It is a human right, and global law governed under the Nuremberg Code, that vaccine specific ingredient information is disclosed. It is critical, required and necessary information so anyone, from any country in the world, can make an informed decision whether or not to consent to medical intervention. Because the full list of ingredients of… Continue reading American Scientists Confirm Toxic Graphene Oxide, and More, in Covid Injections
Category: pcr-fraud
; Smoking gun: Fauci states COVID PCR test has fatal flaw; confession from the “beloved” expert of experts : The COVID PCR test is a complete fraud by Jon Rappoport
Smoking gun: Fauci states COVID PCR test has fatal flaw; confession from the “beloved” expert of experts. The COVID PCR test is a complete fraud by Jon Rappoport NOTE: I’ve posted this article several times. I post it again because so-called “rising COVID case numbers” are being touted as justification for masking and other restrictions,… Continue reading ; Smoking gun: Fauci states COVID PCR test has fatal flaw; confession from the “beloved” expert of experts : The COVID PCR test is a complete fraud by Jon Rappoport
The Germ Theory Deception – Viruses, 5G , Vaccines, ‘coronavirus’, PCR test – Pinned/Sticky Post
In case you do not see the images loading properly please open the source link at the very bottom of this article. It’s a remarkable and an outstanding compilation on the COV!D nonsense, whoever did this I salute sir… Thank you kindly – A Sections: 1. – Introduction. 2. – Germ Theory / Terrain Theory… Continue reading The Germ Theory Deception – Viruses, 5G , Vaccines, ‘coronavirus’, PCR test – Pinned/Sticky Post
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: 49-year-old New York woman develops life-threatening skin-rotting disorder one week after Pfizer mRNA injection
“Despite the findings, the Saudi researchers convluded that “vaccine” benefits outweigh the risks, and encouraged everyone to receive the injections.” ↓ SERIOUSLY !!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME ??? RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA — A 49-year-old woman is on the mend after developing a disturbing post-injection immune-mediated skin disorder. Researchers at the Prince Mohammed Bin… Continue reading Toxic epidermal necrolysis: 49-year-old New York woman develops life-threatening skin-rotting disorder one week after Pfizer mRNA injection
Where we are heading and the planned agenda
Here I will present some interesting facts that show that what we are experiencing now is a planned “crisis” that got nothing to do with health or a “virus” but that it’s part of a much greater and older agenda for the purpose of total surveillance and control of the environment and human activity. In… Continue reading Where we are heading and the planned agenda
“Vaccine Envy” is latest propaganda campaign being disseminated by mainstream media April 8, 2021 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Whether people like to admit it or not, a vast majority are susceptible to well-framed propaganda and media narratives. Take actor Morgan Freeman, for instance. He won an Image Award for his role as God in the 2003 religious comedy “Bruce Almighty.” He reprised the role in the… Continue reading “Vaccine Envy” is latest propaganda campaign being disseminated by mainstream media
Repeat after me: “The PCR tests don’t work!”
The pandemic is only as real as the test, and test is a dice role. Catte Black The PCR tests don’t work to diagnose active infection with covid19. We all keep saying that don’t we, but we don’t seem able to grasp what it means, because even though we know PCR tests don’t work to… Continue reading Repeat after me: “The PCR tests don’t work!”
A Mass Deception Of Virology & Vaccines: Case Proven?
Last year we posted an article that triggered both ridicule and debate. It dared to question the accepted narrative of viruses and vaccines; that COVID19 did not exist and terrain theory would topple germ theory when the world awakens from the nonsense of the fake pandemic. Is the passage of time vindicating us? Today, a… Continue reading A Mass Deception Of Virology & Vaccines: Case Proven?
The Only Thing Covid-19 Test Kits Are Good for is Illegally Collecting and Surveilling Human DNA
In 2020, human populations were thoroughly convinced that they could eradicate viruses from the universe by assuming everyone was sick and by avoiding human interaction. by Lance D Johnson Lock downs, business restrictions, mask mandates and social distancing guidelines promised safety from “the virus.” Human populations were taught that collective avoidance was the most empathetic response,… Continue reading The Only Thing Covid-19 Test Kits Are Good for is Illegally Collecting and Surveilling Human DNA
Are Viruses the Cause or Effect of Disease, or Are They Even Real?
Publications PROM About Contact Us Are Viruses the Cause or Effect of Disease, or Are They Even Real? Published on June 12, 2021 Written by John O’Sullivan As COVID19 is shown not to be an infectious and deadly viral pathogen, key flaws in the pandemic’s accepted scientific narrative are being addressed. If a virus… Continue reading Are Viruses the Cause or Effect of Disease, or Are They Even Real?