Etymology Resources: Tracing English Words Back Through Greek, Latin & Beyond

Over the past couple years I’ve started to collect old dictionaries & other etymological reference materials. I wanted to put together a guide to save others some time.

The Online Etymology Dictionary

The Online Etymology Dictionary is always a great read. You can pull up detailed etymological definitions for most all English words and there are lots of hyperlinks where you can trace other related words. It’s usually the first result when you search google for a word’s etymology.

Here’s the dictionary’s entry for the word “Recognize”:

Check out the related word section at the bottom of the page for more insights and associations with other words and Latin/ Greek roots, etc. Here’s what you can see under Recognize for example:


Wiktionary is a great free resource that has most English words with the etymological history and definitions

For example for the word “magic”:

After reading many etymological definitions I started to understand how much Latin is embedded into the English language. This made me explore the benefits of starting with the most relevant Latin words, comparing and contrasting all of the English words they yielded. Burning the etymological candle at both ends. This turned into a similar approach for understanding English better through common Greek and Proto Indo-European roots and the English words they each spawned.

Chambers Dictionary of Etymology

This book is my go-to for quick summaries of English words’ etymological definitions. It’s great if you have an English word in mind or if you just want to flip through until something catches your eye. 1,300 pages packed with insights. The book is a triumph. It’s very accessible for beginners and I prefer how it writes out what many other books use acronyms for. Such as L=Latin, G=Greek, OE=Old English, PIE= Proto Indo-European, etc. The original is available for free online although there do seem to be considerable improvements in later editions:

Two examples from the original book on

Always consult the abbreviations section for these types of entries, usually at the first few pages of the book. For example, from the original Chambers Dictionary of Etymology: (note the languages in the second section)

Alexander Reid’s Dictionary Of The English Language

This book contains two really important parts: an etymological dictionary of the English language & a list of etymologically important root words from Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, etc..

Available free online:

Print versions also available:

Dictionary Of Latin And Greek Origins

There is a really helpful book by Bob and Maxine Moore called ‘Dictionary Of Latin And Greek Origins’ to learn about groups of English words categorized by their Latin and Greek ancestors. There is a long index at the end with a quick lookup table for many English words. Unfortunately the lists of English words per ancient root are not as extensive as I would like. It’s not the perfect reference but it adds a lot of value to your library and can be acquired very cheaply.

List of Latin words with English derivatives

This is one of the most interesting, insightful webpages on the internet:

On the left is the original Latin word and on the right the English derivatives. Not all rows are equally interesting and it’s a long page. I recommend scrolling down looking for interesting English words on the right. Also, when there are a lot of English spin-off words, that’s usually an indicator it’s of historical significance.

Here’s a similar page with just Latin verbs, their meanings, and the English words that spawned off:

A Manual of Etymology: Containing Latin and Greek Derivatives, With a Key, Giving the Prefix, Root, and Suffix

A really enlightening old book in reprint and for free online is A Manual of Etymology: Containing Latin and Greek Derivatives, With a Key, Giving the Prefix, Root, and Suffix

Link to online version:

My favorite parts of the book are where it goes through older Latin and Greek words and lists out some pertinent English words. The prefix section if also very helpful. It’s a well curated list that packs a bigger punch than the “List of Latin words with English derivatives” article aforementioned.

Valpy’s ‘An etymological dictionary of the Latin language’

An incredibly informative Latin etymological dictionary called ‘An etymological dictionary of the Latin language’:

List of Greek Morphemes Used in English

An interesting concept, though incompletely executed, this Wikipedia page goes through different Greek elements, defines them and shows how they were integrated into English words

A Dictionary of the English language:

Free online resource “containing the pronunciation, etymology & explanation of all words authorized by eminent writers : to which are added a vocabulary of the roots of English words and an accented list of Greek, Latin, and scripture proper names

Read free here:

A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary Of The English Language By Ernest Klein

Full unabridged version from 1966 is available online here:

Another similar book by the same researcher: A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary Of The English Language By Ernest Klein

A New English Dictionary On Historical Principles [Philological Society]

A great book for digging into the history of English words with lots of additional insights. Hopefully this will be more available in the future in print versions as the online version is a bit tough to navigate.

De Vaan’s “Etymological Dictionary of Latin and Other Italic Languages”

De Vaan’s “Etymological Dictionary of Latin and Other Italic Languages” is a pioneering work and a fascinating resource to delve deep into the history of Latin words and elements:

Origins by Eric Partridge

Origins by Eric Partridge is a very interesting book. There is no index of words, instead everything is listed alphabetically and a lot of the words tell you to “see” other sections of the book. English words are grouped together in cohesive sections with all the relevant words from across all the different languages. I like to flip through looking for large sections that have a lot of English words as often times it’s because of a pivotal Latin or Greek root that is permeated throughout English.

Here is an interesting section from ‘Origins’ for force and related words

The extended version of the Oxford etymology dictionary is also interesting. It can be found online here:

Abridged Etymology Dictionaries

Here are a few quick reference dictionaries that are good entry points to the genre. I’d recommend going for the longer books such as 2,000 page dictionaries. I hope one day an invaluable 500 page etymology book does emerge, but I don’t think it will take the form of an ‘abridged etymology dictionary’.


American Heritage also has a good series of dictionaries. Make sure you get unabridged versions of these types of dictionaries. They are more expensive but superior for etymology research.

Greek and Latin dictionaries are always helpful to have for cross-referencing definitions for ancient words you encounter. The Greek alphabet takes work to grapple with for newcomers

The Cambridge Greek Lexicon is a great collection of greek definitions across 2 hardback volumes. They don’t include Romanized spellings of the Greek words but all the definitions are thoroughly described in English once you can find the word. There are various ways to lookup the Greek spelling, my favorite is ChatGPT. Having the Greek alphabet order readily available is useful in helping determine the position of the specific letter you’re searching for in the alphabet.

Oxford Latin Dictionary:

1968 Oxford Latin Dictionary:

Cassell’s Latin Dictionary

This is another great Latin dictionary. For each entry it also includes the breakdown of the words into their constituent Latin elements. Here’s an example entry for the Latin word, which is shown to break down to terreo (“to frighten”) + facio (“to make, prepare”). This makes this Latin dictionary helpful for tracing back compound latin words into their roots.

