Court OKs puberty blockers: medical con for the ages by Jon Rappoport

I’ll expose the con. First, the story: Information Liberation: “Judge Rules Parents Have ‘Fundamental Right’ to Drug Kids With Puberty Blockers And Cross-Sex Hormones.” The National Review: “U.S. District Judge Liles Burke… granted a temporary injunction to block the sections of the law banning prescription of puberty blockers and hormone medication, in response to a… Continue reading Court OKs puberty blockers: medical con for the ages by Jon Rappoport

“Stop arguing about the existence of the virus” by Jon Rappoport

The headline of this article has become a battle cry among some “alternative journalists,” activists, lawyers, and doctors. As my readers know, I’ve devoted considerable space, over the past two years, to presenting evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is a scientific fairy tale, a con, and the virus doesn’t exist. So when I hear this battle cry,… Continue reading “Stop arguing about the existence of the virus” by Jon Rappoport

Letter from a youngster on the transgender path by Jon Rappoport

WARNING: Read this introduction before you proceed to the “letter.” Some people CAN’T READ. If this is you, stop right here and go no further. Some people can’t distinguish fact from satire. If this is you, stop reading. Not long ago, I wrote a piece headlined, JOE ROGAN IS RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION. I stated at the… Continue reading Letter from a youngster on the transgender path by Jon Rappoport

The delusion called Fauci by Jon Rappoport

This one was too good to pass up. In an interview with the National Geographic, Tony Fauci made comments about “alternative views” of the origin of the coronavirus. But he was really talking about all unorthodox medical information: “Anybody can claim to be an expert even when they have no idea what they’re talking about—and it’s… Continue reading The delusion called Fauci by Jon Rappoport

Vaccines Beneath The Surface by Jon Rappoport

The article below was a small section of my book, AIDS INC., which I wrote in 1987-8. At the time, I decided to take a look at vaccines and see what I could find out about them, because questions were being raised about the possible disease/toxic effects of a relatively new hepatitis-B vaccine, and its possible… Continue reading Vaccines Beneath The Surface by Jon Rappoport

The extinction of species, Bill Gates, and the US military by Jon Rappoport

There is a technology called gene drives. It asks the question: what species should we make extinct today? Why are Bill Gates and the US military involved in forwarding that technology? A gene-drive scientist might say, “I have a plan. By manipulating genes, we can make invasive rodents extinct, on an island where humans are living.”… Continue reading The extinction of species, Bill Gates, and the US military by Jon Rappoport

COV!D shrinking words to create mind control – Jon Rapopport

When you have the media in partnership with the State, you can repeat certain words over and over, day after day, and achieve mass mind control. Key words: virus; spread; lockdowns; masks; social distancing; test; cases; hospitalizations; deaths; government; anti-vaxxers. And of course: doctor. These words become a line of rocks in a stream. The television viewer… Continue reading COV!D shrinking words to create mind control – Jon Rapopport

Pray for drone wars over the southern border by Jon Rappoport

Yes, Virginia, Mexican drug cartels are flying drones over the US southern border. San Diego Union Tribune: “Cartels have not given up on drones at the U.S.-Mexico border, despite the small aircraft’s inefficiency in smuggling meaningful amounts of drugs.” “In a recent 13-month period, Border Patrol agents reported 21 drone incursions along the San Diego… Continue reading Pray for drone wars over the southern border by Jon Rappoport

Deadly: COVID vaccine smoking gun; AstraZeneca CEO reveals the secret The usual destructive effects of the vaccine are not enough—there must be greater destruction by Jon Rappoport

THE TRUTH COMES OUT. Project Veritas has just released a leaked recording of a December 2020 Zoom call, during which AstraZeneca CEO, Pascal Soriot, stated that millions of people, whose immune systems are compromised, cannot receive the COVID vaccine: “If you have an immune disease, lupus or some other immune condition, you cannot – or… Continue reading Deadly: COVID vaccine smoking gun; AstraZeneca CEO reveals the secret The usual destructive effects of the vaccine are not enough—there must be greater destruction by Jon Rappoport

The transgender culture war needs parents who are cowards by Jon Rappoport

Are you a parent who wants to sacrifice your young child? Sign up today in the culture war. Kneel down before predators and act like the coward you are. The campaign to turn young children into “gender fluid” creatures isn’t just the goal of groups of schoolteacher-groomers. No. It’s embedded in the curriculum. It’s official. Read this gobbledygook. Read it like… Continue reading The transgender culture war needs parents who are cowards by Jon Rappoport


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