.and you thought peeing in a pool was rude… Believe it or not, this actually isn’t Bill Gates idea, but I agree, it sure does sound like it. In my first article of this series we discussed how Cloud Seeding is Toxic AF and looked at a list of ingredients that are being sprayed into… Continue reading Spray the Sky with Piss 🚽 New Chemtrail Patent ✈️ (Yes, Seriously)
Category: geoengineering
Did Weather Wars Take Out the Iranian President OR UAP is again the culprit?
Timing is everything, and the timing of Iranian President’s death is highly suspect. Here’s why…..
The understanding of weather manipulation as a weapon is becoming more evident. The idea that a hostile nation could use such technology to carry out a covert assassination is not beyond the realm of possibility.
The tragic helicopter crash that claimed the life of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has raised suspicions among many who question whether the incident was truly an accident or a carefully orchestrated assassination. While the State of Israel has denied any involvement, the circumstances surrounding the crash have led to speculation that weather manipulation may have played a role in the president’s untimely demise.
The Iranian president was returning from a visit to Azerbaijan when his helicopter encountered what was described as rapidly developing “heavy fog” in the mountainous region of Varzaqan. However, the sudden onset of the weather event has raised eyebrows among citizens familiar with the weaponization of weather.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has accused Israel of involvement in the incident. They believe that Israel, with its advanced weather modification technology, may have manipulated the weather conditions to create a dense fog, effectively setting the stage for the helicopter crash.
To add to the suspicion, Iranian weather from May 19th, the day of the helicopter crash, has been removed.
Iran has long accused the West, particularly Israel, of using weather manipulation as a means of sabotage. In 2011, former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed that European countries were using “special equipment” to drain clouds of rainwater before they reached Iran. While these claims were met with skepticism at the time, the current situation has reignited interest in the potential use of weather warfare.
Just days before the tragic incident, Raisi had announced a groundbreaking deal with India regarding the Chabahar Port. This strategic move would grant India access to landlocked Afghanistan and Central Asia, bypassing its rival Pakistan. This agreement, met with warnings of potential sanctions from the United States, signaled Iran’s willingness to challenge the existing power dynamics in the region.
The timing of Raisi’s death becomes even more peculiar when considering the recent announcement by Iranian Ambassador to Russia, Kazem Jalali, about the collaboration between Iran and Russia on creating a single currency for the BRICS bloc. This move, aimed at reducing the dominance of the U.S. dollar in international trade, could have far-reaching implications for the global financial system. The fact that Raisi’s helicopter crashed just days and hours after these significant announcements raises questions about the possibility of foul play, as the late president’s actions were clearly challenging the interests of major global powers.
Poor visibility and rugged terrain would have made it nearly impossible for any survivors to be rescued in a timely manner. This has fueled suspicions among specific segments of the Iranian population, who question whether the crash was purely accidental or if there may have been other factors at play.
The Iranian government has yet to release an official statement, and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has not suggested foul play or blamed Israel. However, the suspicions surrounding the incident are unlikely to dissipate anytime soon. Particularly when posts such as this are put out adding fuel to the fire:
As the world grapples with the implications of President Raisi’s untimely demise, it is imperative that we address the looming threat of weather manipulation as a weapon. The international community must unite to enforce the comprehensive global ban on weather warfare known as ENMOD. Until such measures are in place, I encourage all heads of state to take a bus with bulletproof glass and additional airbags when traveling. No Joke.
Attributions: https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/did-weather-wars-take-out-the-iranian?publication_id=943736&post_id=144806548&isFreemail=false&r=r91bi&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Cloud Seeding is TOXIC AF & Blocks the Sun: the Truth About the Chemicals Being Sprayed in OUR AIR
The FDA and EPA absolutely assure us “Cloud Seeding is just Silver Iodide! It’s just to make rain! It’s totally safe!”. Today we are going to find out if that’s true…
“They’re just cloud seeding, it’s not chemtrails! It’s harmless!”, they tell us. In fact, it’s so harmless that the vast majority of states in the US have some form of seeding program currently taking place. Many of them are funded with our tax dollars, but some are sponsored by corporations you would never expect to be involved in GeoEngineering. Idaho Power currently spends $4 million a year on cloud seeding which results in a 12% increase in snow in some areas.
Although the internet assures us Cloud Seeding is super-duper safe, today we are going to look at what chemicals are being spammed into the atmosphere, according to the Manufacturers of the chemicals and a crazy CDC document I unearthed.
