Bombshell: PCR tests can’t identify Delta Variant; it’s all fiction And yes, I know what all the “fact-checkers” are saying by Jon Rappoport

Oooo. The Delta Variant. It’s everywhere. Watch out. It’s under your rug. It’s in the clothes closet. It’s on your toothbrush. And it’s The Unvaccinated who are spreading it. Those devils. We, who are pure, must be protected from the unvaxxed Unclean. Fauci, god of soccer moms, rises every morning saying DELTA, goes on television saying DELTA, and goes to sleep… Continue reading Bombshell: PCR tests can’t identify Delta Variant; it’s all fiction And yes, I know what all the “fact-checkers” are saying by Jon Rappoport

The Germ Theory Deception – Viruses, 5G , Vaccines, ‘coronavirus’, PCR test – Pinned/Sticky Post

In case you do not see the images loading properly please open the source link at the very bottom of this article. It’s a remarkable and an outstanding compilation on the COV!D nonsense, whoever did this I salute sir… Thank you kindly – A Sections: 1. – Introduction. 2. – Germ Theory / Terrain Theory… Continue reading The Germ Theory Deception – Viruses, 5G , Vaccines, ‘coronavirus’, PCR test – Pinned/Sticky Post

Toxic epidermal necrolysis: 49-year-old New York woman develops life-threatening skin-rotting disorder one week after Pfizer mRNA injection

“Despite the findings, the Saudi researchers convluded that “vaccine” benefits outweigh the risks, and encouraged everyone to receive the injections.” ↓ SERIOUSLY !!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME ???   RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA — A 49-year-old woman is on the mend after developing a disturbing post-injection immune-mediated skin disorder. Researchers at the Prince Mohammed Bin… Continue reading Toxic epidermal necrolysis: 49-year-old New York woman develops life-threatening skin-rotting disorder one week after Pfizer mRNA injection

US Physicians will now lose their medical license for reporting vaccine injuries and providing informed consent to patients

When physicians receive their medical license, they must pronounce their intellectual devotion and allegiance to the vaccine industry and its myriad of false narratives. Any healthcare professional who dares question “the science” risks losing their medical license. Any doctor who speaks out-of-line against forceful vaccine propaganda could be stripped of their title; their career destroyed;… Continue reading US Physicians will now lose their medical license for reporting vaccine injuries and providing informed consent to patients

Dear vaccinated people: Are you angry yet?

By now, you have probably heard the news from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are a total failure. And one thing many people really want to know is what the “fully vaccinated” think about this. The jabbed were, after all, told that getting the Trump Vaccine would “stop the… Continue reading Dear vaccinated people: Are you angry yet?

Developing, Mastering and Weaponizing new technology to control you By Preston James, Ph.D – August 6, 2018

Not only has the Ruling Cabal deployed its newly developed high technology to spy on us all, but has weaponized it to entrain the minds of the masses to conform to their Globalist NWO Agenda and policies.   . The actual total is considered classified but you can bet it is now very near to… Continue reading Developing, Mastering and Weaponizing new technology to control you By Preston James, Ph.D – August 6, 2018

The Human Microchipping Agenda

This is an old article from 2013 by Humans Are Free but still discusses and takes into account all the sinister agendas that were kept in mind while designing these chips – A Would You Like A CHIP To Go With That Hot Dog?  When I was recently at the local SPCA office to adopt… Continue reading The Human Microchipping Agenda