All credit goes to original author of the following content, attributions at the bottom of this post! – Salamun Alaiykum – Anas. A years worth of research condensed into one list In Part 1 of this series I told you how I became interested in vitamin research. Long story short, I followed internet advice for… Continue reading 101 Reasons to Quit Vitamins (PART 3) – Mirrored from Substack
Exposing the disgusting, diabolical world of poisons we are being sold as “Vitamins” and “Supplements”. This information comes DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURERS!
What a rabbit hole these vitamins are! Good Lord, I’ve spent hundreds of hours investigating this topic and I keep finding more and more information that is just as disturbing as prior posts. I will add a list of all of my Vitamin investigations to the bottom of this Stack.
In Part 1 of this series, we looked at the absolutely disgusting “natural vitamin” sham, which involves feeding us industrial waste, rocks, shells, hooves, sewer sludge, industrial processing wastewater, tobacco industry scrap, coal tar, Fetal Bovine Serum, and more, because they are all considered to be Natural(some are even organic!).
We also learned that the word “Natural”, means absolutely nothing because it is an unregulated word, meaning, the FDA refuses to even provide a definition of it. And, since there’s 0 oversight in the supplement industry, testing isn’t even required, wholesalers do not need to label their products and supplement businesses with under 100 employees do not have to follow labeling requirements, what we are purchasing is a crap shoot… in fact, it might be literal crap… from the sewer, or anything the manufacturer wants. (1 minute video)
Now let’s get into todays content, and, as I have said in every post of this nature; if this stuff is helping you, GREAT! KEEP TAKING IT! This is my research, and my opinion based on what I uncover. You need to do what is right for you. I want us both to live long, happy, healthy lives.
Supplements are relatively new; only around 100 years old. When Vitamins were (allegedly) discovered, few needed them… until Big Pharma bought-in, made chemical versions of them, then the “daily intake levels” were all increased, thus making everyone Vitamin deficient, thus requiring we supplement, supplement, supplement… with chemical compounds, that we supposed to believe are some kind of shortcut that we can take instead of eating nutrient rich foods, “You’re not eating enough oranges, so swallow these two lab-made pills a day, it’s the same thing”. …People reply to me, “You’re wrong! Vitamins stopped disease! Vitamins cured people! Look at this NIH article about Beriberi!”… To which I reply, “Look at this NIH article about Vaccines stopping viruses and saving the world”. The other response I get is, “I only buy my Vitamins through Trusted Sources” – ok, awesome. Let’s start by discussing those Trusted Sources:
None of the Trusted Sources appear to actually make the raw ingredients in the vitamins they are peddling. Let me explain it simply; if you order a beautiful, handcrafted knit scarf off Etsy for your niece for Christmas, the seller “made” the scarf, but the seller didn’t make the yarn. The seller bought the yarn, which someone else made (likely, China). The seller used the China yarn to knit the beautiful scarf, but if you ask the scarf seller how the yarn is made and what the ingredients in the yarn are, she has no clue. Her response would be something like, “The package of the yarn says cotton and polyester. That’s all I know”. This is the same with Vitamins and Supplements. The components are not made by the seller, and, even if some are made by the seller (which is highly doubtful), the rest are ordered online, though China or India 99.99% of the time (or ordered in the USA who imported them from China or India, wholesale). These two countries make almost all chemicals used in Supplements and Pharmaceuticals. (Check out Videos Inside Vitamin Chemical Factories). The exception to that rule is the coal tar company from Indiana who uses their byproduct waste to manufacture B-Vitamins. Not only are they the biggest B-Vitamin producer in the world, but they also contaminated the city by not properly disposing of their coal tarvitamins.
With that being said, the Trusted Source might be standing at his kitchen table blending the China-chemicals, and perhaps adding something special, like dehydrated carrot (which he likely also purchased in bulk online), to create his own blend, but he’s are not making the raw goods. The seller isn’t sitting on his living room floor with a Bunson Burner and bags of chemicals, cooking up magnesium for Supplements. Does that make sense?
Because the seller isn’t making the raw goods, he doesn’t actually know what is in it, and I am willing to bet that very few have taken the time I have to learn how each ingredient is made and what it’s made from… because if they have researched it, it would shock me that they would still continue to recommend it.