Available on

1879 Lewis & Short ‘A Latin Dictionary’:

Alternate link: Before you dive in, also check out their 1891 ‘A New Latin Dictionary’ version which is linked to in the next section

The print version is great at 1100 big pages with 4 columns full of interesting Latin information. Information included: English definitions, synonyms examples of use (fitting they have the prolific writer Cicero who lived between 106-43 BC whose work is some of the earliest examples in the archive to use many Latin words

1891 Lewis & Short ‘A New Latin Dictionary’

The full version of this dictionary is available online here:

Alternative link:

Greek-English Lexicon By Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, Henry Stuart Jones, and Roderick McKenzie

Available here:

Scanned copies of the Great Scott

Scanned copies of the Middle Liddell

List of Greek and Latin Roots in English:

List of Greek and Latin roots in English:

Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder

Mass print book less than $8 on amazon:

This book goes into about 250 Latin & Greek root elements and then a number of example words that use each root and their definitions. Seeing all the English derivatives for each root element next to each other helps to see important familial relationships.

For example Latin anima (“breath” or “soul”) begets the English derivatives: animal, animated, magnanimous, animosity & inanimate

The book also has an index of the covered English words, but it is obviously just a drop in the bucket of all the possible English words. The good news is that Latin and Greek roots run throughout the English language so every root can beget hundreds of words.

Proto Indo-European

Available online:

Indo-European vocabulary:

J Walker’s 1851 Rhyming Dictionary

This is a surprising gem. Rhyming Dictionary is a bit of a misnomer so don’t let that turn you off to this book- other’s call this format a ‘reverse dictionary or ‘inverse dictionary.’ It’s a dictionary that lists out a bunch of common english words with short definitions. The twist- the words are alphabetized from the last letters instead of the first. It’s available online in a few places including here:

This is really helpful when investigating suffixes. For example there is an English suffix -ify which comes from the Latin word facere (“to make, to do”) so I can cross reference the 2 pages in J Walker’s Rhyming Dictionary to see words of interest.

Latin Inverse Lexicon

‘Laterculi vocum Latinarum : voces Latinas et a fronte et a tergo ordinandas’ (“Tiles of Latin words: Latin words to be arranged both from the front and from the back”)
Categorised as tim truth

Ivermectin, WHO, UN, Merck, The World Bank & Kissinger’s World Population Plan Of Action

All signs point to genocide

Video walkthrough now available:

In 1974, Kissinger announced the “world population plan of action” under Nixon’s presidency. NSSM 200 is nothing short of an atrocious secret government document talking about the capping of the world’s population at 8 billion. This menacing declaration of genocide was official US government policy and has been declassified in part (Document link)

Mass Ivermectin Administration

According to an article from Merck, they have shipped 4 billion doses of one version of Ivermectin, Mectizan, to people of poor countries:

“The Program reaches more than 400 million people annually; over 4 billion Mectizan [Ivermectin] 3mg tablets have been shipped to endemic countries by Merck since the inception of MDP in 1987.”

According to another Merck article, they claim the total Ivermectin doses donated surpasses 4.4 Billion… with the help of a public-partnership between Merck, the Task Force for Global Health & the WHO.

Here’s a list of all the countries that receive or have received Ivermectin donations from Merck (as per Mectizan Donation Program article):

American Samoa, Angola, Benin, Brazil, Burkina, Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Congo, Cook Islands, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Fiji, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Kiribati, Liberia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, São Tomé and Príncipe, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna & Yemen

From a 2015 WHO report:

The Task Force For Global Health

Ivermectin For Fertility Reduction

In part 1 and part 2 of the Ivermectin Vs Fertility series, we looked at a number of very concerning studies showing deleterious fertility effects of ivermectin. Let’s examine 3 of these studies again:

Study 1

In a study called ‘Adverse effects of repeated doses of Ivermectin alone or with the combination of vitamin C on reproductive system of female rabbits’ by Jawad et al, researchers tested different amounts of Ivermectin and Vitamin C on rabbits and measured the number of offspring they beget.

“The results of fertility study revealed adverse effect of ivermectin therapy on fertility and block the pregnancy in all treated group except the fifth group which administered vitamin C only as compared with control group… In conclusion: Ivermectin has adverse effects on reproductive efficacy on female rabbits”

Study 2

In a study called ‘Toxicological and pathological studies of Ivermectin on male albino rats’ Elzoghby et al, researchers examined sperm count & percentage abnormal sperm of White Albino rats given ivermectin.

Sperm Count

“Significant decrease in total sperm count with significant increase in sperm abnormality was also demonstrated.”

Study 3

In a study from Nigeria entitled ‘Effects of Ivermectin therapy on the sperm functions of Nigerian onchocerciasis patients’, some very concerning findings were published.

“We observed significant reduction in the sperm counts and sperm motility of the patients tested. On the morphology there was significant increase in the number of abnormal sperm cells. This took the forms of two heads, double tails, white (albino) sperms and extraordinarily large heads. It is suspected that the above alterations in the already determined parameters of the patients’ sperm cells could only
have occurred as a result of their treatment with ivermectin.”

World Bank & Ivermectin

I was able to find 2 documents from the World Bank concerning the mass Ivermectin distribution program.

World Bank River Blindness/ Ivermectin Video: “We Need To Finish The Job”

It brags about “spraying insecticide” to combat river blindness in 1974:

Ivermectin “works like a miracle against river blindness.. putting an end to infected people going blind” claims the video.

Well it isn’t a very effective miracle! The video continues, “Just one or two pills a year, per person. No exceptions”

The video ends with the very ominous line: “If we stop, river blindness WILL come back. WE MUST FINISH THE JOB”

It’s hard not to see the Kissinger world population plan of action reflected in the organizations listed at the end of the video.

UNICEF Paid Propaganda About River Blindness & Ivermectin

UNICEF wrote a “paid” propaganda article in Forbes magazine using much the same tone and talking points as the World Bank video on river blindness,

UNICEF says Ivermectin was deployed in mass in Nigeria by “109,378 community-directed distributors.”  In large font UNICEF emphatically quotes a Nigerian man “I wish I had this knowledge previously, especially about the medicine called Mectizan (Ivermectin). My child wouldn’t have died.”  This utterance is alleged to have occurred “after attending a community outreach session run by UNICEF-trained leaders.”  It goes without saying that UNICEF cannot be trusted to properly capture peoples’ sentiments in this cherry-picked quote.

UNICEF writes in the Forbes article:

“A UNICEF partner since 1991, the pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. donates Mectizan (originally known as ivermectin) to fight river blindness. Merck works with UNICEF and other organizations to distribute the drug free of charge to all who need it.”

