The symptoms of covid are government tyranny,media gaslighting and propaganda,fascism,police states,house arrests,

The symptoms of flu are coughs,sneezes,runny noses,tight chests etc. The symptoms of covid are government tyranny,media gaslighting and propaganda,fascism,police states,house arrests,destruction of civilisation liberty and free speech,corruption,greed and power for the 1%

Solari Report

“We might say that once terrorism was exhausted as a justification for exceptional measures, the invention of an epidemic could offer the ideal pretext for broadening such measures beyond any limitation.” ~Giorgio Agamben

Where is the Evidence That SARS-CoV-2 ‘Covid-19’ Exist

Quacks and sheep trying hard to prove non-existent ! Fools ! – Anas.,%20Narratives,%20Concerns%20&%20Publications/Medical%20Doctors%20&%20PhD/Where%20is%20the%20Evidence%20That%20SARS-CoV-2%20’Covid-19’%20Exist.pdf