In other cases, the Trusted Source, such as Some-Doctor-I-Love-on-Some-Podcast-I-Listen-to is Private Labeling. Private Labeling means a factory (often in China or India) mass creates Supplements, then Some-Doctor-I-Love-on-Some-Podcast-I-Listen-to hires them to apply his name to the bottle. Instead of this bottle saying “VOX NUTRITION Private Label”, it will say Some-Doctor-I-Love-on-Some-Podcast-I-Listen-to’s name, or brand name:
All the Trusted Source has to do is pick which of these premade Supplements he wants his name on, and pay:
This means, tomorrow morning, you can pay the same factory to slap your brand name on the exact same Vitamins that the Some-Doctor-I-Love-on-Some-Podcast-I-Listen-to is selling.
In many cases, the factory even offers drop-shipping, which means when you place an order through Some-Doctor-I-Love-on-Some-Podcast-I-Listen-to’s website for his Omega-3 supplement, the factory who made the supplement ships it to you. While there is nothing wrong with Private Labeling, and nothing wrong with drop-shipping, it means there is 0 oversight regarding the product the Trusted Source is selling. Even when the manufacturer of the supplement is providing a “Certificate of Analysis” to the Trusted Source, we still end up with this: (1 minute video)
How often is the Trusted Source hiring independent labs to perform analysis on the supplements he is peddling? Once a year? Once every five years? More likely, never, but that would be a great question for you to ask him if you love buying his products.
Here’s a 25-second video, made by a Private Labeling company to convince people to Private Label:
Like they say in the video, the supplement industry is huge (projected to reach $137 BILLION by 2030, JUST IN WEIGHT LOSS PRODUCTS!). Clearly, it’s a great money making opportunity… and here we are today, all kinds of Vitamins, none of which we actually know anything about, other than what the label says and what the internet, or the NIH, CDC, and Some-Doctor-I-Love-on-Some-Podcast-I-Listen-to, has told us:
Look at all this “health”!
Immense health! I grew a muscle just looking at this photo!
Can anyone look at this and tell me, with a straight face, that people need all this sh*t?
If you’re still not sure if people need all that sh*t, let’s discuss how Vitamins are made:
There are two types of vitamins; “fat soluble” and “water-soluble”. Soluble means dissolved. Today we are going to discuss how water-soluble (water-dissolved) Vitamins are made.
Although each Vitamin, including so-called Natural vitamins, require their own chemicals, the overall process is the same. In this post we will discuss the general process, then, as time progresses, I will reveal each individual Vitamins manufacturing process, so be sure to hop on The Truth Train (I saved you a seat):
Ok, so, there are two methods used to make water-soluble vitamins; hydrolysis and microbial fermentation. Lets discuss hydrolysis first…
During hydrolysis, plant sources such as fruits and vegetables are chopped up and exposed to either hot water (boiled) or organic solvents to extract “the vitamin”. I like fruits and vegetables and I love organic, so we are off to a great start, right? But what exactly are “organic solvents?”. Let’s find out by reading this Research Gate article called “Organic Solvents and Their Toxicity”
Toxicity?! Whaaat?! It says “Organic”! How can Organic be Toxic?! Surely this must be wrong!?
In the ResearchGate article, we learn that “Organic solvents are known as carbon-based solvents”; ah, ok, so it’s just like coal tar and plastic being natural Vitamin ingredients because they contain carbon. F*cking carbon. Anyway, the article goes on to say, “Almost all of the solvents are hazardous to health, if swallowed or inhaled”. Here’s a list of the most common organic solvents:
Gosh, I remember a lot of those chemicals from my research into Vitamin A, B, C and Omega-3’s. I also see Chloroform on that list, which we learned is in Vitamin D, now we know why.
The chemicals are dumped on the produce to “extract the vitamin”. Once the “vitamin” has come out of the produce, the fruit is discarded and the chemical solution is kept for Step #2.
So, our plant-based Vitamins are made by taking produce, chopping it up, then mixing it with awful chemicals or boiling. Perhaps the boiling route is chemical-free? I mean, it’s diced produce in water, it can’t possibly have toxins added… can it?… if it involves “carbon”, I’m going to kick my pc screen straight off my desk. If I never hear the word “carbon” again, it will be too soon.
