Why 2022 is 1973 Klaus Schwab is Zbigniew Brzezinski by Jon Rappoport

I wrote the following piece five years ago. It describes an elite group— whose globalist goals have been exported to the World Economic Forum (WEF), headed by Klaus Schwab. Remember David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission? They’re still around. But their quiet style has been replaced by the big brassy in-your-face Schwab circus: WE’RE TRANSFORMING THE WORLD. OKAY? WE ADMIT IT. ACHTUNG, BABY.… Continue reading Why 2022 is 1973 Klaus Schwab is Zbigniew Brzezinski by Jon Rappoport

Naming names: US built war capability for Russia—leading to the deaths of American soldiers by Jon Rappoport

Continuing to present the extraordinary research of the late Antony Sutton— Today’s Sutton excerpt comes from his 1986 book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy.  As usual, the detail is shocking. So are the names of the men. The question is why: why are these men doing this? Are they bankrolling and supplying both sides of… Continue reading Naming names: US built war capability for Russia—leading to the deaths of American soldiers by Jon Rappoport

Now: Stop FDA authorization of COVID shot for kids Stand at the gates of Hell – Jon Rappoport

A faceless Nazi bureaucracy is poised, waiting for the FDA’s signal to advance on small children and infants, with needles of death. You can find all the government contact info and talking points in Toby Rogers’ article posted on his substack, yesterday, Wednesday, March 30th — headlined “Urgent Call to Action [number] 3: Contact your… Continue reading Now: Stop FDA authorization of COVID shot for kids Stand at the gates of Hell – Jon Rappoport

Was COVID vaccine fetal tissue obtained by the murder of an infant? by Jon Rappoport

With the release of COVID vaccines, and then the mandates, we’ve seen a new resurgence of people attempting to gain religious exemptions. Many of these attempts focus on fetal tissue obtained through abortion.     On January 19, 2021, AnnaMaria Cardinalli published an explosive article in Crisis Magazine, headlined, “Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine.” Cardinalli details… Continue reading Was COVID vaccine fetal tissue obtained by the murder of an infant? by Jon Rappoport

Evidence of infant-murder in the creation of the fetal cell line used for COVID vaccine testing – Jon Rappoport

‘Experiments were being performed on near-term alive aborted babies who were not even afforded the mercy of anesthetic as they writhed and cried in agony, and when their usefulness had expired, they were executed and discarded as garbage’. We begin here: “To obtain embryo cells [for research on vaccines and other pharma products], embryos from… Continue reading Evidence of infant-murder in the creation of the fetal cell line used for COVID vaccine testing – Jon Rappoport