COVAIDS VACCINE VICTIMs!!!!!!!!:a,-JANUARY-13,-2021:f,-7th-January-2021-(Use-full-:8 Yet People think I am joke to them – No worries that’s what the folks thought about Noah while He was building the Ark that’s what the folks said to Isa (Jesus) and Abraham and Muhammad May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon Them Allah. – A

Covid vaccines are medical experiments on Humanity – Dr Tom Cowans

Covid vaccines are medical experiments on Humanity – Dr Tom Cowans The COVID vaccines are mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccines, which are completely new. No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed for human use before. There are no other therapies or prophylactics on the market that use the same approach, despite a handful of efforts.

The Chinese Girl – Jos Mara Barrera

This is terrible to even think about, as a computer scientist I can confirm you that entraining the brain using EMF , MW and even extracting human neurons from brain and plastering them on a silicone chip to later make them learn is all possible this is sinister and satanic to it’s core but our… Continue reading The Chinese Girl – Jos Mara Barrera

The 1918 “Spanish Flu”: Only The Vaccinated Died – Sal Martingano

Vaccine promoters claim that vaccines wiped out most infectious diseases. History tells us a different story. Infectious diseases like Measles, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, Typhoid Fever and Polio, were all at their lowest levels and dropping, BEFORE the vaccines were introduced…  


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