the industry has their drug pushers that sell you the story of how their brand of snake oil cures mental disorders from ADHD, to Bipolar to Autism. Look here are some testimonials and more studies! That includes vitamins and supplements, and your “wonder remedies” as you will soon see.

But Robin, these are the “good” pharmaceutical drugs…
The drugs they (your beloved chiropractor, naturopath, homeopath) are endorsing, from ivermectin to hydroxychloroquine, are touted as “good drugs.” The influencers you see on your screens—gatekeepers like Lee Merritt, Sherry Tenpenny, Christiane Northrup, and the so-called Frontline Doctors—preach that these medications are miraculous solutions, curing dangerous and harmful parasites for decades. They claim the only reason they’re kept from us is to prevent us from getting healthy, supposedly because Merck isn’t profiting from them.

Wrong. The reality is far more sinister. The global ivermectin market size was USD 293.95 million in 2022 and is projected to skyrocket to USD 488.03 million by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 5.2%. Hmmm, doesn’t sound like a loss to me*1

Witness their first play: Craft a fear-based narrative around something you can’t see, feel, or observe independently. You are forced to rely on the snake oil salesmen to peddle the narrative they of course profit from the results. They bombard you with fear based stories, cartoonish drawings and videos of terrifying parasites, the worm like creatures slithering around—microscopic invaders in your bloodstream, invading your cells and brain, multiplying at an alarming rate. Sound familiar? Isn’t that exactly how they describe a virus’s invasion?

These spooky parasites allegedly come from tick bites, GMO mosquitoes, chemtrails, tap water, your beloved pets—ways completely out of your control. Similar to the pandemic in all respects. So, you must hand over your blood, hair, fluid samples to those who profit from the results. The diagnosis? You have parasites of course!

If you don’t eradicate them, they’ll claim, it will only get worse. Because apparently, your body isn’t equipped to handle these invaders. But don’t worry, they have the remedy. Just take their brand of snake oil, in a a highly toxic easy to swallow dose. Either Ivermectin OR the all “natural” wormwood, green-black walnut, clove extract. Both will kill the parasites inside you, so they can now cause real problems.

What if they are wrong? What if they are blinded by personal profit and pieces of paper from universities that tell them what to believe? What if you trust the miraculous capacity of your body to harmonized and heal itself? Remember, parasites will never take up residence in a healthy individual. Many parasites are visible to the naked eye aside from protozoa. There are many species of beneficial parasites that we need in the body. If listen to the charlatans—they’ll tell you about the microscopic ones that will hijack your brain, driving you to eat junk foods, or worse, become depressed, anxious or mentally deranged. Now the nocebo effects come into play from their spell casting. Just like all the millions of hypochondriacs that told you they have covid, long covid or lost their sense of taste and smell when you know they didn’t. The weak minded are easily convinced.

How do you know which pharmaceuticals are safe and effective? A simple investigation of the safety data sheets will reveal what the pharmaceutical drugs actually are, a chemical concoction that mimics one compound in nature, made in a lab, and are all lethal poisons when too much is ingested. If you live in America you have been bombarded with the advertisements which spend almost 5 minutes listing the side effects of the drug you are about to take. They are actually direct effects of taking a toxin, but call them side effects so you will still take them. Just a little poison doesn’t kill you, it slowly deteriorates your health over the next few months, years and decades. This results in bigger profits for the medical–industrial complex, which includes naturopaths, homeopaths, and chiropractors operating under the same exact model as allopathic medicine.

The Illusion of Safety
Their tactic is to create a image of something you can’t observe yourself, build a fear-based narrative around it, and then provide an easy-to-swallow solution. Notice how the solution is always to take “something” instead of simply going to bed, fasting, drinking spring water, and allowing your body to flush the toxins naturally?