When boiling produce to make a vitamin, just like with the chemical method, they don’t want the plant, they want the water because, they claim, this is where the Vitamin will be. This means they are going to take out the boiled produce (or leaves, or whatever), and use it for something else, then, eventually, sell us the water (after it has been processed). Doesn’t that seem strange? Smack my ass and call me a crazy Conspiracy Theorist, but wouldn’t it make more sense to just give us the plant? But if they’re giving us the plant, why wouldn’t we just buy a head of broccoli and eat that instead? (thought to self: Because there’s no profit in telling us to eat broccoli? Because eating broccoli supports farms and they hate farms? Because a Trusted Source would have a hard time shipping broccoli?)
Let’s take a deeper look at the boiling option:
The reason you and I are told not to boil vegetables to cook them is because Up to 50% of the nutrients are lost (or destroyed by high heat).
This means, 0% – 50% of the nutrients (allegedly) leave the plant and go into the water (which is what will be used to make the Vitamin), while the remaining 50%- 100% of the nutrients stay in the boiled plant. I guess we can think of this like making tea, at very high heat, very quickly. So, right out the gate, the plant-vitamin-water contains a fraction of the nutrition as the plant does.
Others state that that the process can be performed by simply putting the plant that contains the vitamin into a vat of water (without boiling), then waiting for the vitamin to move from the plant into the water. This sounds fairly absurd because there is no way to seethe vitamin, let alone see when the vitamin has left the plant, unless your observation is based on the water changing color? If this is what we are using as a standard, how do we know it is the vitamin that changed the water color and not other content, such as starch or natural coloring?
Since my recent Awakening to synthetic vitamin fraud, I am learning to drink a lot of real, legit tea (not Lipton bagged sh*t). When I make tea, I am trying to extract the nutrients from the leaves… but this isn’t what they are claiming to do with Vitamin hydrolysis. They are claiming they are extracting the vitamin, which they will eventually call “Vitamin B-pick-a-number”. So, they chop up produce, put it in water, and wait for “Vitamin B12” (or whatever) to come out, then they discard the produce and keep the water for Step #2. Does this make a damn bit of sense to anyone? How do you sort out Vitamin B12 (or whatever) from the water? This is damn-near a mirror image of viruses. Tell me this isn’t some batsh*t crazy nonsense?
And, because everything is always some weird rabbit hole, fruits and vegetables are cleaned and processed in water after being harvested, prior to being sold. That water can also be considered water with the vitamin in it, depending on the process. When you rinse your produce in the sink before eating it, do you keep the water and drink it? I sure as hell don’t…
The wastewater not only contains dirt, but it also contains pesticides and chemicals.
Yep, the the byproduct water from the produce processing industry can be used to make “vitamins”.
This is why the next step is Deionization.
A deionization water purification system is required to remove sand, blast the vitamin-water with UV to sterilize it, then run it through reverse osmosis to clean it even more (but somehow thevitamin stays in the water?)…:
Next is Diafiltration and Concentration. This is done during the “purification process”. This involves running the vitamin through a bunch of machines and adding more chemicals. To concentrate you will not add more “buffer solution” during this step. (chemical compound)
So, you skipped adding more buffer, but now you need to add more chemicals, specifically Ammonium Sulfate (Ammonia).
Followed by Distillation, in which even more chemicals are used. You will end up with a syrup-like substance, shown below on the left:
Then there’s “Crystallization”, to turn the syrup above into the powder shown above on the right. Here’s a Crystallizer:
The process requires more “organic solvents”, such as Acetone (nail polish remover) or any of the other toxic concoctions on the Research Gate list.
And lastly, Drying. Once drying is complete it will become a powder. Then it will be further adulterated with other chemicals and eventually put into pills or bottles, then sold.
