The Germ Theory Deception – Viruses, 5G , Vaccines, ‘coronavirus’, PCR test – Pinned/Sticky Post

In case you do not see the images loading properly please open the source link at the very bottom of this article. It’s a remarkable and an outstanding compilation on the COV!D nonsense, whoever did this I salute sir… Thank you kindly – A Sections: 1. – Introduction. 2. – Germ Theory / Terrain Theory… Continue reading The Germ Theory Deception – Viruses, 5G , Vaccines, ‘coronavirus’, PCR test – Pinned/Sticky Post

“Virology” rise and fall on one big assumption

How can “virologists” assert that “viruses” require cells to replicate if they have never found what they think are “viruses” in samples taken directly from human beings. Wouldn’t you first have to find what you think are “viruses” in order to determine such thing, so to claim that something requires something you would first have… Continue reading “Virology” rise and fall on one big assumption

New York man Who called non-vaccinated “idiots” and “morons,” dead

Written by   33-year-old New Yorker Jordan Hayes, who described people who declined the Covid vaccines as idiots and morons has died following being vaccinated.   Hayes received his first dose of experimental mRNA on or around February 23, according to his Facebook page. It’s unclear which shot he received. But Pfizer and Moderna… Continue reading New York man Who called non-vaccinated “idiots” and “morons,” dead


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