The failure to prove the virus exists by Jon Rappoport

Over a year ago, I proposed (insisted on) a procedure to prove SARS-COV-2 exists. This procedure is essential—and needless to say, it hasn’t been done, and will never be done. Why? Because the outcome could completely and utterly destroy the COVID narrative. Here is the procedure: You line up 500 people who have been diagnosed with… Continue reading The failure to prove the virus exists by Jon Rappoport

The vaccinated sheep are being taken for a ride; how long before they jump off the train? Never? by Jon Rappoport

Here’s how it goes, Mr. Jones. First, they told you the vaccine was your way out of the dark, out of the lockdowns. And if enough of you took the shot, the pandemic would be over. So you lined up and took the jab. And you took the second dose. THEN they said wait. You could still transmit… Continue reading The vaccinated sheep are being taken for a ride; how long before they jump off the train? Never? by Jon Rappoport

Fauci now wants to mandate jabs for children

This Jesuit mad dog needs a bullet ! – A A doctor accused about this bastard 30 years ago

Official U.S. Government Stats on COVID Vaccines: 13,627 Deaths 2,826,646 Injuries 1,429 Fetal Deaths in Pregnant Women

Ofcourse these are not the real statistics… The real data might be touching millions for deaths alone – A According to the most recent stats released by the CDC this past Friday, August 27, 2021, their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded more than twice as many deaths following COVID-19 shots during… Continue reading Official U.S. Government Stats on COVID Vaccines: 13,627 Deaths 2,826,646 Injuries 1,429 Fetal Deaths in Pregnant Women

CDC/FDA smoking gun of smoking guns by Jon Rappoport

They confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus; they “contrived” a model by pretending to find what they wanted to find; it’s called a self-fulfilling prophecy This is the con and the crime that drove millions of lives, and economies, into ruin The CDC has issued a document that… Continue reading CDC/FDA smoking gun of smoking guns by Jon Rappoport

American Scientists Confirm Toxic Graphene Oxide, and More, in Covid Injections

It is a human right, and global law governed under the Nuremberg Code, that vaccine specific ingredient information is disclosed.  It is critical, required and necessary information so anyone, from any country in the world, can make an informed decision whether or not to consent to medical intervention.  Because the full list of ingredients of… Continue reading American Scientists Confirm Toxic Graphene Oxide, and More, in Covid Injections

Bombshell: PCR tests can’t identify Delta Variant; it’s all fiction And yes, I know what all the “fact-checkers” are saying by Jon Rappoport

Oooo. The Delta Variant. It’s everywhere. Watch out. It’s under your rug. It’s in the clothes closet. It’s on your toothbrush. And it’s The Unvaccinated who are spreading it. Those devils. We, who are pure, must be protected from the unvaxxed Unclean. Fauci, god of soccer moms, rises every morning saying DELTA, goes on television saying DELTA, and goes to sleep… Continue reading Bombshell: PCR tests can’t identify Delta Variant; it’s all fiction And yes, I know what all the “fact-checkers” are saying by Jon Rappoport

Did FDA really approve the Pfizer COVID vaccine? Wait. What? by Jon Rappoport

The pressure is building. “Take the vaccine.” Many people are looking for a successful way to refuse the COVID vaccine in situations where the shots are mandated. I fully support such efforts. Some people believe they can make the argument that the FDA didn’t actually give full approval to the Pfizer vaccine on August 23rd. Therefore, these people… Continue reading Did FDA really approve the Pfizer COVID vaccine? Wait. What? by Jon Rappoport

The Human Heart, Not Vaccines by Jon Rappoport

“Once this meta program of culture becomes dominant, it shapes our experience into an arbitrary and parallel counterfeit of that which is real. Once this meta program takes over our perceptual apparatus, it is the only mode we have for interacting with reality. Once that happens we can’t question our culturally conditioned state, since that… Continue reading The Human Heart, Not Vaccines by Jon Rappoport

The Germ Theory Deception – Viruses, 5G , Vaccines, ‘coronavirus’, PCR test – Pinned/Sticky Post

In case you do not see the images loading properly please open the source link at the very bottom of this article. It’s a remarkable and an outstanding compilation on the COV!D nonsense, whoever did this I salute sir… Thank you kindly – A Sections: 1. – Introduction. 2. – Germ Theory / Terrain Theory… Continue reading The Germ Theory Deception – Viruses, 5G , Vaccines, ‘coronavirus’, PCR test – Pinned/Sticky Post


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