Aryan Christ – From OrdoAbChao – by David Livingstone

Tavistock Institute Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, almost exactly nine months after the gruesome murders of by Jack the Ripper, as if the killings were part of some dark ritual performed by the Golden Dawn to bring about the birth of some sort of “mind-controlled” messiah of chaos, and Aleister Crowley must… Continue reading Aryan Christ – From OrdoAbChao – by David Livingstone

Why They Killed Gaddafi – Gold Dinar – Freedom from Debt – Water – Oil – Social Policies – Zionism

There are many reasons – First a gallery of some images related to each reason (click to enlarge).   He eliminated Usury / Debt Slavery and the influence of the Jewish Zionist Bankers “On assuming power in 1969 Mu’ammar Muhammad al-Qathafi took control of most of the economic activities in the country, including the central… Continue reading Why They Killed Gaddafi – Gold Dinar – Freedom from Debt – Water – Oil – Social Policies – Zionism

Shills, Spooks, and Sufis in the service of Empire: The Case of the Maryamiyyah

Fritjof Schuon The Greatest Name shall do its thing, O heart, be of good cheer. For by wile and guile the demon shall never become Solomon. ~ Hafiz The following is an augmented version of an article that was originally published by CounterPunch on 2 November 2016. The piece was subsequently taken down by its… Continue reading Shills, Spooks, and Sufis in the service of Empire: The Case of the Maryamiyyah

Did FDA really approve the Pfizer COVID vaccine? Wait. What? by Jon Rappoport

The pressure is building. “Take the vaccine.” Many people are looking for a successful way to refuse the COVID vaccine in situations where the shots are mandated. I fully support such efforts. Some people believe they can make the argument that the FDA didn’t actually give full approval to the Pfizer vaccine on August 23rd. Therefore, these people… Continue reading Did FDA really approve the Pfizer COVID vaccine? Wait. What? by Jon Rappoport

The Human Heart, Not Vaccines by Jon Rappoport

“Once this meta program of culture becomes dominant, it shapes our experience into an arbitrary and parallel counterfeit of that which is real. Once this meta program takes over our perceptual apparatus, it is the only mode we have for interacting with reality. Once that happens we can’t question our culturally conditioned state, since that… Continue reading The Human Heart, Not Vaccines by Jon Rappoport

Ibn Taymiyya, and the Occult Origins of the Salafi Movement

Despite the horrors associated with “Shariah,” those instances represent aberrations perpetrated by radical factions of the religion created specifically to malign the reputation of Islam. With the increase of her power through her colonial possessions, Britain sought to undermine the great power of the time, the Islamic empire of the Ottoman Turks. To pursue their… Continue reading Ibn Taymiyya, and the Occult Origins of the Salafi Movement