The following article was posted on October 2, 2024, and by today, it has received 604 “Like”s, although I’m not sure what that happens to signal, while “explaining Chat GPT for Dummies,” and I have severe reservations about the explanation. After all, the author is holding a university position, and all universities have been severely… Continue reading How Does ChatGPT Work? What is ChatGPT, Anyway?
The DNA Hoax Part 1, 2 and 3
Part 1: Extraction The Claim: According to all mainstream scientists for a few centuries, this white spaff pulled from some pulverized strawberries is the building blocks of life, literally the instructions needed for an organism to develop, survive and reproduce. It contains a string of nucleotides, too small to see with any microscope, wound into… Continue reading The DNA Hoax Part 1, 2 and 3
The new COVID vaxx that replicates itself; what??! – RED ALERT! – Jon Rapopport
What foul creature have they cooked up this time? It’s called Kostaive. European Medicines Agency: “Kostaive will be available as a powder for dispersion for injection. Kostaive is a RNA-based COVID-19 vaccine. It contains a self-amplifying mRNA that encodes the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Self-amplifying means that the mRNA also carries instructions to make a protein called replicase. Once administered into a… Continue reading The new COVID vaxx that replicates itself; what??! – RED ALERT! – Jon Rapopport
How to Research Chemicals in Food & Vitamins: Beginners Guide + Zinc Supplement Investigation – From Agent 131711’s substack.
Let me show you exactly how you can trust but verify. Easy entry-level stuff that anyone with access to the internet can do… I get a lot of emails and questions about if a specific product is good to take – in my opinion it is all poison because nutrients come from clean foods, not… Continue reading How to Research Chemicals in Food & Vitamins: Beginners Guide + Zinc Supplement Investigation – From Agent 131711’s substack.
Dr Stefan Lanka – Virologists and Virus Misconception
Cat Trick How to create the fictional “threat” of a “spillover” event. Every so often, I come across stories about studies claiming to have discovered “novel viruses” with potential implications for human health. Reading these studies reveals a familiar pattern: an ill human or animal with non-specific symptoms tests negative for known bacteria and “viruses.”… Continue reading Viruses
Cat Trick
How to create the fictional “threat” of a “spillover” event. Every so often, I come across stories about studies claiming to have discovered “novel viruses” with potential implications for human health. Reading these studies reveals a familiar pattern: an ill human or animal with non-specific symptoms tests negative for known bacteria and “viruses.” Next, tissues… Continue reading Cat Trick
Unmasking the Viral Paradigm
In mid-2024, the legendary Vera Sharav of the Alliance for Human Research Protection sent a request. She asked if my husband Mark and I would write an essay concerning the perversion of science for her companion book to the documentary “Never Again is Now Global”. The task for our chapter was to “unmask the viral… Continue reading Unmasking the Viral Paradigm
How HIV Fails Koch’s Postulates
Virologists can’t get no (da da da)…satisfaction…(da da da)…even though they try and they try and they try and they try… I often find inspiration for my writing through interactions on Twitter—or X, as it’s now known—particularly when these exchanges spark ideas or lead me to explore new topics. Sometimes, someone poses a challenge that… Continue reading How HIV Fails Koch’s Postulates