The Lies About Taliban Heroin

Russia and Oil the Real Objectives With Heroin As A Weapon of War A Replay of CIA’s Vietnam-era Drug Dealing Sadruddin Aga Khan: mujahideen coordinator The Anglo-American support apparatus behind the Afghani mujahideen [© Copyright 2001, Michael C. Ruppert and From The Wilderness Publications, May be reproduced or distributed for non-profit purposes only] FTW,… Continue reading The Lies About Taliban Heroin

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The Politics of Three – Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Israel by Paul W. Rasche

The Bush Administration is engaged in one of the most delicate political balancing acts of any American Administration in history, in assembling the coalition against terrorism. In particular, three vital members of their coalition—Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Israel—each are simultaneously pursuing their own political agendas, agendas which have the potential to not only shatter the… Continue reading The Politics of Three – Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Israel by Paul W. Rasche

Categorised as Pak

Afghanistan, Pakistan, the ISI and the BCCI

On July 3, 1979, at the insistence of advisors such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter signed a directive authorizing covert aid to the fundamentalist opponents of the ruling communist regime in Afghanistan (1). This move was understood as one that would likely lead to direct Soviet intervention and that is exactly what happened on December… Continue reading Afghanistan, Pakistan, the ISI and the BCCI

Categorised as nwo

GRAVE DANGER! FOOD & GAS RATIONING Through Executive Orders: Shockingly TERRIFYING

One of the most important things you will read this year: How the American government swiftly took away everything from its citizens in under 24 months, without Congressional approval…

“the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.” – Edward Bernays, Propaganda

You’d better read this and start preparing now:

The best way to learn how they’re going to do it is to learn how they already did it – a horrifying history lesson that is likely to repeat by, or in, 2030, just in time for the United Nations 2030 Agenda, a program in which everything is rationed, starting with utilities, food and land.

I always knew rations were implemented during WWII, but I never learned how they did it and I sure as hell never thought it was this diabolical. This research utterly shocked me and it will shock you too. We are already in the beginning stages of the rationing program, all they need now is to pull the trigger and all of this will happen again, just as quickly as it did 85 years ago… please read this because the devil is in the details…

Why you should know about Harold Hillman’s work on the living cell

This paper looks at how Harold Hillman’s critique of the living cell impacts our current understanding of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), genetics, viruses, genetically modified organisms (GMO), and our understanding of living things. I have tried to condense and simplify Hillman’s work concerning the living cell as much as possible to make it more accessible to… Continue reading Why you should know about Harold Hillman’s work on the living cell

Virology is not a Biology

This is going to be (I think) just a short post that is more of an observation and orientation for others that are following the progress of the Virology Control Studies Project and/or want to do some experimentation or theoretical research themselves. Now, before anyone jumps down my throat about the title maybe implying that… Continue reading Virology is not a Biology

DNA discovery, extraction and structure. A critical review

The existence of DNA, its structure and its role are taught to us as facts; recognized and approved by all scientific establishments. But what if I told you that DNA started as a concept. Not DNA itself, but scientists’ need to find the secret of life within our tissue, within the cells, and that the… Continue reading DNA discovery, extraction and structure. A critical review


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