Biotech companies are trying to make milk without cows

Remember folks it all about materialism(like the Bible states ‘Kings of the world’) and nihilism… These disgusting reprobates won’t stop at any cost… Stay away from them and their disgusting satanism! The article comes from MIT Technology Review. REMILK This article first appeared in The Checkup, MIT Technology Review’s weekly biotech newsletter. To receive it in your… Continue reading Biotech companies are trying to make milk without cows

Living brain-cell biocomputers are now training on dopamine

Read my previous post here: brain disection Safeguard your children and infants! Take special case measures to protect them from upcoming evil! Remember early indoctrination reaches deep! Most of the brain cells are wired for entire life within the few weeks to very initial months as soon as a baby is born! -A. Now imagine… Continue reading Living brain-cell biocomputers are now training on dopamine

Save, Share & Spread before they’re gone…

Thank you brother Anders! NAZI SS CIA REINHARD GEHLEN – MEMBER OF THE OCTOGON GROUP – OCCULT KNIGHTS TEMPLARS FROM HELL -> KNIGHTS OF MALTA & VATICAN… – 🔥 The Entire History On ‘The Jesuit Order’ & The Plans Of World Domination Full Documentary —»>… – 🔥 The Black Nobility Jesuit Order: Founders of… Continue reading Save, Share & Spread before they’re gone…

Sequencing of the developing human brain uncovers hundreds of thousands of new gene transcripts

You can never reach the word of ‘Kun’ as one of my brilliant teachers and ex-companion said… So get lost you muzzled dog and may God’s wrath reach you uninformed,,, Ameen! -A.

“Paves way for targeted therapies”. Anyone believing conventional science and medicine, after the past four plus years, is doing anything of this ilk for our benefit, needs to re examine their cognitive thinking skills.

Believe, however, in the “targeted” part of that declaration..

Excerpt…Scientists studying the brain often rely on publicly available catalogs of genes and gene transcripts. However, human brain tissue, particularly embryonic tissue, is difficult to access, restricting the comprehensiveness of these datasets. For this study, the researchers obtained six developing human neocortex tissue samples representing the mid-gestation period, or 15 to 17 weeks post-conception. This developmental time point in the human brain is a critical window during which the complexity of our brain — the most sophisticated organ in our body — begins to emerge.

Article here..Excusing inexcusable research

6G Dawn Arrives

You can expect what madness is coming with new ‘G’.
Get lost you muzzled dog and all the criminals with their partners and associates in crime! -A

Excerpt…Ericsson and Telcaria have joined forces to improve the energy efficiency of 5G networks as part of the ‘6G DAWN’ project overseen by CTTC and funded under Spain’s government initiatives. Focused on optimizing private 5G networks for reduced energy consumption without compromising performance, the partnership adopts a public-private integrated network approach. Through advanced technologies like Network Digital Twin and Network Exposure deployed in the 5TONIC lab, the collaboration aims to validate these enhancements in a live environment. By leveraging the energy-efficient nature of 5G technology and exploring innovative solutions, the collaboration seeks to drive sustainability and cost savings for businesses across various sectors.

Article… the cutting edge of our favourite tech…

Spray the Sky with Piss 🚽 New Chemtrail Patent ✈️ (Yes, Seriously)

.and you thought peeing in a pool was rude… Believe it or not, this actually isn’t Bill Gates idea, but I agree, it sure does sound like it. In my first article of this series we discussed how Cloud Seeding is Toxic AF and looked at a list of ingredients that are being sprayed into… Continue reading Spray the Sky with Piss 🚽 New Chemtrail Patent ✈️ (Yes, Seriously)

Viruses Don’t Exist and Why It Matters

Viruses Don’t Exist and Why It Matters by Dr Sam Bailey

Read on Substack

We are now over four years into the COVID-19 fraud and while many things have changed, confusion remains the dominant theme. More people are coming to the realisation that there was no pandemic but there are also plenty of people ramping up “bioweapons” and “gain of function” narratives. Amongst this we have also seen the introduction of a new side-stepping argument that, “virus existence is not important”.

