
Cat Trick

How to create the fictional “threat” of a “spillover” event. Every so often, I come across stories about studies claiming to have discovered “novel viruses” with potential implications for human health. Reading these studies reveals a familiar pattern: an ill human or animal with non-specific symptoms tests negative for known bacteria and “viruses.” Next, tissues… Continue reading Cat Trick Published November 21, 2024

Categorized as Jeilongvirus, Viruses

The Magic Trick

I was recently in a discussion on Twitter with a user who was utterly convinced in the power of vaccination to end “viral” diseases. This person believed that smallpox had been successfully wiped off the face of the Earth through the injection of toxins directly into the bloodstream and that the defeat of polio was… Continue reading The Magic Trick Published June 28, 2024

Categorized as Polio, Smallpox, Viruses

The “Virus” Concept

You go through narrow-pored clay filters, which hold back all bacteria, easily pass through and you have they are not yet visible with the best microscopes, including the ultramicroscope can do. We must infer their existence because they represent various human, animal and plant diseases. It’s a very special strange fact that we are dealing with these microorganisms that are completely invisible… Continue reading The “Virus” Concept Published March 29, 2024

Categorized as History of ViroLIEgy, Viruses

Inventing the Nature of “Viruses”

“No viruses have been found multiplying free in nature.” -Virologist Thomas Rivers Tom Rivers: reflections on a life in medicine and science : an oral history memoir For the greater part of the first 50 years of the 20th century, there was no agreed upon definition for what the invisible entities labelled as a “virus”… Continue reading Inventing the Nature of “Viruses” Published November 10, 2023

Categorized as Viruses

The “Virus” Model

I recently went through the origins of the “virus” concept that was born in the late 1800s by pseudoscientific evidence generated for Tobacco Mosaic “Virus” (TMV) and Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD). It was abundantly clear that, at the time of the creation of the “virus” concept, there was (and still is) no direct evidence that these pathogenic entities… Continue reading The “Virus” Model Published October 7, 2023

Categorized as Bacteriophages, Viruses

Nipah’d in the Bud

Back in September of 2021, I was alerted to a “virus” that I had never heard of before known as the Nipah “virus.” After having a good laugh over the name (there were a few nipple jokes thrown about), I had decided to investigate this mysterious “virus” to see what all of the fuss was… Continue reading Nipah’d in the Bud Published September 28, 2023

Categorized as Nipah, Viruses

The No “Virus” Challenge

Over the past few weeks, I have had the privilege of working with some brilliant people on establishing a challenge to virology in order to finally put their (pseudo)scientific methods to the test. Stemming from the mind of Dr. Tom Cowan and meticulously crafted by Dr. Mark Bailey and Dr. Kevin Corbett, the No “Virus”… Continue reading The No “Virus” Challenge Published July 15, 2022

Categorized as No “Virus” Challenge, Viruses

The Shope Papillomavirus: The Precusor to HPV

In order to understand the deception of virology, it is important to trace every “virus” to its point of origin in order to see that there is no credible proof of any purified and isolated “virus” at any point in its history. Often times, this leads one to the investigation of so-called plant and animal… Continue reading The Shope Papillomavirus: The Precusor to HPV Published April 23, 2022

Categorized as HPV, Viruses

Is HPV Pathogenic?

In virology, in order to determine whether particles believed to be “viruses” are actually pathogenic, virologists must demonstrate pathogenicity in a suitable host in order to satisfy the last two of Koch’s four Postulates proving a microbe causes disease: 3. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism. 4. The microorganism… Continue reading Is HPV Pathogenic? Published April 16, 2022

Categorized as HPV, Viruses

HPV Madness!

Looking back at the original papers, it was clear that the human “papillomavirus” (HPV) was nothing more than random particles found in ground up wart tissue. There was no attempt at purification/isolation of any “virus” nor was there any proof of pathogenicity. The researchers claimed that the particles they picked out from the impure samples… Continue reading HPV Madness! Published April 14, 2022

Categorized as HPV, Viruses

For further study below and credit the original author(s). Thank you! -A.


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