FDA Accidentally Reveals List Of Covid Vaccine Side Effects (Myocarditis, Autoimmune Disease & Death)

An FDA slideshow presentation regarding Covid vaccines last year accidentally displayed a long list of possible adverse reactions to the vaccine, including myocarditis, seizures and even death. by Adan Salazar The slide, showing the FDA’s draft list of “possible adverse event outcomes,” appeared briefly during a public meeting by the US Food and Drug Administration’s Product Advisory Committee on Oct,… Continue reading FDA Accidentally Reveals List Of Covid Vaccine Side Effects (Myocarditis, Autoimmune Disease & Death)

TRICKSTER FAUCI: moves goal posts AGAIN, now says 90% vaccination is necessary to reach covid “herd immunity”

After claiming for the longest time that only 70 percent of Americans needed to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) in order to “stop the spread,” fake television “doctor” Tony Fauci is now insisting that the true figure is more like 90 percent. Speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies the other… Continue reading TRICKSTER FAUCI: moves goal posts AGAIN, now says 90% vaccination is necessary to reach covid “herd immunity”

US Physicians will now lose their medical license for reporting vaccine injuries and providing informed consent to patients

When physicians receive their medical license, they must pronounce their intellectual devotion and allegiance to the vaccine industry and its myriad of false narratives. Any healthcare professional who dares question “the science” risks losing their medical license. Any doctor who speaks out-of-line against forceful vaccine propaganda could be stripped of their title; their career destroyed;… Continue reading US Physicians will now lose their medical license for reporting vaccine injuries and providing informed consent to patients

Pfizer document describes vaccine “shedding” from person to person by Jon Rappoport

Pop quiz: During their clinical trial… If Pfizer insists that certain unvaccinated persons who come into contact with a vaccinated person creates a… SAFETY SITUATION that must be reported to Pfizer within 24 hours… Would you say that implies… The transfer of vaccine components from person to person can occur? If you answered YES, you… Continue reading Pfizer document describes vaccine “shedding” from person to person by Jon Rappoport

France threatens to imprison restaurant owners who serve the “unvaccinated”

Emmanuel Macron’s “big stick” approach to enforcing his mandatory Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” program is already threatening some restaurant owners with possible arrest. Restaurants that refuse to check patrons’ Chinese Virus injection cards or smartphone apps at the door could face prosecution by the state for failing to keep everyone “safe” against Chinese Germs. After… Continue reading France threatens to imprison restaurant owners who serve the “unvaccinated”

Alert: “Delta” virus FEAR FACTOR rising thanks to full media propaganda campaign based on zero science

Supposedly, the World Health Organization is “tracking and monitoring” the Delta variant around the world. We are all supposed to be shaking in our boots 24/7 due to Delta’s so very high “transmissibility” rate, according to the latest experts (pharma shill of the week). Delta is even “more efficient” at spreading than the Alpha variant,… Continue reading Alert: “Delta” virus FEAR FACTOR rising thanks to full media propaganda campaign based on zero science

Turning flu cases into COVID through manipulation—easy as pie by Jon Rappoport

Since 1988, I’ve been pointing out that relabeling and repackaging disease is standard operating procedure in the field of “pandemic medicine.” And now we have this, from FOX News (7/25/21): “But while cases of COVID-19 soared nationwide, hospitalizations and deaths caused by influenza dropped.” “According to data released by the CDC earlier this month, influenza… Continue reading Turning flu cases into COVID through manipulation—easy as pie by Jon Rappoport

Supreme Court: Pfizer, Moderna et al. may own your genes once you’re injected with their lab-created mRNA, DNA

WASHINGTON, D.C. — This article is prefaced with a shout-out to the good Dr. Carrie Madej (maa-DAY). She is one of thousands of doctors and scientists worldwide suddenly labeled “conspiracy theorists” and “disinformation” by mainstream and social media. Dr. Madej tells peer-reviewed truth about COVID-19 and experimental shots. She is still on Twitter and Facebook… Continue reading Supreme Court: Pfizer, Moderna et al. may own your genes once you’re injected with their lab-created mRNA, DNA

New York man Who called non-vaccinated “idiots” and “morons,” dead

Written by thecovidblog.com   33-year-old New Yorker Jordan Hayes, who described people who declined the Covid vaccines as idiots and morons has died following being vaccinated.   Hayes received his first dose of experimental mRNA on or around February 23, according to his Facebook page. It’s unclear which shot he received. But Pfizer and Moderna… Continue reading New York man Who called non-vaccinated “idiots” and “morons,” dead

Dear vaccinated people: Are you angry yet?

By now, you have probably heard the news from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are a total failure. And one thing many people really want to know is what the “fully vaccinated” think about this. The jabbed were, after all, told that getting the Trump Vaccine would “stop the… Continue reading Dear vaccinated people: Are you angry yet?