In 2020, we started investigating the virus model and came to the realisation that SARS-CoV-2 did not exist. In fact, there was no scientific evidence that any viruses existed, dating back to the late 1800s literature and the so-called Tobacco Mosaic “Virus”. Those critiquing virology have pointed out that no entity that meets the description of a virus has ever been physically isolated. In order to maintain the illusion, the virologists have not performed properly controlled experiments such as those proposed in the “Settling the Virus Debate” Statement. Indeed, Dr Stefan Lanka had shown that various indirect findings claimed as evidence for viruses are produced by the experimental methodologies themselves.

In 2022, Mark published A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition), a formal refutation of almost every aspect of the virus model. As with other works that ‘no virus‘ proponents have produced there has been no direct response to the overall thesis. Instead we have only seen attempts to change the subject, cloud the established definitions of words or introduce new unfalsifiable hypotheses. There is no ‘third way’ when it comes to virus existence and this sophistry only distracts from the fact that no ‘pathogens’ of any type have been shown to exist. The real world human and animal experiments that set out to demonstrate “contagious” entities that cause diseases such as influenza and common colds were monumental flops.

In this video we investigate why realising that viruses do not exist is a pivotal step for reducing fear and creating a better society.


  1. The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity, Dr Mark Bailey & Dr John Bevan-Smith, 2021
  2. Dr. Peter McCullough Says He Has Seen A Picture Of A Virus Up Close”, Dr Sam Bailey, 20 Nov 2022
  3. The Follies of Peter McCullough”, Dr Sam Bailey, 16 Sep 2023
  4. ‘VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST’ was a Psyop”, Igor Chudov, 6 Nov 2022
  5. The “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement, 14 Jul 2022
  6. HIV – A Virus Like No Other, The Perth Group, 12 Jul 2017
  7. A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition), Dr Mark Bailey, 15 Sep 2022
  8. Gain of function videos, Dr Sam Bailey
  9. Project Veritas and the ‘Virus’”, Dr Sam Bailey, 18 Feb 2023
  10. The End of COVID” (90 sessions)
  11. Ivor Cummins and Doc Malik on YouTube
  12. Ivor Cummins on the missing virus: ‘Let me be honest. I’m gonna lie to you’ – Eric Coppolino 
  13. Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection?”, Health Freedom Defense Fund, 7 Feb 2024
  14. The Great Taking, David Rogers Webb, 2023 (free e-book)
  15. Conversations with Dr. Tom Cowan & Friends: #74: Michael O’Bernicia”, Dr Tom Cowan, 31 Jan 2024

Theresa Tam’s Leaked Meeting Reveals H5N1 Launch

Theresa Tam’s Leaked Meeting Reveals H5N1 Launch by Dr Sam BaileyRead on Substack

Theresa Tam’s Leaked Meeting Reveals H5N1 Launch by Dr Sam Bailey

Read on Substack

In our book Virus Mania, we called Chapter 7: “H5N1: Avian Flu and Not a Glimmer of Proof” and exposed the foundational fraud behind the attempts to convince the public that there was a deadly new influenza “virus”. We suspected the narrative would be used again which is why we featured it on the cover of the 2021 edition. Sure enough, in 2023 the ‘bird flu’ was being used once more as the excuse to carry out the mass culling of poultry as I covered that year in “Taking Away Your Chickens”.

In recent weeks, the public “health” agencies and mainstream media have been featuring ‘H5N1’ in the headlines and “messaging” to the public that a pandemic could be about to start. As expected, some of the alleged experts have started flapping their wings about “pandemic preparedness” plans. There is also an additional angle in that they are claiming to find the influenza “virus” in milk which appears to be a new weapon in the war against raw milk and unpasteurised products.

