In order to learn how they’re going to do it, we have to learn how they already did it so we can prepare, which means learning untold history – shocking, suppressed, untold history that should serve as a wakeup call to everyone. With that being said, welcome to the terrifying story of the Plague Doctors.
History claims, from the 1300s through the 1600s there were these Plague Doctors heroically running around infected cities and saving people who were in the process of dying brutal deaths caused by the Bubonic Plague (and Pneumonic Plague as well as the Justinianic Plague). History tells us these brave doctors wore special costumes which consisted of nearly-floor-length overcoats often covered by a cloak or cape, a hood, a wide-brimmed hat, gloves, boots and of course, the beaked mask with glass eyes.
History tells us all of this garb was to keep the good doctors safe from the disease. They claim the purpose of the beak was just to stuff it full of flowers, like lavender, because it was believed flowers and herbs would purify the air, thus keeping the plague doctor healthy while they save the lives of the ill.
And lastly, we are told that we now know this is all quackery and because it is nonsense we don’t print anything in history books about it. The End – or should I say, that was supposed to be the end, until I came along and said to myself, “Cloaked men prancing around cities, dressed in black and wearing bird masks? This is right up my alley.” – and little did I know, just below the surface was a crazy rabbit hole of untold history that I think you will find as utterly shocking and alarm-worthy as I did. Without further ado, let’s dive in. [Que the horror music]
My research began by discovering the term Plague Doctor, in itself, is interesting because the majority of those cloaked men running around cities, dressed in black and wearing masks, were not doctors despite history calling them physicians. It turns out, for the most part, they were…
The volunteers were paid to “treat infected patients regardless of income, especially the poor, who could not afford to pay”. Veeeerrrrrry interesting, I thought to myself, as I fired up a pot of coffee in preparation for some serious digging.
And it turns out that those volunteers weren’t even saving people.
You: “They weren’t saving people?! Then WTF were they doing?”
The reason those identity-concealed men were visiting the incredibly sick, especially the poor, was…
…to record the death toll.
This lead to the general public becoming terrified of the sight of the men; they knew it meant someone was about to die.
In addition to death-logging, the volunteer doctors “gave advice to their patients about their conduct” as they helped them create a legal will.
Now here’s where it gets even creepier…
The non-doctor doctors were encouraged to practice on the ill. The theory was, maybe they could save them, I mean, it hadn’t worked thus far, but if they kept trying, maybe they’ll eventually save a few… I guess? Hey, I don’t write the history, I just hunt it down and expose it.
A small quantity of door-to-door “doctors” treated their dying patients by putting frogs or leaches on them, meanwhile the vast majority of volunteers physicians preferred a different method. That method was…
The doctor would use a special tool called a fleam to slice the patients forearm or neck, cutting deep into a vein then draining the blood into a bowl.
Wikipedia tells us, “Bloodletting is the withdrawal of blood from a patient to prevent or cure illness and disease.”. But what Wiki forgot to mention in that bloodletting as an ancient satanic practice, originating from the word “let” meaning “to allow to pass, go or come.”. The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft says: “blood that is let is believed to unleash power.“
So, these identity-concealed-death-toll-loggers would make their way to sickly people’s houses (especially the poor) to tell them they have been bad people as they helped them divide up whatever assets they may own, then they would perform a satanic ritual on them resulting in their death. But the bizarre story is far from over…
You can’t make this sh*t up: It turns out that the government was paying for this to occur. Yes, tax dollars were funding anonymous male volunteers to kill the sick.
In fact, the amounts being paid to these volunteer doctors were astronomical sums. A fellow researcher found a contract from May 6th, 1479, written by the town of Pavia, Italy to a plague doctor for the amount of 30 florins a month, paid a full month in advance (well ain’t that nice?). wrote, “For comparison’s sake, a skilled worker employed for 200 days a year would struggle to make 60 florins. 30 florins itself is equivalent to around 40 grams of pure gold” per month.
