Saturn, Sabbath, & The Cube: Part II

Saturn’s physical presence in this world — his idol, if you will — is said to be a black stone, cube, or obelisk. … The Kaaba [at Mecca] itself, which was originally an icon of the Time deity, is another prominent example of the Black Cube. … Further, the symbol or emblem of the Black Cube appears in many contemporary art and media projects, often as a symbol of alien menace or alterity. Examples include Clive Barker’s Hellraiser cubes, and the Leviathan deity itself. Even a Google search for ‘Black Cube’ shows an extensive list of corporations that use the Black Cube as a symbol, or actual Black Cubes that are installed around the world.

— Arthur Moros, The Cult of the Black Cube

The Profumo Affair: A Real-Life Case of Eyes Wide Shut

Cliveden House  We have one incident which is clear evidence of the type of activity happening amongst the elite, as portrayed in Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut, whose ritual sex scenes were filmed at Mentmore Towers, a nineteenth-century English country house built between 1852 and 1854 for the Rothschild family. That is the Profumo Affair, and… Continue reading The Profumo Affair: A Real-Life Case of Eyes Wide Shut

Hail Santa: The Occult Origins of Christmas

Zagmuk Christmas is an annual festival observed primarily on December 25 among billions of people worldwide. But there are two Christmas themes celebrated simultaneously. The purpose of Christmas is most popularly associated with the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. However, at the same time, that theme has become increasingly overtaken by the role… Continue reading Hail Santa: The Occult Origins of Christmas

Documentary Trailer: “9/11 – “Advent of the Ninth Crusade”

Light On Light Publishing presents a brief 12 minute trailer of the upcoming documentary film by Capt Dan Hanley, director of As the doors of censorship are closing faster than ever, we urgently need your assistance in spreading the word. Since YouTube age-restricted our video, the best you can do in this regard is… Continue reading Documentary Trailer: “9/11 – “Advent of the Ninth Crusade”

Pilots Injured by COVID Vaccines Speak Out: ‘I Will Probably Never Fly Again’

In interviews with The Defender, pilots injured by COVID-19 vaccines said despite a “culture of fear and intimidation” they are compelled to speak out against vaccine mandates that rob pilots of their careers — and in some cases their lives. As a commercial pilot, Bob Snow had long looked forward to seeing his daughter follow… Continue reading Pilots Injured by COVID Vaccines Speak Out: ‘I Will Probably Never Fly Again’

Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses

This is a very very well researched piece of information on the harm caused by this poison so wake up fools… Before it’s too late, yeah it’s already late ! What’s Causing This Phenomenon? The phenomenon of MAC emissions from people “vaccinated” against Covid is an alarming fact that demonstrates a cause-and-effect relationship, Corona2Inspect wrote.… Continue reading Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses

The Germ Theory Deception – Viruses, 5G , Vaccines, ‘coronavirus’, PCR test – Pinned/Sticky Post

In case you do not see the images loading properly please open the source link at the very bottom of this article. It’s a remarkable and an outstanding compilation on the COV!D nonsense, whoever did this I salute sir… Thank you kindly – A Sections: 1. – Introduction. 2. – Germ Theory / Terrain Theory… Continue reading The Germ Theory Deception – Viruses, 5G , Vaccines, ‘coronavirus’, PCR test – Pinned/Sticky Post

The Sufi Conspiracy

Having lost touch with its glorious heritage of classical scholarship, the Muslim world today is divided in squabbles between two opposing camps, who despite their respective deviations, are both attempting to usurp the right to represent orthodox Islam. The Wahhabis and Salafis are the product of a British strategy to undermine Islamic tradition and create… Continue reading The Sufi Conspiracy

Where we are heading and the planned agenda

Here I will present some interesting facts that show that what we are experiencing now is a planned “crisis” that got nothing to do with health or a “virus” but that it’s part of a much greater and older agenda for the purpose of total surveillance and control of the environment and human activity. In… Continue reading Where we are heading and the planned agenda


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