The Issue with Ivermectin

Ivermectin is not a heat-seeking missile killing individual parasites. It is an insecticide that creates such a toxic state in the body that is kills the parasites inside your body as an aftereffect, which is the last thing you want to do. Ivermectin is said to paralyze the jaw of the parasite so that it can’t eat, but again, what else is being damaged in your body? The best approach is to do a 3-10 day fast and let any unwanted overgrowth of parasites (if you even have them) leave intact with whatever they were consuming – usually putrified organic material, your toxins, and other unwanted wastes. Steve Falconer did a great episode on Ivermectin a few years ago that can she some light on the subject. Remember, we have been trying to warn you for years! Ivermectin: Friend or Foe.

The Truth About Vitamins and Supplements

Now that you can see how the “good pharmaceuticals” are just plain old pharmaceuticals, let’s dig deeper into vitamins and supplements. If you really want a deep dive, check out my podcast with Daniel Roytas-a Professor of Naturopathic Medicine, speaking out against the great deception and vitamin fraud. In 1936, after some questionable scurvy research involving “vitamin C” to cure the “disease,” Merck Pharmaceutical Industries invented the first vitamin—Thiamin or Vitamin B1. They claimed that bran removed from white rice kept people healthy because suddenly, groups of people became very ill after eating white rice (likely because they poisoned the rice—similar to spraying kids with a neurotoxin DDT and calling it polio). They said they could recreate the bran in an easy-to-swallow pill or liquid to be “fortified” or sprayed back on white rice or put in breads, grains, and cereals. They chose one compound out of the half-million in bran and said, “eureka, that is the active ingredient of bran.” They made B1 using hydrochloric acid, coal tar, acetone (nail polish remover), ammonia, and other fun chemicals. Once they had their magical formula, the race was on by other pharmaceutical companies to “discover” Mother Nature’s active ingredients that keep you healthy and make synthetic copies with other fun chemical recipes


So how exactly are pharmaceuticals made? They take something they tell you over and over is bad, like high blood pressure, and claim you need it to be low. They find a plant in nature that lowers blood pressure naturally, like the Foxglove plant. They choose one compound out of a half-million, call it the “active ingredient” of the plant, make a synthetic chemical copy, and eureka! You have a cardiovascular drug that lowers blood pressure (and causes renal failure and a bunch of other fun “side” effects). Or you have a fever? Take white willow bark, choose one compound from the half-million that work synergistically, make a chemical copy and eureka, you have Aspirin.

How does this relate to innocent vitamins? Take a lemon or orange, choose one compound from the half-million that work synergistically, make a synthetic chemical copy, and eureka, you have vitamin C. The recipe for vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is made with high fructose corn syrup, hydrochloric acid, GMO corn, mold, and many other chemicals creating your “healthy” vitamin. Or sunlight, which has over 36 different hormones and reactions that work synergistically, pick one secosteroid hormone produced, make a synthetic copy, and eureka, you have vitamin D. Also known as D-Con, rat poison that kills rats, mice, cats, dogs, and you if you take too much. I could go through every vitamin and supplement this way but as you can see it gets redundant.

The toxic side effects include renal failure, heart failure, kidney stones, cancer, endocrine disruption, infertility, dementia, calcified arteries, and veins. The vitamins and supplement industry is the pharmaceutical industry in disguise. The “alternative community” practitioners use the same model: they warn you about invisible invaders you can’t see, using lab tests for vitamin D deficiencies, heavy metals, parasites, depleted soil scare tactics, and then provide pharmaceutical solutions (vitamins, supplements). Where is the difference? Tony Fauci and Lee Merritt work the same con, but Lee just wears her “I’m here to help you” badge.