To make the whole thing even crazier, these plague doctor contracts were negotiated using brokers. The brokers were responsible for reaching out to cities to offer the services of the doctor. It was the brokers job to secure the highest amount of pay for the masked man while also not demanding so much money that the city could not afford it. In the case of the Pavia contract, it had turned into a bidding war between two cities. The reason Pavia ultimately won was because, in addition to the handsome pay, they ended up agreeing to cover the cost of the physicians living expenses as well as severance pay.
And here’s where the tale takes an even darker turn: The will-writing-advice-giving-bloodletting-death-toll-logging-murderer-volunteer-doctors had one final task…
Yep, the plague doctors were responsible for cutting up the patient after death… to determine the cause of death… which is bizarre because the entire reason they were there to begin with was the plague, therefore the cause of death should have been known…. right?…
What’s even more eyebrow-raising is that, at the time this was occurring, autopsies in Europe were forbidden so special privileges were granted to these volunteers which allowed them to desecrate dead bodies…
Then, when all said and done, they would log the death as another victim of theplague and leave.
Although it was reported that linen worked fine in terms of the fabric repelling disease, many of the plague doctors chose a different material for their shrouds: goat skin. Do you remember Anton LaVey? He’s the Church of Satan founder-guy who wrote The Satanic Bible. Well, guess what the bookbinding was made from? If you said goat skin, you’re right. Goats are very special to the Satanists.
Every plague doctor brought with them a cane. History tells us this allowed them to examine patients from a distance.
Other history tells us it wasjust to direct patients because it was difficult to hear through the mask (and in this variation, the cane becomes a wand)…
While either of those things may be true, upon further research, we discover this was a multifaceted tool. It was also used to “keep people away” (also known as beating people) and it was used to “remove clothing from plague victims” – yeah, they unclothed people using a wand – this is seriously the stuff of nightmares. I can’t even imagine how terrified the victims of these doctors. At least they weren’t alive for the autopsy… … … or were they?
When the plague hit, the wealthy and the elites fled the infected areas, leaving behind only the middle class and the poor. This was when the plague doctors were sent in.
History reports the disease was so deadly that, “Entire villages were deserted when all its inhabitants died. The economy practically disappeared and social chaos was present.”.
According to researcher Diane Zahler, by the time the plague had ended, it was the most devastating single occurrence in the history of humanity, killing 60% of Europeans; 50 million people of a total of 80 million inhabitants died. But what history forgot to tell us is that the European citizens stated the Jewish community was to blame. They were accused of poisoning the wells from which the populous drank.
You see, right before the plague appeared, the Jewish communities had begun to practice Kabbalah, a type of Jewish mysticism restricted to “…rabbinical families intermarried with the mercantile and banking elite…”. The general public referred to this as Black Magic and wanted it out of their cities. So, when the populous suddenly became stricken with symptoms ranging from fevers and chills, to weakness and headaches, to their skin suddenly turning black…
…and welts appearing…
The public knew only one thing could cause such symptoms, and that one thing was poison.
With severe illness and death plaguing their communities, the citizens knew what had to be done. They banded together to rid their towns of the magicians, by any means necessary.
The public also knew it was imperative to warn neighboring villages.
Word of the well poisonings quickly spread and communities, both sickly and still in good health, began the mass assault on the poisoners. Physical attacks on Jews began which included locking the magicians inside their synagogues and burning the establishments to the ground. This event, as a whole, is considered the first Holocaust, and history tells us it was all based on a lie. …However…
On October 31st, 1348, two years into the plague, a high-ranking member of the religion confessed during a legal proceeding that he was directed by a Rabbi to poison the public water wells. Here is his confession to the court:
Do you think they contracted only one man to poison the population? Of course not. Folks, let this sink in: THEY POISONED THE WATER SUPPLY RESULTING IN THE MASS EXECUTION OF EUROPE… now you know where the saying “poisoning the well” comes from.