So, yeeeah, we somehow started with a plant or pieces of chopped produce (or used byproduct water from the food processing industry), we boiled it or dumped hazardous “organic solvents” on it, then did all kinds of wacky sh*t to it, ran it through all different machines, poisoned it with tons of chemicals, made it into a syrup, dried it, then called it a Vitamin. Then it is combined with fillers and bottled. After this process is completed, how much vitamin could possibly be left? And somehow there’s enough of the vitamin in two tiny pills a day to improve our health? Seriously though, wouldn’t it be far more logical to make and drink vegetable broth? Or just buy organic vegetable broth, through which we are not consuming loads of unknown chemicals to get a literal drop of some Vitamin-water-chemical-concoction? Or just eat the f*cking produce?!? What a concept; WHAT IF WE JUST EAT THE F*CKING PRODUCE?!? Who would have thought?!
Anyway, that’s how Vitamins are made! …But, I have to admit to you, I just wasted your time because there’s no need to learn about that process… because it is rarely ever used due to how expensive it is. What they instead do is:
When you hear the word “fermentation”, you probably think of a food, like sauerkraut, right? That’s what I thought of too, but this is not the “fermentation” used in Vitamin manufacturing. The Vitamin fermentation process is chemicals, GMO’s, industrial waste byproducts, chemicals, chemicals, machines, machines, machines, chemicals. Yes, my friends, this is the fermentation process to make our healthy vitamins:
Due to cost and speed, microbial fermentation is almost always chosen for Vitamin manufacturing. All microbial fermentation requires is a culture, (GMO) sugar, waste, bacteria / mold, chemicals, lots more chemicals, machines and only 3-5 days total! WOO HOO! Gotta love fast Vitamins! “Health in a hurry”, should be their motto!
Here’s a 3-minute overview explaining the process in general. The process is the same, regardless of what water-soluble Vitamin (or Supplement, Pharmaceutical or lab-made food)is being made. (3 minute video. You really should watch this!)
After Fermentation is complete, it is time to put the Vitamin through many more processes, which is referred to as“downstream processing” :
The goal of “Disintegration of Cells” is “Lysis”. There are two ways to accomplish Lysis; you can use chemicals or you can use bacteria / enzymes that they refer to as “viruses”, which are lab-made concoctions (Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, and Listeria)
You don’t need to make these “virus” enzymes, some other lab makes them, so you just buy them. Easy peasy!:
Next you have to dry the crap you made, by adding Acetone (nail polish remover) and buffering solution (acid, phosphorus and other chemicals)
Then there’s Extraction:
Then Concentration, which includes adding more chemicals:
And Purification, which involves running it through a bunch of machines, adding chemicals and adding a new “buffering solution” chemical compound
Then Drying. Boom! You have officially made a Vitamin! Now your powder can be put in drums, then bottled, then sold as a great supplement to keep you healthy.
Only $14.44 USD per kilo (2.2 pounds)! That’s one heck of a great deal!
Big ol’ bag of health! 25 kilos (over 50 pounds)!
Cyanocobalamin in a metal drum (probably because coal tar is highly flammable)
Need a sh*t ton of health? Buy a full pallet of chemical vitamin drums!
And again, if this stuff is helping you, GREAT! You go girl, gobble those lab-pills up like Thanksgiving dinner! I support whatever decision you feel is right because we are all in this war together.
I am going to take a short break from investigating vitamins because it is mind-numbingly painful, so, coming next, we will be discussing THE WORLDWIDE WAR ON FARMS and EAT ZE BUGS: United Nations Sustainable Insanity and, coming March 30th,vit a paid sub exclusive: MILITARY CAUGHT CAUSING BLACKOUTS.
This is everything I looked at while writing this post. I do not use all of the content in my Sources section, but I leave it in here for anyone looking to do the same research:
There are four main physical or chemical steps that go into chemical extraction:
and washing.
Flocculation involves mixing the biomass with a chemical solvent. This causes large particles within the mixture to attach together, forming what is referred to as a “floc.” Precipitation is the mixing of the biomass and floc to form a solution with small particles within it called “slurry.” This slurry is then heated up, causing precipitation, which results in the chemical solvent being pushed away from the newly formed precipitate. Filtration removes solids that remain after the separation of water-soluble vitamins from biomass material by washing them off with either distilled or demineralized water. Lastly, the remaining crystals are dried out to achieve a reasonable purity level for storage purposes until the product is ready for packaging and distribution.
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