World War 2 Horrors

My answer is: everything Japan did in the war of Aggression against China! I can’t tell you which is the cruelest and which is not, because there are so many cruel things they do that it’s impossible to rank. Every loss of life hurts me and every crime committed by Japan in China is heinous. (Warning: The following may be uncomfortable.)

1. Japanese Unit 731

During World War II, Japan set up unit 731 to conduct human experiments to wage germ warfare. It is a vast project to develop weapons of biological warfare, including plague, anthrax, cholera and a dozen other pathogens. Unit 731 of the Japanese Imperial Army conducted research by experimenting on humans and by “field testing” plague bombs by dropping them on Chinese cities to see whether they could start plague outbreaks. Scholars and former members of the unit say that at least 3,000 people — by some accounts several times as many — were killed in the medical experiments; none survived.

To test whether the vaccine was effective, the army experimented on about 50 Chinese and Manchurian people, mixing salmonella with sugar water made from white granulated sugar and forcing them to drink it, forcing them to become infected with the bacteria. They also kept the Chinese in rooms filled with fleas carrying plague bacteria, infecting them all. Such experiments on living humans, with high fatality rates, are carried out every day in Unit 731.

In this experiment, the army experimentalists used erosive agents to ulcerate human skin, eyes, mucous membranes and other cellular tissues, destroy nucleic acids and enzymes in cells, and make people poisoned.

Unit 731 proved scientifically that the best treatment for frostbite was not rubbing the limb, which had been the traditional method, but rather immersion in water a bit warmer than 100℉ — but never more than 122℉. Behind this breakthrough scientific achievement is a vast array of human experiments: Victims were taken outside in freezing weather and left with exposed arms, periodically drenched with water, until a guard decided that frostbite had set in.

In addition, there are pressure experiments in living bodies, vivisection, flare-thrower roasting, human-animal crossbreeding, and the scariest of all is the “drying experiment”, in which a living person is tied to a chair and placed in a high-temperature drying chamber for less than 15 hours, so that no water can seep out of his body. There’s something you can’t think of, nothing they can’t do. And none of the human trials will use anesthetics, because if anesthetics are used, the organs and blood vessels to be examined may be affected.

I couldn’t bear to see the horror in his eyes, but unfortunately, all the people who were used in the experiment died in such fear and pain.

2.The Nanjing Massacre

I believe many people are aware of the Nanjing Massacre, and many people are characterized by it as the single most diabolical incident committed by the Japanese. On December 13, 1937, after capturing Nanjing, the capital of China at that time, Japanese troops launched a massacre against Nanjing residents and disarmed Chinese soldiers which lasted as long as six weeks.

Survivors of the Nanjing Massacre say, The Japanese, sliced babies not just in half but in thirds and fourths, the Yangtze River ran red with blood for days.

Groups of Chinese civilians were formed, bound with their hands behind their backs, and marched outside the walls of the city where they were killed in groups by machine gun fire and with bayonets.

Not only did live burials, castration, the carving of organs, and the roasting of people become routine, but more diabolical tortures were practiced, such as hanging people by their tongues on iron hooks or burying people to their waists and watching them get torn apart by German shepherds.

Chinese men were used for bayonet practice and in decapitation contests.

An estimated 20,000–80,000 Chinese women were raped. Many soldiers went beyond rape to disembowel women, slice off their breasts, nail them alive to walls. Fathers were forced to rape their daughters, and sons their mothers, as other family members watched.

3.The Forced recruitment of comfort women

When Japan invaded China, some 200,000 Chinese women fell victim to the Japanese army’s sex slavery. The Japanese army mainly recruited Chinese comfort women by means of physical violence, kidnapping, coercion and deception. The occupations of the abducted women included teachers, workers, farmers, students, clerks and nuns. The comfort women included the elderly, children and even pregnant women.

During Japan’s 14-year war of aggression against China, about 75 percent of Asian comfort women, or about 300,000, were raped by the Japanese military, equivalent to the Nanjing Massacre, according to the China Research Center for Comfort Women issues.

They are a group of women who shed blood and tears in the Second World War. They are a group of lambs swallowed by the Japanese war monster. The Japanese army uses them as a kind of munitions and a tool for them to vent their animal desires. One of the heinous crimes committed by the Japanese invaders against the Chinese people during the 14-year period was the rape and murder of numerous Chinese women, with a brutality that could be called “unprecedented”. “Comfort women” sounds gentle and amiable, covering up the blood and tears of countless Asian women from China, North Korea, South Korea, Philippines, Singapore and so on!

However, the Japanese government and right-wingers are instilling a right-wing view of history that denies or glorify the history of Japanese aggression into the next generation through textbooks. Kase Hideaki even said, “We did not commit any massacre in Nanjing in 1937. That was completely fabricated by the Chinese. ” Ridiculous, isn’t it? I hope the Japanese can formally history, I hope the rest of the world will not look on this coldly. Because Indifference is worse than death.

History should not be forgotten.

Taken from Quora:

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