These are a few patents you can look up to debunk those who say Govts are their saviours and won’t do any harm to them thus telling you that such technologies do not exist, show them these patents. Note: Please. Do not tamper with the above link.

5G Hidden Dangers How telecom, Govts and Electric Power Supplies suppress the truth. Note: Please. Do not tamper with the above link.

GeoEngineering / Climate Control / Weather Modification See for yourself and Wake Up.

This is a very profound in nature documentary on the subject of weather modification aka geo engineering aka Chemtrails. Please do watch, download and spread the word. Note: Please do not tamper with the above links. They are being monitored 24/7.

An outstanding Documenatry on EMF/5G Health Hazards by Sacha Stone

Please open the following link, watch, download and share.