Galileo Gambits: Trump, Putin, & Pizzagate











The most common defense of Donald Trump as an anti-globalist, conservative swamp drainer is that he must be authentic because of how much the media and the establishment are perceived as hating and vilifying him.

Not only is this defense false, given the overwhelming weight of evidence to the contrary, it’s a fallacious argument to start with.

It’s called the “Galileo Gambit” fallacy.

“The Galileo gambit (also Galileo fallacy) is a logical fallacy that asserts that if your ideas provoke the establishment to vilify or threaten you, you must be right. Users of the fallacy are to be understood as being essentially ‘Galileo wannabes’.”

Trump’s Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevist handlers know this fallacy well and have used it in building up the Cult of Trump—enough that it won him the title of President of the United States. It was none other than a globalist who first put out the lie that Trump was an “outsider” who “couldn’t be bought”. One Newt Gingrich, as if you couldn’t find a swampier spokesman to shill for you. After Gingrich’s opener for Chump, the Cult of Trump base simply expanded on and amplified the fallacious meme, turning Trump into one of the most successful psyops ever foisted on the American people. The more the media attacked Trump in the lead up to the U.S. presidential election, the more convinced his base became of his legitimacy, regardless of the facts.

“This logic is obviously flawed. For example, consider a horribly-oppressed ideology: Wahhabism. Western governments seek to persecute and censor Wahhabists at every opportunity. Does this mean that Wahhabism is correct?”

The Trump defense also falls under the associated fallacy known as Argumentum ad martyrdom—the notion that something becomes true if the person asserting it is perceived to be hated for it and/or that perceived martyrdom is proof that the martyr was correct.

The Trump psyop also entails a bit of the hostile media effect.

Clearly, all the negative publicity helped Trump more than it hindered him during the election, whether the media knew it or not (I am convinced they were in on the charade). The negative publicity still helps Trump today, simultaneously keeping people tuned into the mind-controlling round-the-clock news in both the mainstream and in the alternative spheres.

This Galileo defense is more commonly used when fellow conservatives are challenging Trump supporters as to their blind allegiance to Chump’s cult of personality. The Chump base has other bags of tricks for Leftist critiquing of their supreme leader, namely dirty tricks like “Pizzagate”. Incidentally, the KGB-Team Trump co-ordination of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory was also validated by his base because of belief in the Galileo gambit fallacy. When some online outlets began censoring the obviously defamatory elements of “Pizzagate”, Trump’s base took it as proof that there was truth to it—all of it, no matter how ridiculous it was.

Trump supporters seem to revert to a state of cognitive dissonance when confronted with the irrationality of their Galileo gambitting. They attack their opponents and run and hide to their echo chambers, which are lovingly padded by double-agent “alternative” media charlatans like Infowars and Zerohedge. It’s no wonder they don’t learn. Their delusions are only fed by the gatekeeper alternative media. Alex Jones’ hypnotic and repetitious meme of “When you’re over the target, you take the most flak” is an explicit example of the Galileo gambit at work. He is another beneficiary of this fallacy and is also heavily involved with the promotion of both Putin and Trump.

These same Trumpists use the exact same fallacy when appraising Russian President Vladimir Putin and the actions of the Kremlin. If the Leftist Western media hates him so much, they argue, he must be the real deal. If the media blames Russia for colluding to hack the election, it must mean that Russia didn’t. Furthermore, it must mean that Russia is the good guy, and an anti-globalist to boot, the rhetoric goes (see this article arguing that the Left’s critique of Russia actually helps Russia). In effect, this dupes are leading the media dictate their analysis of world events, albeit a reactionary response. They don’t seem to grasp that there are constant dialectics at work in media narratives. The social engineers know that the media can control people not only by going along with media narratives but also by contrary reactions to media narratives. This is exactly what has happened with Trump and Putin.

The Putin-Chump cucks live in a make-believe world. Anything the two globalist stooges do is insulated against any valid arguments simply because the Galileo gambit has their base completely deceived and hardwired in to a pre-fabricated narrative. We live in a post-truth era where reason and logic are ignored and lies and memes are king.

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