Reposting MSM B!ll the ƒ∪ΚΠG gates in case you want to share without source being attacked

Third shot may be needed to fight new variants, Bill Gates warns There’s growing concern about the effectiveness of current vaccines against variants from Brazil and South Africa. Bill Gates calls for THIRD vaccine dose to combat mutations in coming years after calling anti-vaxxers ‘crazy’ and ‘evil’ – RT International How about actually infecting folks… Continue reading Reposting MSM B!ll the ƒ∪ΚΠG gates in case you want to share without source being attacked

New microscopy photos of covid swabs, covid masks and mysterious red and blue fibers

What follows is a series of microscopy photos of covid swabs (a synthetic swab, then a cotton swab), a covid mask and some zoomed-in photos of mysterious red and blue fibers found in the masks. -A

‘Horrific’ video shows police force-vaccinating disabled and special needs people

A Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department vaccine campaign targets disabled, mentally ill, and homeless people.

Ontario gives police authority to stop people, vehicles, ask purpose of travel To further prove this check following links. Actual document: S1182_SPI-M-O_Summary_of_modelling_of_easing_roadmap_step_2_restrictions