Despite the confession, history then made sure we understood that the Jews had absolutely nothing to do with the plague. Scientists went to work tracking down the real culprit and they discovered who it actually was, or should I say what it actually was…
… fleas… infected fleas… fleas that harbored the Bubonic Plague bacteria inside them then hunted down people and bit them, thus leeching the evil virus across species. The problem was proving it…
There have been very few cross-species studies involving the plague, in fact, there are very few studies, period. A 2006 experiment involved (what the lab deemed to be) three different strains of Black Plague intravenously injected into a rabbit. After jabbing the rabbit full of who-knows-what, lice were allowed to feed on it. The scientists claimed that many lice died within three days and those that lived became infertile.
A prior study, which took place in 2004, was ran in conjunction with the US Army and began under the assumption that fleas transmit disease. In this experiment, fleas were fed what was determined to be infected blood, which the scientists infected in their lab. Meanwhile, a handful of mice were injected with concoctions called vaccines. The mice were then tortured by being strapped down and restrained while up to 60 fleas were placed on them to feed for a full hour. After the feeding, some of the fleas were dissected to see if they “had taken a normal blood meal”. This process continued every 2-3 days for 2-3 weeks.
After the feedings, the mice, who had just been terrified and tormented for 60 consecutive minutes, were returned to their cages and monitored for symptoms of plague which included lethargy, hunched posture, and reluctance to respond to external stimuli – and as soon as they demonstrated any of these signs, science killed them and dissected them so they could learn more about the disease. “Mice that survived the first challenge were rechallenged once or twice more at intervals of 2 to 4 weeks.”. This study somehow determined vaccines are great for stopping plague.
With that being said, there does not appear to be a single study in which wild-caught fleas were placed onto a healthy human, allowed them to bite the human a reasonable amount of times and leading to disease. This is why a 2016 study admits flea transmission is “still under discussion”:
History also tells us the plague was spread through human corpses and animal carcasses. History claims, because there were dead bodies everywhere, the plague continued to fester. However, in 2021, when scientists attempted to prove this, they were unsuccessful, so instead they hypothesized that, presumably, the plague could not only be spread through dead bodies, but also through blood as well as inhalation of respiratory droplets.
Other studies claim fleas and dead bodies were never the cause, it was actually rats or lice. Although they don’t know what exactly caused the plague, they know that whatever it was, it sure wasn’t poison and it sure wasn’t the Jews.
Now let’s wrap this article up by tying it all together:
When the wealthy and elite bankers began practicing black magic, the people wanted them out. A Rabbi then directed at least one member of the organization to poison the drinking water sources. Citizens across Europe quickly began falling terribly ill, meanwhile the wealthy left the area.
Once the elites were gone, brokers acted as middlemen, contacting the government on behalf of the so-called doctors, thus putting a layer of secrecy between the government and the doctor. Those brokers offered their client’s services for a hefty price, with advance payment required.
Once the first payment was made, under the guise of protection from the disease, the volunteer doctor arrived with their identity completely cloaked, carrying a wand.
The volunteers then went door-to-door, generously extending their services to those who could not pay. Once inside the sick person’s dwelling, the doctor gave them advice and assisted in the writing of their final testament. After the will was complete, the doctor proceeded to strip the patient using a want, stab them in the arm or neck puncturing a vein, then draining the blood into a bowl. Once the victim was deceased, the doctor had special privileges to chop up the body and log the death.
When all said and done, a mass execution had occurred, with as much as 60% of Europeans being slaughtered. A Great Reset at the hands of the magicians resulting from poisoning the water supply.
And that is the true story of the Plague Doctors.
Oh, and one last thing: the Bubonic plague began in 1346. What was 666 years after 1346? 2012. What happened in 2012 other than the reelection of Barak Obama and the year of the United Nations Earth Summit?
2012 was also a very important year because it was Doomsday. The year was predicted by the Mayans 5,126 years prior, a year they claimed marked the end of a cycle in humanity and the beginning of a new era.
That same year, 2012, a team of archaeologists unearthed an inscription on an ancient stairway…
The inscription mentions the year 2012. What was the name of the location where the inscription was located?…
And if you have Corona Virus, who saves you? The man in the long coat with the mask who pumps Remdesivir into your veins and throws you on a respirator resulting in death… which he will log for the government…