Cloud Seeding involves chemicals being sprayed into the atmosphere to hopefully make precipitation:
I said hopefully make precipitation because two consecutive days of spraying chemicals to seed clouds only results in a 67% chance of rain. Or perhaps we should say, “Two days of spraying results in a 33% failure rate”, meaning 1 out of every 3 chemical-spray operations doesn’t bring rain, so environmentally damaging toxins were released into the atmosphere for absolutely nothing.
To seed, planes are loaded with flares:
They then burn them in the sky:
Or flares can be shot from the ground:
As stated in decades of US military and government documents, Seeding not only makes rain but also make fog, snow or hail, because you know, sometimes people really need more snow, so it’s good to have the capability….
GeoEngineered hail is no longer the cute little pieces of ice that delicately tink… tink… tink on your roof. It has gotten so out of control that across the world people are seeing this insanity:
“Ice Pellet” Hail from Cloud Seeding: Round balls that appear to be made in a factory:
75 POUND Hail balls in Lake Michigan during the “Polar Vortex” (Gee, I wonder what caused that…)
Hail from Croatia that looks like a soap-mold:
Tennis-Ball-Sized hail in Missouri. Note the green grass in the background:
Baseball sized hail in Michigan:
“Rare Ice Crystal Hail” in Florida:
Hail so large it wrecks vehicles:
GeoEngineering IS a direct cause of weather chaos.
The worst part is, their cloud seeding chemicals and weather-altering operations result in insurance claims being driven up which results in you and I having to bear the burden of higher rates across the board for home and auto.
Salt-like hail covering the ground in Austria. We get this frequently here in Michigan now. It doesn’t melt like normal frozen water. You can put this sh*t in a metal bowl, set it on blacktop in direct line of the sun and it still won’t melt. Read my post Chemtrails: Fake Snow vs Blow Torch.
The GeoEngineered hail has gotten so bad that now they are now using GeoEngineering Countermeasures to fight the GeoEngineered hail. Meet the Hail Cannon: (37 second video)
Hail Cannons are used to reverse GeoEngineering by sending MASSIVEshockwaves into the atmosphere to try and stop the Cloud-Seeded-Hail before it causes extreme damage to properties, car dealership inventory and crops. Here’s one in action. It is so loud that it is shaking the ground. I’m sure this is simply fantastic for nature: (38 second video)
Not all Seeding is for precipitation. Seeding is also used to block the sun.
Raytheon’s “Atmospheric Seeding” with Metallic Particles Patent
Here is taped testimony involving Julio Gomez, attorney for the Los Alamos Study Group and Justin Price, a Rhode Island State Representative, regarding Raytheon’s patent for “Seeding” with Aluminum. (25 second video)
Maybe you think it sounds silly that Seeding could control the sun, but here’s a document from the University of Michigan that outlines controlling the sun, back in 1946!
I’m going to write an article just on that document soon, so hop on the Truth Train, I saved you a seat:
As you can see, we haven’t even gotten into the actual Seeding ingredients and it’s already a disaster. Sky-chemicals, fog, hail busting out windshields, shockwave cannons, Raytheon metal-sky patents, controlling the sun; what a nightmare they have caused trying to play God… then they call it “Climate Change” and blame us for using an air conditioner during the summer or drinking through a plastic straw…
With that being said, let’s rip off the Band-Aid and look at what is actually in Cloud Seeding:
There was a company called MK BALLISTICS. As you can guess by their name, they made ballistics… and also Cloud Seeding Flares. Yes, they produced weapons of war and seeding supplies because it’s the same ingredients.
In 2004, MK Ballistics was investigated by the CDC for their chemicals making their employees sick. Here’s the CDC investigation that includes ingredients and process (don’t worry, we will go through it in detail):
Details of ingredients within investigation paperwork:
Now that we have a list of ingredients, let’s check them out:
The US government admits that silver is one of the MOST TOXIC heavy metals, yet they justify spraying it into the sky because…
And, according to the Manufacturers of Silver Iodide (chemical), it is exceptionally toxic to aquatic life, meaning everything living in oceans, lakes, streams, marshes, etc:
Cloud Seeding ingredient STYRENE (CAS #100-42-5) is a toxic, hazardous chemical that should never be inhaled according to the manufacturer. It too causes severe damage to aquatic animals and human organs. But that’s not all. Just like Vitamin A, Ivermectin, High Fructose Corn Syrup and the other population control poisons, Styrene also can harm an unborn child and cause fertility issues.