Gates “Fights Parasites” In Africa

Gates also is VERY interested in “combating parasites” in Africa:



According to an article by, 79.5% of Brazillians surveyed reported using Ivermectin when they had symptoms of covid in 2022. The poll was conducted by the Barcelona Global Health Institute.

The UN And Depopulation

The United Nations and the billionaire oligarchs who control them seem much more interested in reducing the future population than alleviating suffering or helping human health & well-being.

I recently put together a compilation of video clips exposing the hidden genocide from the mouths of some of the key perpetrators:

Many of these depopulation proponents are tied in closely with the United Nations.

Overlap With The Tetanus Hcg Immunocontraceptives Disguised As Vaccines

While on the topic of NSSM 200, it’s helpful to remind ourselves of the atrocities seemingly perpetrated by the WHO and UN’s UNICEF agency with sterilants in the vaccine.

Kenyan Catholic Bishops put out a 2014 press release after independently testing the tetanus vaccine being deployed widely in their country.

Watch Next:

All my ivermectin videos in an easy to watch & share playlist:

Quercetin Massively Reduces Fertility In Male & Female Mice In 2 Concerning Studies

Quercetin Massively Reduces Fertility In Male & Female Mice In 2 Concerning Studies

Watch the video walkthrough:

Study #1: Quercetin’s Fertility Effects On Female Mice

In a 2014 paper called ‘Effects of dietary quercetin on female fertility in mice: implication of transglutaminase 2’ by Beazley & Nurminskaya (full report) researchers found a jaw-dropping 81% reduction in viable offsprings birthed from middle aged mice when the mice were dosed with quercetin at a daily dose of just 5 mg/kg body weight.

There was also a less pronounced decrease of 14% in the number of offspring of the female mice in their prime reproductive months (2-6 months).

The researchers tracked two metrics for the two treatment groups for both of the age brackets: litters per dam & pups per litter. Here is that data for the two age brackets:

This is extremely troubling when looking at the prevalence of high dose quercetin supplementing.

Also concerning is the huge 104% increase in the ovary weight in the querectin treated animals:

“Our study shows for the first time that dietary quercetin can cause reduced reproductive potential in female mice”

“In conclusion, our data support the proposition that some activities of quercetin and its metabolites may overshadow the beneficial effects of its supplementation in females of reproductive age, calling for further analysis of the clinical data to relate our findings in mice to humans”

Study #2: Quercetin’s Fertility Effects On Male Mice

In another study called ‘Quercetin impairs the reproductive potential of male mice’ by Ranawat et al (full report):

“Quercetin increased the generation of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation in the testis with concomitant decrease in sperm count and motility in a dose-dependent manner.”

“Germ cell kinetic study revealed significant loss of various germ cell populations with increasing dose of quercetin.”

Look at the massive 99.9% reduction in the total motile count (a key indicator of male fertility) at 20 mg/kg quercetin:

“The present in vivo study is an extension of our previous in vitro work wherein it was found that quercetin impaired human normal sperm motility and viability (Khanduja et al., 2001). Concomitant with the results obtained in our previous study, the present study also showed a decrease in sperm motility and concentration and altered testicular histomorphology with increasing dose of quercetin.”

“We found that quercetin affects the motility of spermatozoa and that all spermatozoa were rendered immotile at higher concentrations.”

“The previous in vitro studies reported that quercetin had inhibitory effects on membrane-bound Ca2+ -ATPase, a key enzyme involved in the regulation of sperm motility (Breitbart et al., 1985; Khanduja et al., 2001). The decreased activity of this enzyme results in Ca2+ accumulation in the cells, which in turn causes blockade of the motility apparatus and a concomitant fall in motility (Breitbart et al., 1985).”

“The histomorphology demonstrated alterations in testicular morphology such as epithelial vacuolisation and atrophy in the groups exposed to quercetin. Also, a dose-dependent increase in the extent of damage caused by the bioflavonoid was observed in our mouse model.”

“It was observed that the lumen diameter increased and germ cell height decreased with increasing doses, suggestive of thinning of the germinal epithelium and disintegration of germ cells caused by the bioflavonoid.”

“The quantitative analysis of various germ cell populations revealed a decrease in the proportion of germ cells with increasing doses of quercetin, thereby highlighting extensive damage caused by the compound.”

“The testicular morphology in the high-dose group was indicative of regressive changes in the germinal epithelium and is caused by destruction and loss of the inter-cellular bridges that are essential for the process of spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis and synchronisation of germ cell maturation (Holstein & Eckmann, 1986).”

“Quercetin impairs spermatogenesis not only by acting directly on the germ cells as a pro-oxidant, but also might be directly affecting the Sertoli cell structure and functions.”


Ultimate Guide To Anti-Fertility Ivermectin Genocide: 14 Studies Showing It Wrecks Fertility

Now All The Psy-Ops Make Total Sense – And Many Prominent Anti-Vaxxers Are Guilty In Helping Perpetrate Genocide.

Narrated version of this article available here:

Plummeting # of Pregnancies & Offspring In Ivermectin Rabbit Study

In a study called ‘Adverse effects of repeated doses of Ivermectin alone or with the combination of vitamin C on reproductive system of female rabbits’ by Jawad et al, researchers tested different amounts of Ivermectin and Vitamin C on rabbits and measured the number of offspring they beget.

“The results of fertility study revealed adverse effect of ivermectin therapy on fertility and block the pregnancy in all treated group except the fifth group which administered vitamin C only as compared with control group… In conclusion: Ivermectin has adverse effects on reproductive efficacy on female rabbits”

A very stark, concerning dropoff in the number of pregnancies and total offspring when the Ivermectin is introduced.

Here’s the aggregate data of Ivermectin vs no Ivermectin rabbit pregnancy rates & average number of offspring:

We see a massive reduction of pregnancy rate of 100% for the first mating and 91% for the second mating in the rabbits who received any ivermectin. We also find a plummeting average for number of offspring beget: a 100% drop in the first mating and a 92% reduction in the second mating.

“Ivermectin has adverse effects on reproductive efficacy on female rabbits”

Smaller Litter Sizes & Offspring Weights in Rattus Norvegicus Exposed to Abamectin

In a study called ‘Abamectin Induced Biochemical and Histopathological Changes in the Albino Rat, Rattus Norvegicus’ (full report) by Abd-Elhady & Abou-Elghar, researchers explored the negative effects of ivermectin of male rat fertility

“Fertility was also significantly reduced in
male rats ingesting abamectin in group T2. The number of offspring was significantly reduced.”