By a stroke of luck, or more precisely through bureaucratic bungling, private researcher and biostatistician Christine Massey received a surprise invitation to an online H5N1 roundtable meeting headed by Theresa Tam, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada. This enabled us to secure exclusive footage of how they are rolling out the surveillance program and the virological pseudoscience that underpins the entire fraud. You will need to watch the video to fully appreciate the absurd level of nonsense coming from some of the key enablers in this brewing swindle…


Cloud Seeding is TOXIC AF & Blocks the Sun: the Truth About the Chemicals Being Sprayed in OUR AIR

The FDA and EPA absolutely assure us “Cloud Seeding is just Silver Iodide! It’s just to make rain! It’s totally safe!”. Today we are going to find out if that’s true…

“They’re just cloud seeding, it’s not chemtrails! It’s harmless!”, they tell us. In fact, it’s so harmless that the vast majority of states in the US have some form of seeding program currently taking place. Many of them are funded with our tax dollars, but some are sponsored by corporations you would never expect to be involved in GeoEngineering. Idaho Power currently spends $4 million a year on cloud seeding which results in a 12% increase in snow in some areas.

Although the internet assures us Cloud Seeding is super-duper safe, today we are going to look at what chemicals are being spammed into the atmosphere, according to the Manufacturers of the chemicals and a crazy CDC document I unearthed.


Cloud Seeding involves chemicals being sprayed into the atmosphere to hopefully make precipitation:

Cloud Seeding | What is It, How Does It Work, and Does It Make a  Difference? - SnowBrains

I said hopefully make precipitation because two consecutive days of spraying chemicals to seed clouds only results in a 67% chance of rain. Or perhaps we should say, “Two days of spraying results in a 33% failure rate”, meaning 1 out of every 3 chemical-spray operations doesn’t bring rain, so environmentally damaging toxins were released into the atmosphere for absolutely nothing.

To seed, planes are loaded with flares:

They then burn them in the sky:

Or flares can be shot from the ground:

As stated in decades of US military and government documents, Seeding not only makes rain but also make fog, snow or hail, because you know, sometimes people really need more snow, so it’s good to have the capability….



GeoEngineered hail is no longer the cute little pieces of ice that delicately tink… tink… tink on your roof. It has gotten so out of control that across the world people are seeing this insanity:

“Ice Pellet” Hail from Cloud Seeding: Round balls that appear to be made in a factory:


75 POUND Hail balls in Lake Michigan during the “Polar Vortex” (Gee, I wonder what caused that…)

Polar vortex: Lake Michigan turns to sea of giant ice balls | The  Independent | The Independent

Hail from Croatia that looks like a soap-mold:


Tennis-Ball-Sized hail in Missouri. Note the green grass in the background:

Tennis ball sized hail north of KOAM viewing area; Tips to prepare for hail  | Joplin News First |

Baseball sized hail in Michigan:

Catastrophic hail causes damage in Davison area, community reacts | WEYI

Rare Ice Crystal Hail” in Florida:

Oh hail no! How rare were Thursday's hail storms across Central Florida?

Hail so large it wrecks vehicles:


GeoEngineering IS a direct cause of weather chaos.


The worst part is, their cloud seeding chemicals and weather-altering operations result in insurance claims being driven up which results in you and I having to bear the burden of higher rates across the board for home and auto.


Salt-like hail covering the ground in Austria. We get this frequently here in Michigan now. It doesn’t melt like normal frozen water. You can put this sh*t in a metal bowl, set it on blacktop in direct line of the sun and it still won’t melt. Read my post Chemtrails: Fake Snow vs Blow Torch.


The GeoEngineered hail has gotten so bad that now they are now using GeoEngineering Countermeasures to fight the GeoEngineered hail. Meet the Hail Cannon: (37 second video)

Hail Cannons are used to reverse GeoEngineering by sending MASSIVEshockwaves into the atmosphere to try and stop the Cloud-Seeded-Hail before it causes extreme damage to properties, car dealership inventory and crops. Here’s one in action. It is so loud that it is shaking the ground. I’m sure this is simply fantastic for nature: (38 second video)

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Not all Seeding is for precipitation. Seeding is also used to block the sun.

