Tanzania’s Late President Magufuli: “Science Denier” or Threat to Empire?

This is an old article orignally posted on unlimited hangout website by Jeremy Loffredo & Whitney Webb While his COVID-19 policies have dominated media coverage regarding his disappearance and suspicious death, Tanzania’s John Magufuli was hated by the Western elites for much more than his rebuke of lockdowns and mask mandates. In particular, his efforts… Continue reading Tanzania’s Late President Magufuli: “Science Denier” or Threat to Empire?

SWIFT begins preparing for centrally-controlled digital currencies

A personal thought stay away from these fictitious illegitimate fraudulent means of financial control system… You have been warned ! Invest in something having it’s value intrinsically preserved – A Government-controlled currencies. SWIFT, a platform that facilitates cross-border payments, has announced that it has begun testing cross-border payments using central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). “We’re… Continue reading SWIFT begins preparing for centrally-controlled digital currencies

Taiwan combines vaccine passport with digital ID number

Are other countries destined to do the same? Taiwan’s digital COVID-19 certificate, used to verify testing and vaccination status, will now include the individual’s national ID number, reported the Taipei Times. The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said that the digital vaccine certificates, rolled out on January 1 this year, will now include the national… Continue reading Taiwan combines vaccine passport with digital ID number

Monkeypox: Scenarios, Germ Games and Vaccines

All the monkey business you want to know about the player in the game of germs… We live in a world where we know the cure before it’s sickness invention… It appears that western governments and media are running with what Bill Gates foreshadowed as ‘the next pandemic’. This latest ‘zoonotic’ sensation appears to be… Continue reading Monkeypox: Scenarios, Germ Games and Vaccines

Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses

This is a very very well researched piece of information on the harm caused by this poison so wake up fools… Before it’s too late, yeah it’s already late ! What’s Causing This Phenomenon? The phenomenon of MAC emissions from people “vaccinated” against Covid is an alarming fact that demonstrates a cause-and-effect relationship, Corona2Inspect wrote.… Continue reading Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses

COV!D shrinking words to create mind control – Jon Rapopport

When you have the media in partnership with the State, you can repeat certain words over and over, day after day, and achieve mass mind control. Key words: virus; spread; lockdowns; masks; social distancing; test; cases; hospitalizations; deaths; government; anti-vaxxers. And of course: doctor. These words become a line of rocks in a stream. The television viewer… Continue reading COV!D shrinking words to create mind control – Jon Rapopport

SARco Soul Sucker from SwitSARland land of the SAR

Please watch following with paying attention to what Mr. Sean has to disclose about the Pharoahs and their regime ! Thank you Mr. Hross you nailed it again ! The corruption knows no limits to them… Just like the Holy Quran prophecised ! But your Alims, Maulanas, Mutis are blind ! – A   https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=igBBtx9VCXg

The Satanic Minds of Software Engineers/Developers and how they influence the software regularly – Mark Passio

His research directly coincides with mine own,,, I have been warning developers across the globe for more than a decade now… All of them went deaf when confronted with this sane, outstanding and brilliant research… Although Mark is not a pure software engineer… but still he managed brilliantly and paid attention to the overall holistic… Continue reading The Satanic Minds of Software Engineers/Developers and how they influence the software regularly – Mark Passio

Boosters: how to kill more people with impunity And what is the secret ingredient in the Pfizer vaccine? by Jon Rappoport

PART ONE Out of a jumble of announcements from the CDC and the FDA, a few decisions are emerging: The US government will recommend COVID booster shots for people 65 and older; people between 50 and 64 who have underlying medical conditions; and, as the Daily Mail reports, “people who live in institutional settings that… Continue reading Boosters: how to kill more people with impunity And what is the secret ingredient in the Pfizer vaccine? by Jon Rappoport

Wuhan: back to the beginning, where the whole fraud started; buried revelations by Jon Rappoport

I recently went back to my original articles on COVID. They contain very significant information about the situation in Wuhan, in early 2020, when the false pandemic was first declared. Readers need to grasp a central point I’ve been making for the past year and a half: what is being called COVID is not one disease. For… Continue reading Wuhan: back to the beginning, where the whole fraud started; buried revelations by Jon Rappoport