Innovation my ASS ! People of Gog & Magog, uuhhh ZOG… -A
At a glance
According to Chinese state media, a team of researchers from Wuhan University allowed an AI to take control of a satellite for 24 hours to see what it would do.
According to Chinese state media, the South China Morning Post (SCMP), Chinese researchers have announced that they have allowed artificial intelligence (AI) to gain control of a satellite in near-Earth orbit. This was done to test how an AI would behave while operating an object in space. According to the accounts of the “landmark experiment,” a ground-based AI controlled the tiny Earth observation satellite Qimingxing 1 for 24 hours, without any interference from humans.
According to the SCMP, the experiment’s results have been published in the Geomatics and Information Science journal of Wuhan University.
Allegedly, the AI selected a few locations on Earth and instructed the Qimingxing 1 to take a closer look.
No information was provided about why the technology may have chosen these places. One of the areas reportedly targeted was Patna, an old city in northeastern India near the Ganges River and home to the Bihar Regiment, a branch of the Indian Army that, in 2020, engaged the military of China in a terrible conflict in the Galwan Valley along the disputed border.
The AI also prioritized Osaka, one of the busiest ports in Japan that occasionally accommodates US Navy ships operating in the Pacific.
Before now, most satellites required specific directives or tasks to operate. Unexpected occurrences, like a war or an earthquake, may trigger an assignment, or a satellite may be scheduled to undertake ongoing observations of certain targets.