Assessment Of Abamectin’s Antifertility Effects In Male Rats

In a study called ‘Assessment of Antifertility Activities of Abamectin Pesticide in Male Rats’ by Elbetieha and Da’as (full report)

“The number of viable fetuses was significantly reduced in females mated with males that ingested abamectin at 1.87 or 2.13 mg/animal/day.”

“Significant increases in the total number of resorptions and the number of females with resorptions were observed in females mated with the exposed males at all three concentrations.”

“Testicular sperm counts and daily sperm production were significantly decreased in exposed males.”

“The results presented in this study clearly demonstrate that ingestion of abamectin for 6 weeks induced adverse effects on male fertility and reproduction.”

“Histological evaluation of the testes revealed several abnormalities including infiltration with congested blood vessels with marked hemorrhage and a significant accumulation of connective tissue surrounding the seminiferous tubules. These results strongly suggest the adverse effects of abamectin pesticide on male rat fertility.”

“The pregnancy rate and the number of viable fetuses were significantly reduced in females impregnated by abamectin-exposed male”

“Similar studies have indicated a strong link between male infertility and exposure to more than 50 pesticides including abamectin (Cox, 1996). Rats given 0.04 mg/ kg/day abamectin had increased stillbirths, decreased pup viability, decreased lactation, and decreased pup weights (US EPA, 1990).”

“Ingestion of abamectin caused a significant reduction in both epididymal and testicular sperm counts in a dose-dependent manner.”

“In summary, our results strongly suggest that exposure to the pesticide abamectin would have adverse effects on fertility and reproduction in adult male rats”

Decrease in Sperm Count & Increase In Abnormal Sperm In White Albino Rats Given Ivermectin

In a study called ‘Toxicological and pathological studies of Ivermectin on male albino rats’ Elzoghby et al, researchers examined sperm count & percentage abnormal sperm of White Albino rats given ivermectin.

Sperm Count

“Significant decrease in total sperm count with significant increase in sperm abnormality was also demonstrated.”

Sperm Abnormalities

“Various sperm abnormalities such as head, middle piece and tail abnormalities were observed in both treated groups at both 24h and 7-days post last injection. However, at 24h post last injection the degree of sperm abnormalities was significantly (P ˂0.05) higher than the control group.”

“Consequently, it could be concluded that, it is not preferable to use ivermectin particularly at double therapeutic dose mostly to breading males.”

Pathological Analysis: Study of Male & Female Fertility In Rabbit Ivermectin Recipients

In a rabbit study called ‘Pathological studies on effects of ivermectin on male and female rabbits’ by GabAllh et al. (Full study)

“Ivermectin has adverse effect on male rabbits that received either therapeutic or double therapeutic doses that varied from mild degenerative changes to complete necrosis of spermatogenic cells with complete absence of sperms. Meanwhile, female genital system was severely affected that showing severe degeneration and hemorrhage in uterus and atritic follicles and degenerated ova in ovaries. Additionally, ivermectin induced mild reversible pathological changes in parenchymatous organs of rabbits at therapeutic dose for short period of administration. Additionally, the repeated administration of either therapeutic or double therapeutic doses of ivermectin induced severe degenerative changes and necrosis in some parenchymatous organs.”

Histopathological Results

“The histopathological results revealed mild to moderate reversible degenerative changes in examined organs of male rabbits received ivermectin weekly for 4 weeks meanwhile, this degeneration become more severe and extended to complete necrosis in some organs after longer period and higher doses of ivermectin administration.”

“Pregnant females suffered from abortion in some cases with fetal death. Female genital system was severely affected that showing severe degeneration and hemorrhage in uterus as well as atritic follicles and degenerated ova in ovaries.”

“Fig.1 Testis of male rabbit received (0.8mg/kg b.wt) ivermectin for 4weeks showing presence of multiple sperm giant cells (H&E x100). Fig.2 Testes of male rabbit received (0.4mg/kg b.wt) ivermectin for 8weeks showing vacuolation in the cytoplasm of spermatogenic cells with pyknotic nucleus. H&Ex400).”

“Fig3 Epididymis of male rabbit received (0.4mg/kg b.wt) ivermectin for 8weeks showing accumulation of necrotic sperms and some of them hyalinized together with mononuclear leucocytic infiltration (blue color) in the epididymal tubules. (H&E x200).”

“Fig.13: Feti of pregnant does that received daily ivermectin at dose 0.4mg/k.g b.wt S.C and slaughtered at 28th day of pregnancy showing stunted growth. Fig.14: Ovary of pregnant does that received daily ivermectin at dose 0.4mg/k.g b.wt S.C and slaughtered at 28 th day of pregnancy showing multiple degenerated and atritic follicles scattered on the ovarian stroma (H&E x100)”

Abamectin Vs Male Fertility & Decreased Pregnancy Rates

In a study called ‘Abamectin Pesticide Exposure and Male Infertility: Human Exposure Studies Supported By Animal Studies Point Out a Considerable Relationship’ by Celik-Ozenci et al examined a very similar pesticide to Ivermectin, Abamectin.

“Abm levels in plasma, testis, liver and adipose tissues increased significantly in LTG and HTGs. Besides normal appearance, germinal epithelium revealed presence of marked depletion of germ cells and occurrence of multinucleated giant cells. Sperm motility and [Pregnancy Rates] decreased significantly in experimental group rats. High plasma Abm levels were found in infertile farmers.”

“Percentage of sperm with normal chromatin, membranous and cytoplasmic maturity and sperm motility decreased in infertile men.”

“Abm exists at high concentrations in testes of male rats and decreased Pregnancy Rates indicate a relationship between Abm and male infertility. Tubule damage and decreased sperm motility may explain this effect. Sperm motility, sperm maturity markers of farmers exposed to Abm were negatively affected. Thus, Abm exposure can contribute to male infertility.”