Same Model, Different Packaging

What is a pharmaceutical drug exactly? You can’t really have one unless it changes a lab value, blood pressure or “feeling” They take a value like cholesterol and make up a story to create fear. This particular story is that high cholesterol is bad and can lead to strokes and heart attacks. If you don’t want to die a horrible death at a young age, you better get your cholesterol lower. Since it is impossible to do with diet, as cholesterol is so important to the body if you don’t eat enough it will make it, they have an easy-to-swallow solution. Not only that, it changes lab values so they can tell you it’s working, even if your hair is falling out, you don’t know your name, you have type 2 diabetes, and you are sexually impotent-all caused by statin drugs. They make up even more science-sounding data, that HDL is the “good” cholesterol and LDL is the “bad” one. And their pills change the lab value so it must mean it’s the right thing to do. It says it in black and white on your pharmaceutical-funded lab value sheet with the pharmaceutical-funded normal and abnormal ranges. They do the same thing with high blood pressure, and drugs to lower the pressure. Never mind that people end up with renal failure, congestive heart failure and a host of other downstream diseases, it’s working because the number changed on the monitor.

If you have high cholesterol, the allopathic doctor gives you a statin, a chemical copy of a natural compound. In contrast, a functional doctor or naturopath provides a vitamin or supplement, a chemical copy of a natural compound to lower your cholesterol, using the same model. Both offer chemical copies of natural compounds, picking just one out of millions and presenting it as the solution. It’s the same tactic but worse, as they present themselves as healers, so you trust them. By the way, you NEVER want to lower cholesterol unless you want dementia and Alzheimer’s, but that is a separate topic.

The Problem with Indoctrination
There are very few good doctors who have managed to bypass the indoctrination. True independence is rare unless they denounce their licenses and make amends for previous harms. We have seen how IQ measures indoctrination quotient, not intelligence. Those with the highest IQs are identified through tests given in government schools, groomed by the system, awarded scholarships, and sent to institutions written, monitored, and controlled by Rockefeller and his cronies. As you may know, this is exascltly how MK Ultra Programming works, check out my podcasts with MK Ultra Sex Magic Survivor Dr. Juliette Engle here:

All of the studies you are using as evidence for anything come directly from the medical-industrial complex. Universities are controlled, as are their studies. That’s why we have grants, and they tell you that you can’t conduct studies on your own. Andy Kaufman and Tom Cowan both agreed that you need millions of dollars to conduct studies. Wrong, again. What you need are honest individuals, not controlled, who conduct research and studies in our homes using observable evidence only.

Practitioners like Lee Merritt, Amandha Vollmer, and Andy Kaufman are simply pharmaceutical reps for their vitamin and supplement lines. How are they different from Tony Fauci and his cronies? They both want to ingest poison: synthetic copies made from toxic chemicals. All chemicals are toxic within your body. We do not have a chemical deficiency. We cannot poison the body back to health. How can I make this any more obvious?

We have been lied to and controlled from every angle since the beginning of time. Now is the time for truth…
You cannot get sick unless you have consumed a poison – via injection, inhalation, or ingestion. This includes your eyes and ears: Hollywood, the music industry and onscreen fear porn. Getting to believe they will ban vitamins and supplements in Canada gets you to take more and hoard them. Sales just keep going up for Big Pharma as your health goes down.

You will get well by stopping the toxin or poison and letting the body do what it does best: heal itself.

However, that idea is not a trillion-dollar industry, and no one gets rich from healthy, independent, empowered humans.

From what I have witnessed, in my 55 years on this planet, we are more powerful than we can possibly imagine and capable of incredible feats if we are not poisoned in any way. We can withstand and rise about the worst. The question we should be asking is: “What are we capable of if we are not poisoned in any way?” I aim to find out.



Hathcock, J. N. (1997). “Vitamins and minerals: Efficacy and safety.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 66(2), 427S-437S.

Discusses the efficacy and safety of vitamins and minerals, providing a critical view on supplementation.

Offit, P. A. (2013). “Do You Believe in Magic?: The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine.” Harper.

This book critiques the alternative medicine industry and provides a balanced perspective on the use of supplements.

Angell, M. & Kassirer, J. P. (1998). “Alternative medicine – The risks of untested and unregulated remedies.” The New England Journal of Medicine, 339(12), 839-841.

Examines the risks associated with alternative medicine, relevant to your critique of the industry.


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