Prostate Cancer in Transgender Women in the Veterans Affairs Health System, 2000-2022

You’re still a MAN a MALE you fucking TRANNY !!! wake up folks…   Farnoosh Nik-Ahd, MD1; Amanda De Hoedt, MS2; Christi Butler, MD1; et al Jennifer T. Anger, MD3; Peter R. Carroll, MD, MPH1; Matthew R. Cooperberg, MD, MPH1; Stephen J. Freedland, MD4 Author Affiliations Article Information JAMA. Published online April 29, 2023. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.6028 Transgender women retain their prostate even after gender-affirmation surgery and thus remain at risk… Continue reading Prostate Cancer in Transgender Women in the Veterans Affairs Health System, 2000-2022

Categorised as LGBTQIA+

Hail Santa: The Occult Origins of Christmas

Zagmuk Christmas is an annual festival observed primarily on December 25 among billions of people worldwide. But there are two Christmas themes celebrated simultaneously. The purpose of Christmas is most popularly associated with the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. However, at the same time, that theme has become increasingly overtaken by the role… Continue reading Hail Santa: The Occult Origins of Christmas

Disney Launches LGBTQ Pride Themed Toys For Babies & Young Children

My take : FUCK YOU AND YOUR PRIDE OF HERMAPHRODITE ! Disney has launched a “Pride Collection” initiative, which includes an LGBTQ pride-themed line of plush toys marketed to babies and young children The release of Disney’s plush new toys cames amid pushback from parents and Republican leaders, The toys, which were made in conjunction… Continue reading Disney Launches LGBTQ Pride Themed Toys For Babies & Young Children

Court OKs puberty blockers: medical con for the ages by Jon Rappoport

I’ll expose the con. First, the story: Information Liberation: “Judge Rules Parents Have ‘Fundamental Right’ to Drug Kids With Puberty Blockers And Cross-Sex Hormones.” The National Review: “U.S. District Judge Liles Burke… granted a temporary injunction to block the sections of the law banning prescription of puberty blockers and hormone medication, in response to a… Continue reading Court OKs puberty blockers: medical con for the ages by Jon Rappoport

The transgender culture war needs parents who are cowards by Jon Rappoport

Are you a parent who wants to sacrifice your young child? Sign up today in the culture war. Kneel down before predators and act like the coward you are. The campaign to turn young children into “gender fluid” creatures isn’t just the goal of groups of schoolteacher-groomers. No. It’s embedded in the curriculum. It’s official. Read this gobbledygook. Read it like… Continue reading The transgender culture war needs parents who are cowards by Jon Rappoport

The true face of Atheism, Materialism, Evolution, Feminist and LGBTQIA+ movements…

Introduction If we have been able to bring them to such a pitch of stupid blindness is it not a proof, and an amazingly clear proof, of the degree to which the mind of the GOYIM is undeveloped in comparison with our mind? This it is, mainly, which guarantees our success. [Protocols of the Learned… Continue reading The true face of Atheism, Materialism, Evolution, Feminist and LGBTQIA+ movements…


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