Ivermectin & Male Fertility in Rats: Major Hit To Sperm Metrics

In a study called ‘Effects of ivermectin and its combination with alpha lipoic acid on expression of IGFBP-3 and HSPA1 genes and male rat fertility’ by EL-Maddawy and Naby, researchers looked into Ivermectin, and changes in fertility metrics & expression of two genes in rat testis. (full report)

Rat Ivermectin Recipients Decreased Sperm Count, Sperm Motility, Living Sperm & Testosterone

“Low level of intratesticular testosterone may lead to detachment of germ cells from seminiferous epithelium and initiate germ cell apoptosis and subsequent male infertility (Lanco-Rodriguez & Martinez-Garcia, 1998)”

From the sperm count and sperm motility measurements we can approximate the drop of total motile count post-ivermectin, a key statistic for male fertility that looks at the number of viable (ie swimming sperm cells):

Microscope Images of HE Stained Rat Testes (×100 and 250 Magnification)

“Where (c) seminiferous tubules showing severe vacculation of germinal epithelium, degeneration with an absence of spermatozoa (arrows) and interstitial edema (arrowhead) and (d) showing disorganized seminiferous tubules with severe vacculation of germinal epithelium and degeneration (arrows) with interstitial edema (arrowhead)”

Ivermectin Makes Female Rats Engage In Less Sexual Behavior

In a study called ‘Ivermectin reduces sexual behavior in female rats’ by Moreira, Bernardi & Spinosa (full report) researchers found a stark decline in femal sexual behavior in rats after ivermectin dosing.

Here is a quick glossay of the terms in this paper:

  1. Estradiol Valerate: A synthetic form of the hormone estradiol, which is a type of estrogen.
  2. Behavior Induced by Estradiol Valerate: Refers to the actions or reactions exhibited by an animal, particularly female rats, after being treated with estradiol valerate. This hormone can induce estrous (reproductive) behaviors, affecting sexual activity.
  3. Behavior Induced by in Estrus: Describes the behaviors, primarily related to mating and sexual receptivity, that female animals exhibit during the estrus phase of their reproductive cycle.
  4. Lordosis: A mating posture in many female mammals, where the back is arched downward to facilitate copulation.
  5. Lordosis Quotient: A measure used in studies to quantify the frequency of lordosis behavior in response to a male’s advances. It is typically calculated as the number of lordosis responses divided by the number of male mounting attempts.
  6. Lordosis Intensity: Refers to the degree or strength of the lordosis posture during each occurrence. This can be measured by the angle of spinal curvature or the overall robustness of the posture in response to male advances.
  7. Exaggerated Lordosis: This term describes an unusually pronounced or extreme lordosis posture. It might be indicative of a heightened sexual receptivity or a specific reaction to hormonal treatments like estradiol.
  8. Female Presenting Lordosis: This term refers to the action of a female animal adopting the lordosis posture as a response to a male’s mating attempts or in anticipation of copulation.

Nigeria Study Finds Significant Reduction in Sperm Count, Sperm Motility & Bizarre Sperm Abnormalities Post-Ivermectin

In a study from Nigeria entitled ‘Effects of Ivermectin therapy on the sperm functions of Nigerian onchocerciasis patients’, some very concerning findings were published.

“We observed significant reduction in the sperm counts and sperm motility of the patients tested. On the morphology there was significant increase in the number of abnormal sperm cells. This took the forms of two heads, double tails, white (albino) sperms and extraordinarily large heads. It is suspected that the above alterations in the already determined parameters of the patients’ sperm cells could only
have occurred as a result of their treatment with ivermectin.”

Sperm Count

“There was a significant drop in the sperm counts of the patients after their treatment with ivermectin” write the authors of the study.

Here is a scatter plot of the sperm count before (x axis) and after (y axis) the ivermectin dosing. Points above the line indicate a higher sperm count after the Ivermectin and points below the line indicate a lower sperm count after Ivermectin.

Here is a chart of the sperm counts pre vs post Ivermectin for the 37 trial subjects, sorted by magnitude of sperm count drop (participant ID is noted beneath columns):

Sperm Motility

The paper also states: “There was a significant drop in the sperm counts of the patients after their treatment with ivermectin. There was also a significant reduction in the motility of the cells after the treatment with ivermectin. These reductions were not concurrent, nor were they in proportion to one another.

Sperm motility is the percentage of sperm that can swim forward. Sperm motility is important because for a sperm cell to successfully fertilize an egg it needs to be able to swim.

Here is a scatter plot of the sperm motility before (x axis) and after (y axis) the ivermectin dosing. Points above the line indicate a higher % sperm motility after the Ivermectin and points below the line indicate a lower % sperm motility after Ivermectin.

Here is a chart of the study data for pre vs post ivermectin sperm motility (Percentage of sperm that move forward) for all 37 subjects sorted with the largest drop in motility first:

Abnormality Of Sperm

“Sperm with abnormal morphology were also found to have increased after ivermectin therapy”

Here is a scatter plot of the % of sperm deemed “abnormal” before (x axis) and after (y axis) the ivermectin dosing. Points above the line indicate a higher % of abnormal sperm after the Ivermectin and points below the line indicate a lower % of abnormal sperm after Ivermectin.

Here is the data for % abnormal sperm for each of the participants before and after their ivermectin, sorted by the largest increase increase in abnormal sperm (participant # is under the columns):

The study also notes: “On the morphology there was significant increase in the number of abnormal sperm cells. This took the forms of two heads, double tails, white (albino) sperms and extraordinarily large heads.”

Motile Count

We can calculate the total motile count of each patient’s sample by multiplying the number of sperm in the sample times the percentage that were swimming properly.

Ivermectin VS Rosy Barb Fish Sperm

In a study called ‘Exposure of Rosy Barb (Puntius conchonius) Sperm to Abamectin as an In Vitro Assay of Cytotoxicity’ by Zhang et al (full report)

“This indicates that the toxicity of abamectin to rosy barb sperm is both dose dependent and exposure time dependent.”

Mouse Study Examining Altered Fertility Post-Ivermectin

In a study called ‘Effect of ivermectin on male fertility and its interaction with P-glycoprotein inhibitor (verapamil) in rats’ by El-Nahas & El-Ashmawy (full report)

While not deemed statistically significant, there is a noticeable drop in average sperm count after ivermectin to 343.3 million sperm per ml compared to the 392.3 million sperm per ml in the No-Ivermectin control group. The Ivermectin group has a 12.5% reduction in sperm concentration

Interestingly, when paired with verapamil, a drug for high blood pressure/ chest pain, there are much more significant deleterious effects in the male fertility metrics. The paper notes this may be because verapamil serves as a Pgp blocker.