Raytheon’s “Atmospheric Seeding” with Metallic Particles Patent

Here is taped testimony involving Julio Gomez, attorney for the Los Alamos Study Group and Justin Price, a Rhode Island State Representative, regarding Raytheon’s patent for “Seeding” with Aluminum. (25 second video)

Maybe you think it sounds silly that Seeding could control the sun, but here’s a document from the University of Michigan that outlines controlling the sun, back in 1946!


I’m going to write an article just on that document soon, so hop on the Truth Train, I saved you a seat:

As you can see, we haven’t even gotten into the actual Seeding ingredients and it’s already a disaster. Sky-chemicals, fog, hail busting out windshields, shockwave cannons, Raytheon metal-sky patents, controlling the sun; what a nightmare they have caused trying to play God… then they call it “Climate Change” and blame us for using an air conditioner during the summer or drinking through a plastic straw…

With that being said, let’s rip off the Band-Aid and look at what is actually in Cloud Seeding:


There was a company called MK BALLISTICS. As you can guess by their name, they made ballistics… and also Cloud Seeding Flares. Yes, they produced weapons of war and seeding supplies because it’s the same ingredients.

In 2004, MK Ballistics was investigated by the CDC for their chemicals making their employees sick. Here’s the CDC investigation that includes ingredients and process (don’t worry, we will go through it in detail):


Details of ingredients within investigation paperwork:


Now that we have a list of ingredients, let’s check them out:


The US government admits that silver is one of the MOST TOXIC heavy metals, yet they justify spraying it into the sky because…




And, according to the Manufacturers of Silver Iodide (chemical), it is exceptionally toxic to aquatic life, meaning everything living in oceans, lakes, streams, marshes, etc:



Cloud Seeding ingredient STYRENE (CAS #100-42-5) is a toxic, hazardous chemical that should never be inhaled according to the manufacturer. It too causes severe damage to aquatic animals and human organs. But that’s not all. Just like Vitamin A, Ivermectin, High Fructose Corn Syrup and the other population control poisons, Styrene also can harm an unborn child and cause fertility issues.


Category 1 means it can inflict permanent damage with a single exposure. Category 2 means it can inflict permanent damage with repeated or long-term exposure:



Cloud Seeding ingredient “Aluminum Powder” manufacturers Safety Sheet states “DO NOT ALLOW TO BECOME AIRBORNE“, also it’s toxic to eyes, skin and respiratory system (so let’s spray it in the air!)



Cloud Seeding ingredient Potassium Perchlorate (CAS #7778-74-7) is a hazardous chemical according to the manufacturer Safety Sheet. It is incompatible with fine metals, which is exactly what is in Seeding and spraying operations!



This one is absolutely insane. This ingredient, Magnesium Metal Powder (CAS #7439-95-4), is used in Cloud Seeding and insecticide. This is one of the reasons why the insects (and pollinators) are vanishing… because nearly every state is spraying literal insecticide.


Let’s recap what we learned is used in Cloud Seeding flares: insecticide, a hazardous chemical not compatible with metallic particles, a toxic metal composition that should never be allowed to become airborne, a hazardous chemical that can harm and kill unborn babies and one of the most toxic heavy metals that is OK to release into the environment because it’s allowed to be in drinking water. So, we release all of that and we block the sun and kill the bees, but two out of three times we can increase rainfall by 10%-35%, but sometimes it turns into hail and we need to send shockwaves into the atmosphere to stop the basketball-sized chunks from destroying our lives. Makes sense to me!


(37 second video)

Yep, when you combine aluminum with magnesium it clots the blood. Now you know why they are pushing magnesium supplements so hard! …Folks, all of the ingredients are chemicals. They are all toxic. They’re all poison. There’s no point in continuing to review them. If what I have shown you this far doesn’t convince you, then, by all means, keep your blinders on and cheer for the government “just making some rain”.


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