Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses

This is a very very well researched piece of information on the harm caused by this poison so wake up fools… Before it’s too late, yeah it’s already late ! What’s Causing This Phenomenon? The phenomenon of MAC emissions from people “vaccinated” against Covid is an alarming fact that demonstrates a cause-and-effect relationship, Corona2Inspect wrote.… Continue reading Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses

Wuhan: back to the beginning, where the whole fraud started; buried revelations by Jon Rappoport

I recently went back to my original articles on COVID. They contain very significant information about the situation in Wuhan, in early 2020, when the false pandemic was first declared. Readers need to grasp a central point I’ve been making for the past year and a half: what is being called COVID is not one disease. For… Continue reading Wuhan: back to the beginning, where the whole fraud started; buried revelations by Jon Rappoport

The failure to prove the virus exists by Jon Rappoport

Over a year ago, I proposed (insisted on) a procedure to prove SARS-COV-2 exists. This procedure is essential—and needless to say, it hasn’t been done, and will never be done. Why? Because the outcome could completely and utterly destroy the COVID narrative. Here is the procedure: You line up 500 people who have been diagnosed with… Continue reading The failure to prove the virus exists by Jon Rappoport

The vaccinated sheep are being taken for a ride; how long before they jump off the train? Never? by Jon Rappoport

Here’s how it goes, Mr. Jones. First, they told you the vaccine was your way out of the dark, out of the lockdowns. And if enough of you took the shot, the pandemic would be over. So you lined up and took the jab. And you took the second dose. THEN they said wait. You could still transmit… Continue reading The vaccinated sheep are being taken for a ride; how long before they jump off the train? Never? by Jon Rappoport

Drone strikes to murder Americans who refuse spike protein shots? All non-vaxxers now labeled BIO-TERRORISTS by the Covid-vaccinated talking heads on MSNBC

First, it was the “War on Terror,” where every American was supposed to be terrified of those “evil do’ers” that took over airplanes and turned them into weapons of mass destruction, even though there’s not one single airport security video of any of the supposed 19 terrorists of 9/11. Now comes the “War on Covid,”… Continue reading Drone strikes to murder Americans who refuse spike protein shots? All non-vaxxers now labeled BIO-TERRORISTS by the Covid-vaccinated talking heads on MSNBC