“The low ivermectin toxicity has attributed to its restricted access to some tissues, especially for being a substrate of Pgp. Pgp is linked to the integrity of blood–tissue
barriers, such as the blood–brain barrier, testis or placenta and a partial blockade of Pgp could be responsible for a new drug distribution in the organism with possible increases of drug rates in organs behind these barriers. Therefore, concomitant administration of substrates and Pgp inhibitors would modify drug pharmacokinetics by increased bioavailability and organ uptake”

According to various studies (see below screen shot), certain ethnicities are much more prone to a TT MDR1 gene exon 26 C3435T mutation which, according to Hitzl et al:

“Carriers homozygous for this polymorphism (TT) showed more than two-fold lower PGP expression… compared to the CC group”

Does this mean people with a TT mutation (and perhaps CT to a lesser extent) on gene exon 26 C3435T are more prone to Ivermectin toxicity to both their brains & their testis?!

Let’s look at a few more metrics from the Ivermectin rat study:

Here’s a diagram which depicts the sperm life cycle, starting from spermatogonia and proceeding through mitosis and then through 2 stages of meiosis (MI, MII) and finally through spermatogenesis to yield spermatozoa.

Let’s look at the differences in abnormal sperm cells by category by treatment group in this series of 9 charts:

Other Pgp inhibitors that enhance ivermectin toxicity include K2, quercetin, hot peppers, curcumin, turmeric, CDB & THC.

Sheep Study Finds Drop In Sperm Motility & Concentration Post-Ivermectin

A Turkish study on Ivermectin’s fertility effects on male sheep by Tanyildizi and Bozkurt also found a stark decrease in sperm motility and concentration after injecting ivermectin (0.2mg/kg) subcutaneously (full report here)

“In this study, the values of sperm motility and concentration were observed to decrease significantly (p<0.01) when compared with the control group.”

Here is a chart of the sperm concentration & sperm volume of the Ivermectin injected sheep vs the levels from the no-Ivermectin control group:

The Smoking Gun: Use In Genocide In Africa/ Central America

In 1974, Kissinger announced the “world population plan of action” under Nixon’s presidency. NSSM 200 is nothing short of an atrocious secret government document talking about the capping of the world’s population at 8 billion. This menacing declaration of genocide was official US government policy and has been declassified in part (Document link)

Mass Ivermectin Administration

According to an article from Merck, they have shipped 4 billion doses of one version of Ivermectin, Mectizan, to people of poor countries:

“The Program reaches more than 400 million people annually; over 4 billion Mectizan [Ivermectin] 3mg tablets have been shipped to endemic countries by Merck since the inception of MDP in 1987.”

According to another Merck article, they claim the total Ivermectin doses donated surpasses 4.4 Billion… with the help of a public-partnership between Merck, the Task Force for Global Health & the WHO.

Here’s a list of all the countries that receive or have received Ivermectin donations from Merck (as per Mectizan Donation Program article):

American Samoa, Angola, Benin, Brazil, Burkina, Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Congo, Cook Islands, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Fiji, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Kiribati, Liberia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, São Tomé and Príncipe, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna & Yemen

From a 2015 WHO report:

See the obvious connection between this group being poisoned by the depopulation agent called “Ivermectin” and Kissinger’s target country list? I hope so.

“The Task Force For Global Health”

So who is this ‘Task Force For Global Health’ shipping all this poisonous ivermectin to poor people around the world for free?

To debate me on ivermectin LIVE on-air, email . Try to get your favorite ivermectin-pushing Jim Jones POS to grow some balls and debate me and you’ll see they’re just playing dumb. It’s my contention they are purposefully pushing depopulation agents on us.

More on this topic:

3 Disturbing Studies On Decreased Sperm Counts, Decreased Sperm Motility & Increased % Abnormal Sperm Post-Ivermectin:

“CLASTOGENIC” – 18 Studies Highlighting Ivermectin Induced DNA Breakage, Damage & Related Disorders

6 More Animal Ivermectin Studies Showing Negative Fertility Effects! Depopulation?!

P-glycoprotein Deficiency (Genetic Or Drug Induced) & Increased Ivermectin Toxicity

Pig Study Raises MAJOR Questions Of Dangers Of Combining Quercetin & Toxic Pgp Substrates like Ivermectin

Ivermectin, WHO, UN, Merck, The World Bank & Kissinger’s World Population Plan Of Action:

Ivermectin Is Cytotoxic & Genotoxic (Damaging To Cells And DNA) & Possibly Carcinogenic (Cancer Causing)

Ivermectin Is So Toxic It Kills Most Mosquitoes That Feed On Its Users For 4 Days After?!

Studies Find Quercetin & Natto K2 INHIBIT P-Glycoprotein; Will This Increase Ivermectin Toxicity Susceptibility?!

2 Concerning Studies: CBD & THC Enact Potent P-Glycoprotein Inhibiting Effects, Raising Very Concerning Questions About Heightened Ivermectin Toxicity For Marijuana Users

Grapefruit’s Irreversible Inactivation of Key Defense Against Toxic Effects Of Many Drugs (Ivermectin Binary Weapon)


Ivermectin Is Cytotoxic & Genotoxic (Damaging To Cells And DNA) & Possibly Carcinogenic (Cancer Causing)

Video walkthrough now available here:

Ivermectin Cell & DNA Toxicity Study By Zhang Et Al

In a study called ‘Ivermectin Confers Its Cytotoxic Effects by Inducing AMPK/mTOR-mediated Autophagy and DNA2 Damage’ Zhang Et Al (full report here)

“Ivermectin has significant ability to induce DNA oxidative damage and enhance autophagy in HeLa cells”

“The accumulation of IVM in animal tissues and the excretion of urine and feces in the environment is the major source of potential toxicity… Human consumption of meat or milk contaminated with livestock can result in exposure to high levels of IVM exposure.”

“As expected, we found that IVM can induce oxidative double-stranded damage in HeLa cells, indicating that IVM has potential genotoxicity to human health. In addition, we observed the formation of LC3-B in HeLa cells, the accumulation of Beclin1, the degradation of p62 and the activation of the AMPK/mTOR signal transduction pathway.”

“We conclude that IVM produces genotoxicity and cytotoxicity by inducing DNA damage and AMPK/mTOR-mediated autophagy, thereby posing a potential risk to human health.”

“As shown in Fig. 1A, the cell clone formation rate decreased gradually with the
increase of IVM concentration after 6 h of drug administration.”

