Behind closed doors: medical research labs by Jon Rappoport

During the past two years, I’ve made comments about what goes on in research labs. The lunatic “science,” the cruelty visited on humans and animals, who are the test subjects. My work on this goes back to the 1980s, when I was writing my first book, AIDS INC. After reading renegade and leaked literature at that time,… Continue reading Behind closed doors: medical research labs by Jon Rappoport

The Nazi medical plan for control of the planet; World War Two never ended by Jon Rappoport

At the end of the War, IG Farben executives were put on trial and, despite the efforts of Telford Taylor, the chief US prosecutor, and assistant prosecutor, Josiah DuBois, the sentences handed out were light. For example, Fritz Ter Meer, a high-ranking Farben executive, was tried for mass medical murder and slavery, and sentenced to… Continue reading The Nazi medical plan for control of the planet; World War Two never ended by Jon Rappoport

Open letter to a billion Catholics; cc to everyone else; here is the Pope verbatim by Jon Rappoport

Vatican News: “Press conference on the flight back from his Apostolic Journey in Southern Africa.” Read these astounding words from Pope Francis: “I would like to repeat what the Doctrine of the Church says about this: When we acknowledge international organisations and we recognise their capacity to give judgment, on a global scale – for… Continue reading Open letter to a billion Catholics; cc to everyone else; here is the Pope verbatim by Jon Rappoport

If you were a pregnant mother and smiling doctors came to you with murder on their minds by Jon Rappoport

I’ve been writing a series of articles demonstrating that much medical research rests on the murder of infants. In particular, vaccine research. Several key cell lines are derived from fetal tissue. And doctors obtain that tissue by removing fetuses from pregnant mothers; the fetuses are alive; the doctors then kill the fetuses by cutting out their… Continue reading If you were a pregnant mother and smiling doctors came to you with murder on their minds by Jon Rappoport

People of faith and the COVID vaccine

Refusing the COVID vaccine should be a personal mandate. Vaccines, live infants, and fetal tissue research: shedding light on the darkness by Jon Rappoport “Well, I mean, sure, maybe some of the research behind the COVID vaccine involved aborted fetuses, but that was a long time ago, and really, I can’t think about that, I… Continue reading People of faith and the COVID vaccine

The murdered infant comes to the virology lab; the ivory tower is befouled by Jon Rappoport

In a groundbreaking article for Children of God For Life, titled “Forsaking God For the Sake of Science,” Debra Vinnedge outlines how the Rockefeller-Harriman eugenics movement gave rise to the practice of medical abortions for research purposes, including live births during which the infant was murdered and its organs harvested: “…Abortion wasn’t legal yet; this… Continue reading The murdered infant comes to the virology lab; the ivory tower is befouled by Jon Rappoport

New evidence for infanticide in the creation of the fetal cell line used for COVID vaccine testing by Jon Rappoport

“To obtain embryo cells, embryos from spontaneous abortions cannot be used, nor can those obtained by means of abortions performed via the vagina: in both cases, the embryo will be contaminated by micro-organisms.” “The correct way consists in having recourse to Caesarian section or to the removal of the uterus. Only in this way can… Continue reading New evidence for infanticide in the creation of the fetal cell line used for COVID vaccine testing by Jon Rappoport

The vaccine: A religious exemption for the whole world by Jon Rappoport

Yesterday, I quoted extensively from AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s stunning Crisis article that concluded there was the murder of an infant, in order to obtain the cell line used in COVID vaccine testing. I put out a call to medical professionals to weigh in on her analysis. Here is the basic ramification: THERE IS A RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION… Continue reading The vaccine: A religious exemption for the whole world by Jon Rappoport

Was COVID vaccine fetal tissue obtained by the murder of an infant? by Jon Rappoport

With the release of COVID vaccines, and then the mandates, we’ve seen a new resurgence of people attempting to gain religious exemptions. Many of these attempts focus on fetal tissue obtained through abortion. On January 19, 2021, AnnaMaria Cardinalli published an explosive article in Crisis Magazine, headlined, “Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine.” Cardinalli details… Continue reading Was COVID vaccine fetal tissue obtained by the murder of an infant? by Jon Rappoport

Mandate or Freedom: An open letter to corporate CEOs by Jon Rappoport

Let’s be frank. Who in his right mind would appeal to corporate CEOs on fundamental issues of ethics and freedom? But this is 1776. We’re at the crossroads. Are you going to order your employees to take the COVID vaccine? Are you going to fire those who won’t? Are you going to take away their freedom, for a… Continue reading Mandate or Freedom: An open letter to corporate CEOs by Jon Rappoport