The true face of Atheism, Materialism, Evolution, Feminist and LGBTQIA+ movements…

Introduction If we have been able to bring them to such a pitch of stupid blindness is it not a proof, and an amazingly clear proof, of the degree to which the mind of the GOYIM is undeveloped in comparison with our mind? This it is, mainly, which guarantees our success. [Protocols of the Learned… Continue reading The true face of Atheism, Materialism, Evolution, Feminist and LGBTQIA+ movements…

Why They Killed Gaddafi – Gold Dinar – Freedom from Debt – Water – Oil – Social Policies – Zionism

There are many reasons – First a gallery of some images related to each reason (click to enlarge).   He eliminated Usury / Debt Slavery and the influence of the Jewish Zionist Bankers “On assuming power in 1969 Mu’ammar Muhammad al-Qathafi took control of most of the economic activities in the country, including the central… Continue reading Why They Killed Gaddafi – Gold Dinar – Freedom from Debt – Water – Oil – Social Policies – Zionism

The Sufi Conspiracy

Having lost touch with its glorious heritage of classical scholarship, the Muslim world today is divided in squabbles between two opposing camps, who despite their respective deviations, are both attempting to usurp the right to represent orthodox Islam. The Wahhabis and Salafis are the product of a British strategy to undermine Islamic tradition and create… Continue reading The Sufi Conspiracy

Muslims and Conspiracy Theory

The impression the media portrays is that “conspiracy theory” is rife in the Islamic world. But that’s because the media’s job is to defend the fantasy of the Emperor’s New Clothes. To the media, the truth that Zionist interests effectively define American foreign policy or 9/11 being an inside job are “conspiracy theories.” While there… Continue reading Muslims and Conspiracy Theory


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