Ivermectin Genotoxicity And Carcinogenicity Observed With Fruit Flies

In a study called ‘Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of ivermectin and amoxicillin in vivo systems’ by Aparecida de Sousa et al (full report here),

“The results revealed that IVM increased the frequency of epithelial tumor in D. melanogaster considering all evaluated concentrations”

“Findings showed an increase in the frequency of micronuclei in T. pallida
treated with 11.42, 22.84 and 45.68 x 10 −5 mM of IVM. We conclude that chronic exposure to IVM is directly associated with events resulting from genetic instability (genotoxicity and carcinogenicity).”

Ivermectin appears to drastically reduce survival rate of fly progenies as the dose is increased:

Frequency Of Tumor Clones By IVM Treatment Dosage:

“It was observed a dose-dependence in the frequency of MN in T. pallida considering the highest concentrations (11.42, 22.84 and 45.68 × 10−5 mM) differing statistically (p ≤ 0.05) from the negative control, evidencing a genotoxic effect of IVM”

“The results observed in D. melanogaster and T. pallida showed that IVM can increase the damage in the genetic material, leading to genetic instability.”

Why fruit flies? The authors explain:

“In D. melanogaster, the test for the detection of epithelial tumor
(ETT) represents one of the most promising alternatives to evaluate and
identify possible carcinogens (Nepomuceno, 2015) … This test has also been used to
verify carcinogenic events of different substances (Orsolin et al., 2012; Morais et al., 2018; Naves et al., 2018).”

Ivermectin Mutagenicity In Swiss Albino Mice

In a study titled ‘The mutagenic effects of ivermectin in germinal cells and serum
protein of the mouse’ by Sweify et al

“Ivermectin… is extremely toxic to fish and aquatic life. Some animals showed reduction in the fertility, the number of variable fetuses and sperm count following treatment with (IVM).”

“Analysis of the treated samples revealed significant increase in meiotic aberrations, 33.83% vs 5.8% for the control (P < 0.001)… These findings supports the mutagenicity of IVM”,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

“Effects of ivermectin on spermatocyte chromosomes: … spermatocytes of the treated samples revealed significant increase in chromosome aberrations over the control values”

“The present observations pointed to the mutagenic effects of IVM. The frequency of translocation is significantly higher than that found in the control samples”

Ivermectin Vs Human Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Study

In a study called ‘Ivermectin-Induced Apoptotic Cell Death in Human SH-SY5Y Cells Involves the Activation of Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Pathway and Akt/mTOR-Pathway-Mediated Autophagy’ by Zhange et al

“The results show that IVM treatment (2.5–15 μM) for 24 h could induce dose-dependent cell death in SH-SY5Y cells. Compared to the control, IVM treatment significantly promoted the production of ROS, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cell apoptosis. IVM treatment also promoted mitophagy and autophagy, which were charactered by the decreased expression of phosphorylation (p)-Akt and p-mTOR proteins, increased expression of LC3II, Beclin1, ATG5, PINK, and Pakin1 proteins and autophagosome formation… our results reveal that IVM could induce autophagy and apoptotic cell death in SH-SY5Y cells”

“IVM-induced cytotoxicity is dose- and time-dependent. At 6 h and 12 h, IVM treatment at 15 μM significantly decreased the cell viabilities to 44.3% and 35.6% (both p < 0.01), respectively; at 24 h, IVM treatment at 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, and 15 μM decreased the cell activities to 98.5%, 92.4%, 81.9% (p < 0.01), 70.2% (p < 0.01), 51.3% (p < 0.01 ), 37.6% (p < 0.01), and 23.8% (p < 0.01) (Figure 1), respectively. Correspondingly, marked cell morphology changes, including a spindle-like cell body, shrinkage, and dendrite fragmentation in high concentrations of IVM (at 7.5, 10, and 15 μM for 24 h, respectively) were also detected”

Ivermectin Vs Buffalo Peripheral Lymphocyte Cells

In a paper called ‘Antimutagenic Activity of Some Natural supplements on Ivermectin genotoxicity in Lymphocytes of Buffalo’ by El-makawy et al,

Cell Abnormalities

# Per 10,000 Cells Examined, Blue line = Control Levels

Structural Chromosomal Aberrations Observed:

“Ivermectin induced dose dependent significantly increase in the number of binucleated lymphocytes with micronuclei and also the frequencies of total chromosomal aberrations”

“In addition, the numbers of binucleated lymphocytes showed dose dependent decrease than control. These results revealed that the drug has a cytotoxic effect on the number of cell divisions. As the micronuclei are small chromatin-containing bodies arising from chromosome fragmentation by breaks or deletion, the results of MN formation confirmed our results of chromosomal aberrations indicating the clastogenic effects of ivermectin.”

In Vivo Ivermectin Vs Mice Bone Marrow Study

In a study called ‘The cytogenetic potential of ivermectin on bone marrow cells of
mice in vivo’ from Sweify et al:

“IVM induced high level of chromosome aberrations in somatic cells, as it is ascertained by chromosome aberration assay and micronuclei production in bone marrow cells. This study revealed high clastogenic and genotoxic potential of IVM on mice”

Experiment 1: Single Injection Of Ivermectin

“The Table contains also the different types of chromosomal aberrations recorded in the examined cells. A single i.p. injection of ivermectin resulted in a significant (P≤0.001) increase in percentage of aberrant cells”

Here are the different chromosomal aberrations that were tracked after the invermectin injection. The transparent horizontal lines are the control levels:

Experiment 2: Two Injections Of Ivermectin

“It is clear from the Table (II) that injection with ivermectin induced high significant increase in the frequency of the damaged cells allover the examined periods (P≤0.001).”

Here are the different chromosomal aberrations that were tracked after the second invermectin injection. The transparent horizontal lines are the control levels:

Study of Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Effects Of Ivermectin In Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells In Vitro

In a study called ‘In vitro genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of ivermectin… on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO K1 ) cells’ by Molinari et all, they found that Ivermectin caused DNA-strand breaks in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO(KI)) cells. (Full article)

Here’s a chart of mitotic index (MI) and mitotic index factor (f) for each of the lesser doses before the “complete cellular death” seen in doses 50µm/ml. The transparent horizontal lines are the control group baseline

Decrease in mitotic index typically indicates genotoxicity. (Sweify, 2019)

“IVM exerted a cytotoxic effect of CHO cells within the 25.0–250.0 μg/ml concentration-range”

“Highest [IVM] concentrations (50.0–250.0 μg/ml) resulted in cellular cytotoxicity clearly revealed by delaying the cell-cycle progression, decreasing the mitotic activity, and inhibiting cell-growth. It is worth mentioning that both chemicals induced DNA-strand breaks revealed by the comet assay”

“A brief 80 min pulse-treatment of 5.0–50.0 μg/ml of IVM or 25.0 and 50.0 μg/ml of ivomec® , resulted in a manifest level of single DNA-strand break induction.”

