Lab Leaks and other Legends

One of the biggest distractions regarding the existence of pathogenic viruses is the various “supporting” stories that appear in both the mainstream and alternative media. The controlled corporate media intentionally promulgates contagion mythology as it fuels the medico-pharmaceutical complex and vested interests. Additionally, as the last few years have demonstrated, the contagion narrative is useful… Continue reading Lab Leaks and other Legends


Yesterday I posted an astonishingly brilliant article on quackery – the quacks sitting behind the closed doors among board of directors, head of departments, medical in-charges, medical superintendents with glazed glasses and spectacles oh about spectacles they only make them look more sober ( or superior over laymen ) and tight muzzles… The following is… Continue reading THE MORAL TO THE TALE.


The following astonishingly brilliant article is more than 110 years old and is part of a book I came across, printed in 1909 by an ex-osteopath… I will post a few more as a sequel to this one… So please stop by and grab yourself some water – and let it sink in – especially… Continue reading WHY DO QUACKS FLOURISH ?

Rockefeller Foundation, Nonprofits Spending Millions on Behavioral Psychology Research to ‘Nudge’ More People to Get COVID Vaccines

Satan’s seed is busy taking away your children, women and foolish men ! Wake up but your pundits of plunder do not know !   The Rockefeller Foundation, the National Science Foundation and other nonprofits are pouring millions of dollars into a research initiative “to increase uptake of COVID-19 vaccines and other recommended public health… Continue reading Rockefeller Foundation, Nonprofits Spending Millions on Behavioral Psychology Research to ‘Nudge’ More People to Get COVID Vaccines

The Pandemic Predictor: Neil Ferguson: The Ghost in the Machine by Jon Rappoport

Why do governments salute when he predicts a pandemic and tells them to lock down their countries? Does anyone care about his past? Why does he still have a prestigious job? Who is he connected to? Note: I’m republishing this piece, from 2020, so people don’t forget the criminal and the crime… Neil Ferguson, through… Continue reading The Pandemic Predictor: Neil Ferguson: The Ghost in the Machine by Jon Rappoport

The most respected doctor in the world by Jon Rappoport (Substack)

The word “doctor” has magic. Information supplied by one of these critters makes an immediate impact. The subject doesn’t really matter. Compare “launched missile falls into the sea” with “doctor testifies launched missile fell into the sea.” Or you get an email with the subject line, “Must watch: doctor reveals secrets about alligators in Florida.”… Continue reading The most respected doctor in the world by Jon Rappoport (Substack)

Baby Formula Shortages? Bill Gates Supported “BIOMILQ” Under Development

Via: Global News: A North Carolina startup called BIOMILQ may have whipped up a nutritionally comparable alternative to human breast milk — except this milk isn’t produced in a mammary gland, but in a bioreactor. … “Using the same techniques that we’ve used for decades to grow cells outside the body, we’re able to reproduce the… Continue reading Baby Formula Shortages? Bill Gates Supported “BIOMILQ” Under Development

Tanzania’s Late President Magufuli: “Science Denier” or Threat to Empire?

This is an old article orignally posted on unlimited hangout website by Jeremy Loffredo & Whitney Webb While his COVID-19 policies have dominated media coverage regarding his disappearance and suspicious death, Tanzania’s John Magufuli was hated by the Western elites for much more than his rebuke of lockdowns and mask mandates. In particular, his efforts… Continue reading Tanzania’s Late President Magufuli: “Science Denier” or Threat to Empire?

Bill Gates’ Web of Dark Money and Influence – Part 2: The COVID-19 Operation by Derrick Broze

This piece will continue our look into Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Please see part 1 before reading. In part 2,  we will focus on the role the Foundation has played in the response to COVID-19, as well as the influence the organization has on global health institutions. Before we dive… Continue reading Bill Gates’ Web of Dark Money and Influence – Part 2: The COVID-19 Operation by Derrick Broze

Bill Gates’ Web of Dark Money and Influence – Part 3: Health Surveillance, Event 201 and the Rockefeller Connection by Derrick Broze

Lockdowns, Contact Tracing, Digital Certificates, and Vaccines Over the last four months Bill Gates has made dozens of media appearances where he has called for several controversial “solutions” to  COVID-19. Gates says these proposals must be implemented before society can go back to “normal.” From calling for extended lock downs, health surveillance (aka contact tracing)… Continue reading Bill Gates’ Web of Dark Money and Influence – Part 3: Health Surveillance, Event 201 and the Rockefeller Connection by Derrick Broze


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