The true face of Atheism, Materialism, Evolution, Feminist and LGBTQIA+ movements…

Introduction If we have been able to bring them to such a pitch of stupid blindness is it not a proof, and an amazingly clear proof, of the degree to which the mind of the GOYIM is undeveloped in comparison with our mind? This it is, mainly, which guarantees our success. [Protocols of the Learned… Continue reading The true face of Atheism, Materialism, Evolution, Feminist and LGBTQIA+ movements…


For those who want to understand the whole hoax in concise, I suggest they should learn from the following 5 part series. The website also features greatest discovery and ground breaking work of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer a German doctor who died back in 2017 before Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Thomas Cowan he was… Continue reading FIVE PARTS SERIES ON COVAIDs – 19 BY GERMAN NEW MEDICINE


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