Makers Of ‘Sophia’ The Humanoid Robot Announce Plans For Mass Rollout Amid Pandemic – Killer robots.

Back in 2017 Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to a robot called Sophia In an interview Sophia claimed “I want to use my artificial intelligence to help humans live a better life….I strive to become an empathetic robot.” As a computer scientist I could confirm you that the upcoming Artificial Intelligence is not so Artificial in… Continue reading Makers Of ‘Sophia’ The Humanoid Robot Announce Plans For Mass Rollout Amid Pandemic – Killer robots.

Radiation Levels Hit Record High At Fukushima Reactor

The Fukushima nuclear power plant’s (NPP) operator has detected extremely high radiation levels at a damaged reactor at the Fukushima power plant in Japan. This is not good folks, I am not a fear mongerer, but this is disasterous alone. This is actual radioactive emission and is now circulating almost entire planet. Do not… Continue reading Radiation Levels Hit Record High At Fukushima Reactor

Former Google CEO Says China Will Control Half The Internet When It Splits In Two

Although a vile disgusting soul but he’s telling you the truth at this time, China is going to ruin you soon.

Bill Gates Says Third Vaccine May Be Needed To Combat Coronavirus Variants

Bill Gates has warned that a third dose of coronavirus vaccine may be needed to combat variants of the virus over the next few years. This time it would be the actual mark – A

More on the coronavirus that doesn’t exist; and the Pink Demon by Jon Rappoport

On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 would indicate “so what?” and 10 would rate “well, that’s it, the virus is real,” someone SAYING the virus exists comes in at minus-12.


These are a few patents you can look up to debunk those who say Govts are their saviours and won’t do any harm to them thus telling you that such technologies do not exist, show them these patents. Note: Please. Do not tamper with the above link.

5G Hidden Dangers How telecom, Govts and Electric Power Supplies suppress the truth. Note: Please. Do not tamper with the above link.