Biden sleeps, perchance to dream – Jon Rappoport

In his bed in the White House residence, President Joe Biden sleeps. He begins dreaming. A familiar figure appears. A man in a dark suit. Biden has seen him many times in his dreams over the years. The man is not God or the Devil or an angel. He is a messenger. From where? Unknown.… Continue reading Biden sleeps, perchance to dream – Jon Rappoport


For those who want to understand the whole hoax in concise, I suggest they should learn from the following 5 part series. The website also features greatest discovery and ground breaking work of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer a German doctor who died back in 2017 before Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Thomas Cowan he was… Continue reading FIVE PARTS SERIES ON COVAIDs – 19 BY GERMAN NEW MEDICINE

Mads Palsvig | Full Interview Part 1 | Planet Lockdown – Odysee

By far one of the most important interviews out there in the recent weeks, please do check out this one. You’ll also learn how and why they murdered Qaddafi by carpet bombing one of the most beautiful sites ever constructed by humans. This and much more in the following video on Odysee – A—Full-Interview-Part-1—Planet-Lockdown:c


Our good old friend Mr. Anthony Patch puts it in simple words. Well then you have those babblling about that they didn’t see any adverse reactions immedtiately receiving the death covaids jab, you have to wait and see that it might take around 2 – 4 months period till it starts activating itself top to… Continue reading DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE IT WILL MODIFY YOUR GENETIC CODE – ANTHONY PATCH

EMERGENCY- Extinction Level Event Underway Due To mRNA Vaccine Bioweapon – Odysee

It appears that they’ve unleashed a bioweapon unlike anything we’ve ever seen. The vaccinated are transmitting an infection to the unvaccinated. We don’t know much about it yet as it’s so new. The reports are of people having problems are increasing fast. TenPenny along with RFJK discussed on this in their show on Shedding VS… Continue reading EMERGENCY- Extinction Level Event Underway Due To mRNA Vaccine Bioweapon – Odysee

Pfizer CEO: 3rd shot ‘likely’ needed within a year

This mad dog wants to you ingest poison and leave the earth as soon as possible he needs a bullet instead of his own jab. Wake up folks they never intended anything for your betterment nevertheless they’re telling you to take as much poison as they want you to – A    


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