The vaccine: A religious exemption for the whole world by Jon Rappoport

Yesterday, I quoted extensively from AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s stunning Crisis article that concluded there was the murder of an infant, in order to obtain the cell line used in COVID vaccine testing. I put out a call to medical professionals to weigh in on her analysis. Here is the basic ramification: THERE IS A RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION… Continue reading The vaccine: A religious exemption for the whole world by Jon Rappoport

Was COVID vaccine fetal tissue obtained by the murder of an infant? by Jon Rappoport

With the release of COVID vaccines, and then the mandates, we’ve seen a new resurgence of people attempting to gain religious exemptions. Many of these attempts focus on fetal tissue obtained through abortion. On January 19, 2021, AnnaMaria Cardinalli published an explosive article in Crisis Magazine, headlined, “Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine.” Cardinalli details… Continue reading Was COVID vaccine fetal tissue obtained by the murder of an infant? by Jon Rappoport

Mandate or Freedom: An open letter to corporate CEOs by Jon Rappoport

Let’s be frank. Who in his right mind would appeal to corporate CEOs on fundamental issues of ethics and freedom? But this is 1776. We’re at the crossroads. Are you going to order your employees to take the COVID vaccine? Are you going to fire those who won’t? Are you going to take away their freedom, for a… Continue reading Mandate or Freedom: An open letter to corporate CEOs by Jon Rappoport

The virus that doesn’t exist: lies and consequences by Jon Rappoport

Throughout this false pandemic, I’ve been listing and explaining the falling dominos: The false claim that a virus exists. The development of a diagnostic test to detect the virus that doesn’t exist. Based on the test, the publishing of sky-high case numbers, all of which are obviously meaningless. Based on the false case numbers, and… Continue reading The virus that doesn’t exist: lies and consequences by Jon Rappoport

If the virus actually existed by Jon Rappoport

…and it doesn’t… There would be no way to stop it. It would have spread so far and so deep… The only answer would be: LIVE THROUGH IT. Period. Have a look at the open borders of the US. Have a look at the packed football stands every weekend across the US. Have a look at Israel,… Continue reading If the virus actually existed by Jon Rappoport

Natural immunity vs. Vaccine-induced immunity: the issue that terrifies the pro-vaxx mafia by Jon Rappoport

As my readers know, I’ve been proving, for the past year, that the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist. Therefore, the whole issue of immunity is a non-starter. Immune to what? To a phantom. A myth. A superstition. A fairy tale. A collective hallucination. NEVERTHELESS, I make frequent forays into the fantasy bubble-world, where millions and millions of people believe the virus is real,… Continue reading Natural immunity vs. Vaccine-induced immunity: the issue that terrifies the pro-vaxx mafia by Jon Rappoport

Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead


The non-existent virus; an explosive interview with Christine Massey by Jon Rappoport

With a background in biostatistics, Christine Massey has been using Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests as a research tool, as a diamond drill, to unearth the truth about SARS-CoV-2. As in: Does the virus exist? Her approach has yielded shocking results. In a half-sane world, Christine’s work would win many awards, and rate far-reaching coverage. In the… Continue reading The non-existent virus; an explosive interview with Christine Massey by Jon Rappoport

Medical weapons and fake data sets; how destruction multiplies by Jon Rappoport

The mainstream reports I’m including in this article—I’ve written about them before. They form a grotesque track record of medical-cartel harm inflicted on the population. I give you these reports again to point out how fake data sets multiply and spread, causing even more destruction. For example—let’s consider a drug called X. In fact, it is killing… Continue reading Medical weapons and fake data sets; how destruction multiplies by Jon Rappoport