Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses

This is a very very well researched piece of information on the harm caused by this poison so wake up fools… Before it’s too late, yeah it’s already late ! What’s Causing This Phenomenon? The phenomenon of MAC emissions from people “vaccinated” against Covid is an alarming fact that demonstrates a cause-and-effect relationship, Corona2Inspect wrote.… Continue reading Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses

China, Mexican cartels; the opioid war against America; is no one paying attention? Plus the forgotten devastating Obama-Congress connection by Jon Rappoport

PART ONE 2 MILLION SEVERELY DEBILITATED OPIOID ADDICTS IN THE US. ROUGHLY 33 THOUSAND DEATHS PER YEAR FROM OPIOIDS. Let’s start here. Daily Caller Foundation, August 12, 2021: “Officials at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have been directed by their headquarters to stop using the term ‘Mexican cartel’ when speaking with the media, according to… Continue reading China, Mexican cartels; the opioid war against America; is no one paying attention? Plus the forgotten devastating Obama-Congress connection by Jon Rappoport


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