O’Conner Ivermectin Rat Carcinogenicity Study

In an article called ‘Increased Pathology Incidence in the Forestomach of Rats Maintained on a Diet Containing Ivermectin and Given a Single Dose of N-Methyl-N1-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine’ by O’Conner et al, they observed additional cancers in mice with a small amount (2 ppm) of ivermectin in their diet given a dose of a carcinogen called N-Methyl-N1-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine. From the abstract:

“No tumors or pathological lesions were observed in the forestomach of the control animals or those given ivermectin alone. However, compared to animals receiving MNNG alone, rats maintained on a diet containing ivermectin (2 ppm) and given MNNG… showed an increased number of neoplasms (9/26 vs 3/18; p = 0.30) and a statistically significant fourfold increase in the number of pathological lesions (18/26 vs 3/18; p = 0.002), which include preneoplasia in the forestomach. In all cases, the pathological lesions were more severe in the animals receiving ivermectin and MNNG, compared to those receiving MNNG alone.”

Study of Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Effects Of Ivermectin In Mosquito Cells In Vivo

In a study called ‘Genotoxic and cytotoxic in vitro evaluation of ivermectin… on Aedes albopictus larvae (CCL-126™) cells’ (Full paper):

“IVM… induced DNA-strand breaks enhancing both slightly damaged and damaged cells at 25–50 μg/ml IVM”

“Cytotoxicity was observed at concentrations higher than 25 μg/ml IVM… [Ivermectin] exerted a delay in CCP and a reduction in PRI when 25.0 μg/ml was employed whereas cytotoxicity was observed at higher concentration than 50.0 μg/ml.”

“A marked reduction of about 98% … of MI [mitotic index] compared to controls was noted with 25 μg/ml of IVM”

“NR and MTT assays revealed that [IVM] induced a cell growth inhibition within the 1–250 μg/ml concentration range”

“Data indicated that IVM exerts both genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in insect cells [A. albopictus larvae CCL-126 cells] in vitro”

This chart shows the percentage of undamaged, slightly damaged & damaged cells with the addition of Ivermectin (measured in μg/ml). The transparent horizontal lines are the control levels.

Decrease in mitotic index typically indicates genotoxicity. (Sweify, 2019)

Why insect cells? The authors’ address this:

“It was demonstrated that among insects, mosquito cells cultures provide a useful in vitro system for studying deleterious effects induced by xenobiotics (Mukherjee et al. 1986; Bolza ́n et al. 1998, 2000). Investigations demonstrated that DNA damage induced by different chemicals was found to be less extensive and repaired more efficiently in Aedes albopictus larvae cell lines compared to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cells”

Ivermectin In Cebu Brahman Cows

In a paper called ‘Comet assay to determine genetic damage by the use of ivermectin in zebu cows’

“The values of classification of comets indicate cells with high levels of damage (grade 3: cells with high damage). The rate of DNA damage of the treatment to 1% to 3.15% was significant… The results obtained in this study demonstrate the likely genotoxic potential of the use of IVM in cattle.”

“Regardless of the IVM concentration, the presence of nuclei with DNA migration (Figure 1a and b) was observed at a percentage greater than 75% in all cells observed per plaque, demonstrating the ability of the IVM compound to produce simple chain breaks in the DNA molecule.”

The Comet classification describes how. All of the control group (no treatment) measure 0 on the comet scale. Here are the Results for the IVM treated cows:

Grade 3 = cells with high damage

“The results found in the present study constitute concrete evidence for the induction of genomic damage as exerted by IVM, using the comet assay methodology”

“Ivermectin (20 pg/mL) decreased glucose utilization in IB-RS-2 cells in 11, 30, and 31%, respectively, after 24,48 and 72 h”

Ivermectin Vs Tadpole DNA

In a study called ‘Genotoxicity of Three Avermectins on Polypedates megacephalus Tadpoles Using the Comet Assay’ by Geng et al, some very concerning findings were noted in relation to Ivermectin’s “genotoxic effects at relatively low concentrations” in Tadpoles.

The first chart shows a dose-dependent decline in cell viability as IVM dosing increases:

“Our results showed clearly that avermectins caused dose dependent DNA damage on amphibian tadpoles… The three avermectins increased the DNA damage observed in the tadpoles in a dose-responsive manner. There were strong linear correlations between the DNA damages and the concentrations of the three test substances (Figure 2). The cellular distributions of DNA damages in tadpoles are shown in Figure 3. Of the tadpoles treated with increasing concentrations of the three test substances, higher proportions of cells had greater amount of DNA damage than those of the negative control”

This chart shows a dose-dependent increase in DNA damage as IVM dosing increases:

“According to these results above and our finding that avermectins can cause DNA damage in tadpoles at the concentrations below the recommended applied levels (Xu et al., 2010), we consider it possible that avermectins are carcinogenic, and confirm it has the negative impact on the development of tadpoles”

Ivermectin And Pig Kidney Cells

In a study entitled ‘Toxicity Assessment of the Antiparasitic Ivermectin’ by Rodrigues et al, the researchers exposed pig kidney cells to ivermectin at different levels and measured the rates of cell death (Full article)

“Our data show that ivermectin inhibited cell growth (Fig. 1). This effect was time and dose dependent, and ranged from 38 to 84% after 72 h in cells treated with 2-20 pg/mL; at the dosage of 40 pg/mL, cell death occurred within 24 h.”

“Ivermectin (20 pg/mL) decreased protein synthesis and glucose utilization.”

“Protein synthesis is inhibited in a continuous way in the cells exposed to ivermectin (20 pg/mL). When compared to the control cultures, the protein of treated cells is 13,24, and 28% less, respectively, after 24, 48, and 72 h.”

“If there is no virus, why are all these people dying?” by Jon Rappoport

As my readers know, for the past year I’ve been demonstrating—with much evidence and proof—that the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist. Some people reply: “So why are all these people dying?” “What is the cause?” I’ve answered those questions at length. I’m going to answer them again. First of all, if someone says, “I know a family where… Continue reading “If there is no virus, why are all these people dying?” by Jon Rappoport


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