If someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 commits suicide, the Ontario Ministry of Health will record their cause of death as COVID-19. As of Sunday, December 13, Public Health Ontario counted 140,181 cumulative cases of COVID-19, and 3,949 deaths. “As a result of how data is recorded by health units into public health information databases, the… Continue reading Coronavirus Lies: Ontario counts suicide victims as COVID-19 fatalities
Category: bitchute
Shocking report on COVID vaccine adverse effects: the roll-out continues anyway by Jon Rappoport Dec 14 2020
From the UK, The Guardian has the story: “People with a history of significant allergic reactions should not receive the Covid vaccine, the medicines regulator has said, after two NHS workers experienced symptoms on Wednesday.” They just figured this out? Now? The Guardian is referring to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, which has just been approved in… Continue reading Shocking report on COVID vaccine adverse effects: the roll-out continues anyway by Jon Rappoport Dec 14 2020
Coca Cola Tests COVID-19 Positive In Austrian Parliament
An Austrian parliamentary member exposed the defectiveness of the government’s COVID-19 tests by demonstrating in the parliament how a glass of Coca Cola tested positive for COVID-19. In footage from the meeting in Vienna Friday, FPO General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz brings a glass of Coca Cola to the podium, from which he proceeds to collect drops… Continue reading Coca Cola Tests COVID-19 Positive In Austrian Parliament
COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud
COVID 19, and the subsequent governmental responses, appear to be part of an international conspiracy to commit fraud. It seems there is no evidence that a virus called SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called COVID 19. Sometimes you have to go with your gut. I am not an expert in genetics and, as ever, stand to… Continue reading COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud
Are Viruses the Cause or Effect of Disease, or Are They Even Real?
Publications PROM About Contact Us Are Viruses the Cause or Effect of Disease, or Are They Even Real? Published on June 12, 2021 Written by John O’Sullivan As COVID19 is shown not to be an infectious and deadly viral pathogen, key flaws in the pandemic’s accepted scientific narrative are being addressed. If a virus… Continue reading Are Viruses the Cause or Effect of Disease, or Are They Even Real?
Canadians Escape From Calgary’s COVID Prison Hotel | February 4th 2021
Christine Massey: FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever – Fluoride Free Peel Would a sane person mix a patient sample (containing various sources of genetic material and never proven to contain any particular virus) with transfected monkey kidney cells, fetal bovine serum and toxic drugs, then… Continue reading Christine Massey: FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
WHO green-lights mRNA vaccine experimentation on pregnant women and newborn infants – January 2021
In early January, the World Health Organization (WHO) concurred that pregnant women should not receive experimental mRNA vaccines, due to insufficient safety data. By the end of the month, WHO reversed its recommendation and joined the U.S. CDC in promoting experimental mRNA vaccines for pregnant women. Great Britain is already getting the green light to serve up pregnant… Continue reading WHO green-lights mRNA vaccine experimentation on pregnant women and newborn infants – January 2021
Yes, the rushed-to-market Covid “spike protein” vaccine means an unpredictable, genetically engineered and mutated virus fragment is being injected into your blood – Feb 2021
Ofcourse there’s no virus there wasn’t one ever proven to exist for this big farce and fake pandemic but indeed the jabs are the death stabs. Clinical trial geeks posing as journalists manipulate the language around the dirty and experimental methods used today to manufacture vaccines. Online, all the vaccine hucksters are trying to convince… Continue reading Yes, the rushed-to-market Covid “spike protein” vaccine means an unpredictable, genetically engineered and mutated virus fragment is being injected into your blood – Feb 2021