Category 1 means it can inflict permanent damage with a single exposure. Category 2 means it can inflict permanent damage with repeated or long-term exposure:
Cloud Seeding ingredient “Aluminum Powder” manufacturers Safety Sheet states “DO NOT ALLOW TO BECOME AIRBORNE“, also it’s toxic to eyes, skin and respiratory system (so let’s spray it in the air!)
Cloud Seeding ingredient Potassium Perchlorate (CAS #7778-74-7) is a hazardous chemical according to the manufacturer Safety Sheet. It is incompatible with fine metals, which is exactly what is in Seeding and spraying operations!
This one is absolutely insane. This ingredient, Magnesium Metal Powder (CAS #7439-95-4), is used in Cloud Seeding and insecticide. This is one of the reasons why the insects (and pollinators) are vanishing… because nearly every state is spraying literal insecticide.
Let’s recap what we learned is used in Cloud Seeding flares: insecticide, a hazardous chemical not compatible with metallic particles, a toxic metal composition that should never be allowed to become airborne, a hazardous chemical that can harm and kill unborn babies and one of the most toxic heavy metals that is OK to release into the environment because it’s allowed to be in drinking water. So, we release all of that and we block the sun and kill the bees, but two out of three times we can increase rainfall by 10%-35%, but sometimes it turns into hail and we need to send shockwaves into the atmosphere to stop the basketball-sized chunks from destroying our lives. Makes sense to me!
(37 second video)
Yep, when you combine aluminum with magnesium it clots the blood. Now you know why they are pushing magnesium supplements so hard! …Folks, all of the ingredients are chemicals. They are all toxic. They’re all poison. There’s no point in continuing to review them. If what I have shown you this far doesn’t convince you, then, by all means, keep your blinders on and cheer for the government “just making some rain”.
Geoengineering: Answers To The Most Commonly Asked Questions
Waking up to the global climate engineering reality can be overwhelming for most. Finding straightforward and accessible answers to the most commonly asked questions about climate engineering is essential for fueling further interest and investigation. GeoengineeringWatch.org has just assembled over a dozen very short and to the point videos to specifically address the most commonly asked questions… Continue reading Geoengineering: Answers To The Most Commonly Asked Questions
Scientists Sound Alarm as Gates, WEF Promote Gene-Editing Technology for Everything From Fake Meat to Designer Babies
Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum are among the biggest promoters of CRISPR, a recently developed gene-editing technology, but scientists interviewed by The Defender warned about the technology’s flaws and risks. CRISPR, a recently developed gene-editing technology is promoted as a potential solution to numerous diseases, to food security and climate change — even… Continue reading Scientists Sound Alarm as Gates, WEF Promote Gene-Editing Technology for Everything From Fake Meat to Designer Babies
Unnatural Climate in Pakistan for the fact of ongoing Geoengineering aka Climate/Weather modification by Weather makers – Exposed
The recent unnatural flash floods, thunderstorms, torrential rains, and everything in between that occurred in Pakistan are the direct result of climate engineering and weather manipulation operations that have been running for for a century now. For further information, please see the article below. Your alims are too preoccupied counting beads and practicing organized religion,… Continue reading Unnatural Climate in Pakistan for the fact of ongoing Geoengineering aka Climate/Weather modification by Weather makers – Exposed
“Genetically Edited” Food – The next stage of the Great Reset?
For all the people outside the UK who don’t understand what the “Queens Speech” actually is, it’s a farcical state occasion in which the Queen (or, in this case, Prince Charles since her majesty is ill/secretly dead/having “mobility issues”) makes a speech about what “her government” intends to do for the next 12… Continue reading “Genetically Edited” Food – The next stage of the Great Reset?
The Pope: A Conversation in Hell by Jon Rappoport
Besides being hilarious this is just brilliant fucking brilliant Jon… Thanks ! Within an hour of passing from this life, Pope Francis found himself in a small office. Worn carpet, a desk, two chairs. The wall paint was peeling. A young man wearing a white tropical suit walked in and sat down behind the desk. He motioned the Pope… Continue reading The Pope: A Conversation in Hell by Jon Rappoport
5G Hidden Dangers How telecom, Govts and Electric Power Supplies suppress the truth.
http://vault.campfire-soft.com/index.php/s/osHLncF656sBwiW Note: Please. Do not tamper with the above link.