C19 Uninjected Blood – Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Up To 4000x Magnification – Shows Nanobots Self Assembly Of Polymer Networks

I have shown similar images now for almost 3 years. As many videos and articles I can put out, in the hopes that at some point people will get it. In the above image of 400x magnification many coalescing construction sites are seen that are building the polymer network using the blood as an energy… Continue reading C19 Uninjected Blood – Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Up To 4000x Magnification – Shows Nanobots Self Assembly Of Polymer Networks

Cov!d (Understanding the science behind the death stabs and implications of associated EMF interaction)

https://seed305.bitchute.com/TqwQBAPngf3g/JwVYSKEjV3ws.mp4 https://seed305.bitchute.com/TqwQBAPngf3g/JwVYSKEjV3ws.mp4   This is by far the most thorough and insightful exposé for people who haven’t yet awakened, in my opinion. -A

Half truthers are far more dangerous than full liars… Indeed so !!! (DNA contamination in 8 vials of Pfizer monovalent mRNA vaccines) & nonsense !

More obfuscations from clueless people and deliberate obfuscators. Jessica Rose claims “spike” and “vector” DNA found in vaccine vials as contamination. This is a coverup job by the government. Look at the linked presentation: https://cogforlife.org/FDApowerpointDNA.pdf Latypova and Rose are half-truthers. What they really may be covering (not that they know this) is ssDNA, which is… Continue reading Half truthers are far more dangerous than full liars… Indeed so !!! (DNA contamination in 8 vials of Pfizer monovalent mRNA vaccines) & nonsense !

CDC Partners With ‘Social and Behavior Change’ Initiative to Silence Vaccine Hesitancy

ALL IS MENTAL… when are people going to wake-up??? – A     Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, a Stanford-educated ear, nose, and throat doctor, isn’t afraid to voice her beliefs. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, she repeatedly used her platform on Twitter and TikTok to question the vaccines, promote ivermectin as a treatment,… Continue reading CDC Partners With ‘Social and Behavior Change’ Initiative to Silence Vaccine Hesitancy

Rockefeller Foundation, Nonprofits Spending Millions on Behavioral Psychology Research to ‘Nudge’ More People to Get COVID Vaccines

Satan’s seed is busy taking away your children, women and foolish men ! Wake up but your pundits of plunder do not know !   The Rockefeller Foundation, the National Science Foundation and other nonprofits are pouring millions of dollars into a research initiative “to increase uptake of COVID-19 vaccines and other recommended public health… Continue reading Rockefeller Foundation, Nonprofits Spending Millions on Behavioral Psychology Research to ‘Nudge’ More People to Get COVID Vaccines

Ten different surveys all show the vaccines are not “safe and effective” — not even close

This is my most important article since I started writing on Substack. It shows how anyone can prove to themselves that I’ve been telling the truth the whole time. Summary I’ve written over 700 articles on my Substack. This is my most important article to date because it provides objective proof, that anyone can verify… Continue reading Ten different surveys all show the vaccines are not “safe and effective” — not even close

HIDING THE HARM: Pfizer documents expose doctor with ties to Bill Gates Foundation deleting trial participant’s COVID vaccine injury

This psychopath dog needs a bullet in ass ! An Argentinian man who participated in Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” trials suffered a serious adverse event that was deleted from the system by a doctor connected to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Dr. Fernando Polack, Pfizer’s lead investigator for the Argentine trials, reported that… Continue reading HIDING THE HARM: Pfizer documents expose doctor with ties to Bill Gates Foundation deleting trial participant’s COVID vaccine injury

Pilots Injured by COVID Vaccines Speak Out: ‘I Will Probably Never Fly Again’

In interviews with The Defender, pilots injured by COVID-19 vaccines said despite a “culture of fear and intimidation” they are compelled to speak out against vaccine mandates that rob pilots of their careers — and in some cases their lives. As a commercial pilot, Bob Snow had long looked forward to seeing his daughter follow… Continue reading Pilots Injured by COVID Vaccines Speak Out: ‘I Will Probably Never Fly Again’

CIA, journalists, Aaron Rogers, dogcatcher CEO of Pfizer, God by Jon Rappoport

OK, look, we have to keep this dialogue simple. I’m from the CIA, 30 of you are from major news outlets. We can’t all talk at once. So you, Sam, from the Post, and I are going to go back and forth and try to sort out some of issues we’re dealing with here. Marty, I hate to… Continue reading CIA, journalists, Aaron Rogers, dogcatcher CEO of Pfizer, God by Jon Rappoport

COVID vaccine: missing key by Jon Rappoport

Remember spike protien is Graphene Oxide and it’s deratives along with other parasites and NPs… Where’s the wiggle? —In the US alone, reported COVID vaccine injuries have topped 600,000. The well-known Harvard Pilgrim study concludes you should multiply the number of reported vaccine injuries by 100 to arrive at a true number— In any field where… Continue reading COVID vaccine: missing key by Jon Rappoport


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